Trump is Confirmed as President

Jesus loved everyone, but, much of the Progressive agenda contradicts what is stated in the New Testament. Especially with regards to social policy, read Corinthians.

Read what Jesus actually said in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John then try to convince me wasn't a Progressive.
I don't think you have to be conservative or liberal. It's not black and white and there are many different colors to ideologies. I've said before I mainly vote conservative because out of those who can potentially win an elected position, they hold the closest form to my own ideals. I am however avidly not a liberal.
I want everyone to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest extent possible. That includes liberals. It just can't be at other people's expense.

I know now that logical and rational thought processes mean little to nothing to some people. I can't fathom this but understand there are simply different competing perspectives in this life. I just don't want to be on a ship with a captain who wants to head into a hurricane because he thinks it will "feel" good. I swear I will fight tooth an nail to keep that from happening. It's a poor analogy but that's what it feels like when dealing with nonrational minds.
The idea that Obama wants to start world war three over what amounts to nothing more than hearsay at this point concerning Russia having manipulated the election would be astonishing if itwasn't coming from the insane left.
"Hacking" firstly is a b.s. term. Democrats sent emails and got caught lying and manipulating the voting process. Now they want to cry about the fact they've been shown to be liars, cheats and manipulators. "Russia is so bad"...Russia didn't make you what you are.
What a small sad child Obama has proven to be.
It takes two politicians to change a light bulb: one to change it, and another to change it back.

I'd like to think the faster politicians can get the edge on the next guy and change 2, maybe 3 lightbulbs before their successor gets inside.
Why not replace the light source?
Progressing right towards the apocalypse.
Apocalypse has a religious connotation I don't agree with. If you are referencing a economic implosion and countries falling into world war then...yes we are headed that direction.
The thing is, the world is built upon shakey ground in the first place. What drives people to do anything. Why doesn't everything just fall into chaos as an every man for himself thing in the first place? Because sane people see that grouping together is the only way you will make it to the other side.
Liberals are fighting to destroy that exact understanding even though they themselves don't understand that's what they are doing.
I'm giving 15 years until major world wide blood shed starts. I currently can't guess at nuclear exchange though I do think counties like North Korea and Iran will detonate as many nuclear devices as they have and can.
The idea that Obama wants to start world war three over what amounts to nothing more than hearsay at this point concerning Russia having manipulated the election would be astonishing if itwasn't coming from the insane left.
"Hacking" firstly is a b.s. term. Democrats sent emails and got caught lying and manipulating the voting process. Now they want to cry about the fact they've been shown to be liars, cheats and manipulators. "Russia is so bad"...Russia didn't make you what you are.
What a small sad child Obama has proven to be.

The notion of 'Obama wanting to start a war' is ridiculous.

He's just a PR frontman (as every president since Kennedy has been).

He's naught but an operative of higher powers, bought and blackmailed into submission. (As all pawns are).

I personally have been trying to establish who is pulling the strings, and attempting to provoke a war with Russia.. Obama, and his mentors are Alynskyites, and domestic terrorists of the likes of the Weather Underground, sponsered by British crown agents , who subscribe to the Anglo-Israel Myth.

Some connections are missing , but I feel like that should read 'Aryan-Israel myth'.

I need to brainstorm some things.

ISGP Studies have done some phenomenal work on some of the Establishment factions : Neo Liberal, Conservative, Vatican Pan Europa , and Zionists. But of course, the collaborations among the factioms can be difficult to ascertain.
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The notion of 'Obama wanting to start a war' is ridiculous.

He's just a PR frontman (as every president since Kennedy has been).

He's naught but an operative of higher powers, bought and blackmailed into submission. (As all pawns are).

I personally have been trying to establish who is pulling the strings, and attempting to provoke a war with Russia.. Obama, and his mentors are Alynskyites, and domestic terrorists of the likes of the Weather Underground, sponsered by British crown agents , who subscribe to the Anglo-Israel Myth.

Some connections are missing , but I feel like that should read 'Aryan-Israel myth'.

I need to brainstorm some things.

ISGP Studies have done some phenomenal work on some of the Establishment factions : Neo Liberal, Conservative, Vatican Pan Europa , and Zionists. But of course, the collaborations among the factioms can be difficult to ascertain.
Interesting. So you feel as if it goes beyond the blank stare of Pelosi and the like?
Interesting. So you feel as if it goes beyond the blank stare of Pelosi and the like?

Apocalypse has a religious connotation I don't agree with. If you are referencing a economic implosion and countries falling into world war then...yes we are headed that direction.
The thing is, the world is built upon shakey ground in the first place. What drives people to do anything. Why doesn't everything just fall into chaos as an every man for himself thing in the first place? Because sane people see that grouping together is the only way you will make it to the other side.
Liberals are fighting to destroy that exact understanding even though they themselves don't understand that's what they are doing.
I'm giving 15 years until major world wide blood shed starts. I currently can't guess at nuclear exchange though I do think counties like North Korea and Iran will detonate as many nuclear devices as they have and can.

Well my comment was a reply to the main figurehead of a major world religion so...

Secondly, major world wide bloodshed is already going on. Welcome to the world.
Well my comment was a reply to the main figurehead of a major world religion so...

Secondly, major world wide bloodshed is already going on. Welcome to the world.
Yes. My prediction is billions dead in a few short years though..close to half the world's population. And those that don't die are going to have a very different world to live in.