Trump Promotes Torture


Drumph 2016!​
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the fact that the US government is not chosen for the people and by the people anymore but because the US government is bought by corporations.

Hell…people here in Murica still think that if we cut taxes on the rich they will create more jobs…pure idiocy.
the fact that the US government is not chosen for the people and by the people anymore but because the US government is bought by corporations.

What's interesting is that Trump will say that he has bought politicians just the same. Yet he leads.

People think because he is a billionaire that he is some kind of saviour. Because he runs a business and has billions that he can lead a country. Never mind he's filed bankruptcy on his businesses multiple times...
the fact that the US government is not chosen for the people and by the people anymore but because the US government is bought by corporations.

A lot of Trump supporters view the world from this perspective.
A lot of Trump supporters view the world from this perspective.

Hmm well I've not seen a single candidate worth voting for the past few elections, but this time, there are certain doom and gloom options like Clinton and Trump X)
(besides trump just shouts controversial stuff to get heard. He doesn't care.)
Honestly, If I were an american I'd vote for whatever candidate is most orientated towards solving national issues rather than international ones.
Every single candidate that keeps purring on about international issues as their main campaign points obviously is not interested enough in fixing the issues at home.

But hey that's just my opinion :p
Hmm well I've not seen a single candidate worth voting for the past few elections, but this time, there are certain doom and gloom options like Clinton and Trump X)
(besides trump just shouts controversial stuff to get heard. He doesn't care.)
Honestly, If I were an american I'd vote for whatever candidate is most orientated towards solving national issues rather than international ones.
Every single candidate that keeps purring on about international issues as their main campaign points obviously is not interested enough in fixing the issues at home.

But hey that's just my opinion :p

He's a nationalist who talks more about building a wall on the Mexican border than anything else.
He's a nationalist who talks more about building a wall on the Mexican border than anything else.

A wall that is unnecessary.
A wall that Mexico is NOT going to build.
And we aren’t going to round up 11 million immigrants illegal or otherwise and ship them back.

It’s not a real issue….real issues are things like the fact that the US has the most people in prison in the world…and we have the gall to say we are a “free” country.
Or that people still file bankruptcy, the number one reason being medical bills.
Or that you need a college degree but can’t afford it or go into huge debt.
Or that the govt. is perfectly fine with the corporate welfare state even though there is $21 Trillion in non-taxable income because they’re parked in some shelter island.
Or maybe it’s because we have 80% of the US public fighting over just 7% of the wealth available while the rest goes to hedge fund managers and the like.
Or how about the estimated 65,000 bridges in the US deemed “unsafe”.

Fuck that…you know Trump speaks at the lowest grade level of any of the candidates we have- what does that say?
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Hell…people here in Murica still think that if we cut taxes on the rich they will create more jobs…pure idiocy.

Its not about cutting taxes...its about why were they raised to an unreasonable amount in the first place?
A wall that is unnecessary.
A wall that Mexico is NOT going to build.
And we aren’t going to round up 11 million immigrants illegal or otherwise and ship them back.

It’s not a real issue….real issues are things like the fact that the US has the most people in prison in the world…and we have the gall to say we are a “free” country.
Or that people still file bankruptcy, the number one reason being medical bills.
Or that you need a college degree but can’t afford it or go into huge debt.
Or that the govt. is perfectly fine with the corporate welfare state even though there is $21 Trillion in non-taxable income because they’re parked in some shelter island.
Or maybe it’s because we have 80% of the US public fighting over just 7% of the wealth available while the rest goes to hedge fund managers and the like.
Or how about the estimated 65,000 bridges in the US deemed “unsafe”.

Fuck that…you know Trump speaks at the lowest grade level of any of the candidates we have- what does that say?

We could use some of those prisoners to rebuild our bridges. What do you think?
A wall that is unnecessary.
A wall that Mexico is NOT going to build.
And we aren’t going to round up 11 million immigrants illegal or otherwise and ship them back.

It’s not a real issue….real issues are things like the fact that the US has the most people in prison in the world…and we have the gall to say we are a “free” country.
Or that people still file bankruptcy, the number one reason being medical bills.
Or that you need a college degree but can’t afford it or go into huge debt.
Or that the govt. is perfectly fine with the corporate welfare state even though there is $21 Trillion in non-taxable income because they’re parked in some shelter island.
Or maybe it’s because we have 80% of the US public fighting over just 7% of the wealth available while the rest goes to hedge fund managers and the like.
Or how about the estimated 65,000 bridges in the US deemed “unsafe”.

Fuck that…you know Trump speaks at the lowest grade level of any of the candidates we have- what does that say?

I agree with most of this but why are you singling out Trump. I havent heard any Democrats address any of what you mention here with exception of Sanders saying college should be free. Great idea...I am all for it with exception of the thing all liberals love to overlook. How will it be paid for?
What's interesting is that Trump will say that he has bought politicians just the same. Yet he leads.

People think because he is a billionaire that he is some kind of saviour. Because he runs a business and has billions that he can lead a country. Never mind he's filed bankruptcy on his businesses multiple times...

A deficit like we have is essentially bankrupt, so whats the difference? We only keep going because of the slaughterhouse we could create.
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Its funny I think. Fewer Americans will watch in horror if Trump gets elected then did when Obama got elected.

The people that voted for Obama created Trumps bid. The people that voted for Obama are the people who gave Trump electability.
I agree with most of this but why are you singling out Trump. I havent heard any Democrats address any of what you mention here with exception of Sanders saying college should be free. Great idea...I am all for it with exception of the thing all liberals love to overlook. How will it be paid for?
Because this thread is about “Trump” specifically…that’s why he’s been singled out.
Sander’s actually lists how he’s going to pay for shit…if you want I’ll find you the link.
We could use some of those prisoners to rebuild our bridges. What do you think?

Okay, we could, and we do use prisoners for certain projects around the country.
Still has to get funded.
Prisoners still have to be housed and fed and now basically guarded out in the public against escape.
And then there is public perception - is the bridge as safe as that other one that was built by a private company?
You would also have to completely get rid of for-profit prisons, otherwise there is a huge conflict of interest (there already is) that people are being put into prison in order to have enough workers - sounds more and more like the Socialism you dread.
Bad plan.
Its not about cutting taxes...its about why were they raised to an unreasonable amount in the first place?

Those “unreasonable levels” could probably have been lowered a bit…and in fact were in the 70’s when cost of living went up….then were drastically cut by Reagan to levels that were unsustainable…then cut again by Bush to even more unsustainable levels, our economy crashed and our taxes are still at an unsustainable level both in what we need for government to function (especially if we are going to keep playing World Police) and still give the working/middle class a wage high enough that they don’t need government assistance and the sort.
You know, I watched a show…American Pickers…the other night and they picked this old factory…well in the basement was a full on theater…the owner of this company which employed a good portion of the town built it for his workers to keep them happy. What an amazing incentive at the time, if someone did that for their employees in this day and age…they would be called “nuts”…why waste your money?
Too many people have this “owner-slave” mentality, that the workers aren’t owed a dime for helping to build up a giant in the field, because it was that one guy who actually had the money to start the company…that’s the only difference.
We have no more pension plans man…your retirement is a gamble away on wall street sitting in a 401k 403b 408whateverthefuck.
The banks and investment houses must be separated like they used to be.
We must raise the SS cap to at least $250,000 - problem solved (so long as the govt. keep their mitt off it)
Taxes are still unsustainable…like I said we have 65,000 bridges deemed “unsafe”, we have tons of people out of work…it’s a no brainer.
Everyone is just too chickenshit to stand up to wall street.
How will it be paid for?


These are things we should have already done...​