Super ecstatic about this press conference I am watching with Japan and United States; very interested in the strategy that is being laid out in terms of investment of Japan in U.S. Steel (home grown jobs, relocate the supply chain here) but that's also balancing international connections because that was my main fear of becoming too isolationist/cut off from the global economy. As well as leveraging that relationship with Japan to create a cushion against China. I wish I knew more about foreign politics, to be honest. I know Japan-China have historical issues but no idea what their current deal is now other than I guess Japan allied with USA so thats sort of a big rift.
I actually *love* the daily press conferences and feels productive. I may not agree with everything that happens but the transparency is super cool.
Obviously, the recent developments with Israel-Gaza conflict is a hot topic. I have seen so many takes on both sides, the anger on the left, the sort of cocky way the right is laughing about it. Such an emotional situation. Logistically I want to know how the USA is involved in this, are we sending troops? Or is it just our backing and implication, both financial and potential to move in, that Israel was asking for in order to proceed?
Almost makes me think trying to strengthen stuff with Japan has to do with Taiwan. I mean, with Gaza as it is now, not sure what argument can be made about China not taking hold of Taiwan. I would be more concerned about that if it didn't appear this administration has put heavy emphasis on space development. If we were able to actually mine minerals out there, well, guess Taiwan becomes a little irrelevant, doesn't it? Obviously we aren't there yet, but I am hopeful.
I did find the whole plane coverage thing awful. Trying to stitch together a political agenda into it that had nothing to do with the accident. But that is what happens when you come from media/tv you are always looking for an angle. Sometimes it doesnt fit, that was definitely one of them.
You know, pre 2020 I would have been very upset with this Presidency and distressed every single day by all of this. But 2020 was a real turning point for me. I think others would call me red-pilled in that respect. To be fair, I still regularly consume media from all political perspectives but it stunning how much my political opinions and views have flipped since that time period. I keep waiting to drift back to how I used to think (many of my friends still think that way) but it just doesn't happen. There is some strange sensation you get, when you were 100% on one side and then find yourself almost on 100% the opposite side. Really whiplash.