Trump will win again

So, how's it running up there @USA?

Not an American, but looking decent for Biden imo. At least we can say that he's gonna do better than Hilary did in 2016.

Biden will clinch Wisconsin and Michigan soon, then he only needs Arizona and Nevada to win. Georgia and Pennsylvania will also be close.

It's still too close for my liking though, was hoping it would be over by now.
Biden has now received the largest number of votes ever, and widened his lead over Trump to more than 3 million. This puts his margin against Trump above HRC’s in 2016. Obviously these tallies will keep changing, but this margin is only going to get wider.

Edited: And here comes the lawsuits.

Eventhorizon was never banned for supporting Trump. Rather he was banned for his constant antagonism. Many people tried to get through to him over the years, unfortunately nobody could.

Everyone is allowed to respectfully express their political opinions. This isn't Facebook or Twitter, we're not going to ban people for having "the wrong opinion".
We're also not going to ban people for having unusual beliefs. (Indeed, if we were to ban people for believing in conspiracy theories, half the INFJs would be gone already. ;))
I think Biden is taken out of context in the video. I'm thinking he was referring to the prevention of voter fraud, and not the access to it. ?

@Roses In The Vineyard - That's not conclusive evidence of fraud. See below for an example.

Dead folks voting? At least one's still alive (title links to article)
The date of birth of the still-voting Brewer shows up as Jan. 1, 1900 on voter lists because it is a placeholder used when the election offices don't know someone's birthdate, said Sedgwick County Election Commissioner Bill Gale.

Until the early 1970s, people would simply write their age on the voter registration card, but not a birthdate. In Sedgwick County, about 375 of the county's 260,000 registered voter records don't have specific birthdates.
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