Tugging the Heartstring


find wisdom, build hope.
Whether in media, in our personal relationship, in politics, or in our Facebook feeds...

Some people hate it so much,
and some people actively seeks them.

Do you like having your heartstrings tugged and strummed?
Do you have to know their intentions before being able to decide?
I don't usually mind this. The one exception is probably if I see someone using this as a manipulative technique to push some sort of personal agenda then it would bother me greatly.

If we are talking about highly emotional movies, pieces of art, music, etc, then yes I do seek it out sometimes. Intense emotions inspire me, and I don't like to shelter myself from the skeletons in the closet of humanity. I want the dirty truth even if it causes me pain. Experiencing intense emotions helps me learn more about myself and/or others. I like to dwell on a certain feeling or emotion sometimes, to squeeze insight from it. I've sometimes done this a bit too much though to my own detriment, so there's a fine line to walk there.

I'd much prefer a sincere and strong expression of emotions, even if it was painful to hear, than indifferent silence. There is nothing more unbearable to me than that.
Via art and music, yes.

Through people's internet postings, not so much - I don't seek it out. I don't mind so much if I just happen upon it though.
Yes, I like it lol. It makes me feel reeeeeeaaaaaallllllllll.
Ditto! :bounce:
By movies, art, and the like yes. Facebook, politics, and the like no. Intentions really do play a big role in real life stuff.
Interesting. May you give us some examples?
All the KONY 2012.

On a lesser degree (backed by truth, after all) There have been posts about cruel things like animal cruelty, children abuse floating in my feed.
As for me...I am afraid of it.

Not to say I don't like it; but I'm afraid of its power.
another example of this sort of occurence would be Humans of New York; which stories of real people are all tugging the heartstring (which I unabashedly love too).

Anyway. Resurrecting an old thread with another additional question:
what about personal interaction? Say, a friend telling a sad stories about themselves; or someone trying to present themselves as wounded, or vulnerable, or needing help?
Only if the emotions aren't personal in any way to myself. Impersonal is the name of the game.
When my heartstrings are strummed they play "Don't Fear the Reaper".

Needs more cowbell though.
I usually just ignore it. I see internet as a big tool for marketing and making money. Certain layouts of web pages are psychologically designed to stimulate certain sensor triggers so you feel compelled to buy or invest a bit of money in. I take what I read on news articles as partial truths with also a lot of lies and re-written material that was far from the initial truth. I don't watch the news except BBC News. Even social network posts about someone's bad day or death of a loved one... It is one of those things, I really don't feel a lot unless they actually came to me about it. Like a call on the phone or something. I really think that I genuinely just don't give a shit unless I can read in to the person's eyes and see how truthful the material they are telling me is, and how much confidence they had telling me that is the truth. Because if it was really that important I think their eyes would at least say it all. OH HAY BRENDA did you come to see me so you could sell me Mary Kay or are we chilling today, got any fun stoooories.
My kitten is the only thing that tugs at my heartstrings, so unconditionally.

Apart from that, I would prefer for empathy to run its natural course. I don't react to someone just for the sake of it. If I can relate and I am truly touched, then my empathy will be genuine, and it will reach the other person as so. IF they're just victimizing or ingratiating themselves, then they won't usually get a satisfying reaction from me, only a "I'm sorry to hear that." and "That's great." out of courtesy, but I will remain generally aloof with no desire to connect or follow up.
I tend to live for when it is cheap, I have no money. # first world problems, at least I have the internet. YouTube is the greatest source of free media ever.