Type April

I copied and pasted the words in the link I read... find my own thoughts in RED. Just like Jesus' words... and Cherry popsicles... :p (It's easier this way vs copying and pasting random parts and typing and then copying and pasting again... etc)

On the surface, INFPs and INFJs are very similar. They’re both described as idealistic, moralistic, misunderstood, and empathic, among other things. Because of these shared descriptions, it’s not uncommon for INFJs to mistype as INFPs, and vice versa.

So, let’s take a closer look at some of the differences between INFJs and INFPs:

1. Their differences go beyond just one letter.

The Myers-Briggs personality model is based on Jungian’s cognitive functions, in which each type can be represented by the order of the eight cognitive processes. These functions are Se, Si, Ne, Ni, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi, in which the lower case e or i represents whether the function is directed outwards (extroverted) or inwards (introverted).

For instance, Ne represents Extroverted Intuition, a cognitive function that interprets situations by picking up meanings and connections from external data. In contrast, Ni represents Introverted Intuition, a function that foresees implications and “what will be” apart from external data.

As Heidi Priebe explains, identifying which functions you use–and in what order–is the most accurate way to type yourself or anyone else. So, lets take a look at the INFP’s and INFJ’s functions:

INFP: Introverted Feeling (Fi), Extroverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Sensing (Si), Extroverted Thinking (Te)

INFJ: Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extroverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Thinking (Ti), Extroverted Sensing (Se)

Surprisingly, although INFPs and INFJs are only “different” by one letter, they actually don’t share any of their main functions!

2. INFJs are dominant perceivers, while INFPs are dominant judgers.

The “P” at the end of INFP stands for perceiving, and the “J” at the end of INFJ stands for judging. Yet, these two types have dominant functions that do the opposite! Fi is a Judging function, meaning it approaches life in a structured way, with the goal of controlling one’s environment. Ni is a Perceiving function, meaning it seeks to adapt to the world and understand it. So, at times, INFJs may act like perceivers, unhurriedly observing the world with their only goal being to understand it. Likewise, INFPs can be very decisive and ambitious, especially when they feel motivated and inspired. For this reason, INFJs are often confused for INFPs, and vice versa.
This is where I will start. HOLY CRAP. Why haven't I read this article before? Okay, I have said before, that I crave organization and such, but I don't really implement it often, being too lazy because my housemates are SO messy it gets overwhelming. I approach life outwardly very unstructured and disorganized, but INWARDLY, I crave the order. Outwardly I appear very "P" in this fashion... and I even said earlier (before I read this article) that it even feels like I have no control over the chaos or disorder in my outward life. I cannot for the life of me control my environment. But, I desperately WANT to, and I strive to. It just... doesn't happen :p So here, I am pretty sure I identify with the INFJ side of things, very much so. I do want to unhurriedly take in and understand the world. Yeah, that's me.

3. INFJs are social chameleons, whereas INFPs are highly individualistic.

Ni combined with Fe makes INFJs seek harmony in their relationships. They want to create positive feelings in social situations and avoid conflict. For this reason, INFJs can be social chameleons. They adapt to other people’s personalities, sometimes mirroring other people’s body language, tone of voice, etc., to make them feel more comfortable—and can appear to be quite extroverted. Likewise, INFJs have a profound understanding of human nature, and they seek to convey these visions in a way that other people will be able to easily grasp. INFJs enjoy providing people with guidance and counsel as it gives them more insight into the human condition.
Again, holy crap. I identify with the INFJ side 100% here. I strive so hard to make the others more comfortable. I have said before recently, that I want to leave them in a more positive state than before interacting with me. It's my concern and care for them, and I adapt and mirror them exactly, down to even accents (unintentionally, on that one) I appear extroverted because I don't want them to feel like they are burdening me with their interactions. I constantly try to conform myself to their ways so they can understand me on their level. My utmost desire is to be understood! This is just my way of doing that. But sadly, even that is too complicated for some, because some think this is not authentic. But I don't change who I am, I am my genuine self, just on a level they can understand me. :) (I think my cravings to be understood is the whole purpose of this typing conversation. I think some definitely misunderstand me here, and that is very unsettling.)

Whereas INFJs are social chameleons, INFPs are highly individualistic. INFPs use Fi to live authentically and according to their internal values and feelings. Although INFPs do value harmony in their relationships, unlike INFJs, INFPs are opposed to the notion of sacrificing their individuality simply for the sake of harmony or the greater good. For INFPs, the idea of losing themselves to the homogeneity of the mob is terrifying. They prefer that everyone stays true to themselves. INFPs are also empathic and often find themselves investing in the lives of others, to help people reach their potential and to become their most authentic and ideal selves.
While that is all good for INFPs, I just... don't identify with this at all. I would rather have harmony than individuality.

4. INFJs and INFPs act differently under stress.

For all personality types, the inferior function (fourth function) can manifest uncontrollably when under stress. The INFJ’s inferior function is Extroverted Sensing (Se). Se acts impulsively and focuses on the present moment that takes place in the physical environment. So, stressed INFJs may make decisions without thinking through the long-term ramifications—which is unusual for INFJs, who typically are cautious decision-makers and thoroughly consider the consequences of their actions. INFJs may also overindulge in physical pleasures like eating, drinking alcohol, or shopping.
God, this is me to a T. I do this under stress constantly. I identify with INFJ here, too. I said earlier, I am sometimes impulsive. I also said I tend to overindulge in things I like. It's a way of filling a void... something I can control when I feel like my life is spiraling.

INFPs, on the other hand, exhibit ruthless Extroverted Thinking (Te) when under stress. Te is concerned with organizing, systematizing, applying logic, and creating order and structure. Under stress, INFPs may no longer appear to be their usual compassionate and open-minded selves. Instead they may become cold, critical, and judgmental of themselves and/or other people. For example, they may criticize someone for not doing something in a particular way, picking at their errors and flaws. Hmm, nope,even though I am usually pretty critical of myself.

5. INFJs focus on one major insight, whereas INFPs bounce from idea to idea.
This one is more tricky, I will try to explain.
The goal of Ni is to filter out biases and refine perception to arrive at “one truth.” YES YES YES! Filter out those biases! They mean something, let's dissect them and use that information! Everyone perceives differently, and if you don't take that into consideration, is it really truth you are looking at? Or.. bias? Hmmmmm. Yeah, I love this. This could mean spending a significant amount of time and energy contemplating a single idea and seeing how it fits into a unified system of thought. This is similar to how Plato scrutinized and broke down the various functions of individuals in a society in order to arrive at his ideal state that he describes in Republic.

In contrast, INFPs use Ne to entertain different ideas and possibilities. They are also more comfortable with uncertainty and spontaneity because this is their way of absorbing information from the world. As a result, INFPs may have many hobbies and interests that feed their need to explore new things. They may have a hard time committing to a particular goal, but this trait also makes them flexible and adaptive to the world.
Ok, maybe this one isn't so tricky? I do sometimes bounce from idea to idea, but like I said earlier, its usually for a way to implement the greater idea that is already in my head. I am okay with uncertainty though, because we will never ever understand everything. It's all a great mystery. I do have some hobbies, but I don't have a need to explore new things. I usually like what I like, and get fulfillment from that. So here, I would say that I identify with INFP side maybe 20 percent, and INFJ side 80 percent.
6. INFJs absorb emotions, whereas INFPs mirror them.

INFJs use Fe to tune in to other people’s feelings. They even absorb other people’s emotional states and experience their feelings as if they were their own. Because INFJs are often so focused on other people’s feelings, they can be oblivious to their own feelings—until those feelings become so strong that they can’t ignore them. This is me, 100% I mean... maybe moreso than anything else on this list. Maybe. I get overwhelmed when my feelings finally are known because before, I was getting hints, but now, it's so strong its hitting me in the face, and MUST be dealt with. For instance, when I isolate for so long... I often don't realize I need social interaction until its powerful and I overwhelm people. >.<

INFPs, on the other hand, are very attuned to their own feelings because they use Fi. They can empathize with other people’s emotions like INFJs can, but they do it in a different way—they put themselves in someone else’s shoes and “mirror” the other person’s emotions within themselves. For instance, an INFP would strongly relate to a person’s suffering when they themselves have experienced similar emotions.
Sometimes I feel like I do this too. But.. I definitely identify with the INFJ side lots more here, too.
7. INFJs desire to be understood, while INFPs desire to be validated.
HERE WE GO! I have such a strong desire to be understood, that it often makes people THINK I want validation. In fact, I throw EVERYTHING about me and my true self out there to be dissected BECAUSE I want them (you guys too) to understand me) This sounds like Fe, and not Fi, because if I were an Fi user, I think I would want to keep my inner thoughts and feelings to myself. To not just give myself away like that. And...Don't get me wrong, I do crave validation, but most of the time, I want to feel... included or maybe... just. not so alone. If I could write that a thousand times, I would. To be understood is validating to me. I want people to see me, and agree. I want people to validate me sure, but only if it's true, and only if it comes from their heart. If they don't mean it, I can usually sense that. And I don't like it. I often have a hard time trusting people though, so even if it is coming from somewhere true, maybe even then, I might not truly believe them.
Although both personalities can feel misunderstood, INFJs tend to feel marginalized because they understand other people well, but other people rarely fully understand them. YESSSS! INFPs, on the other hand, feel misunderstood because no one could possibly ever know them as well as they know themselves. However, interestingly, INFPs may not actually want to be fully understood, since it may entail losing some of their individually and being similar to other people. They may worry that they would lose some of their individuality if someone finally fully understood them. Rather than being fully understood, INFPs want others to validate that they have good intentions when it comes to their actions or ideas. Hmm, a hundred percent NO!

Whether you’re an INFP or INFJ, remember that both personalities are beautiful and intelligent in their own ways. Each type has so much to offer the world. Understanding some of the differences between these two complex, rare personality types can help you determine your true type so you can learn how to make the most of your natural abilities.

So there we have my dissection of this one link written by someone who thought they were INFJ but are INFP. (I don't base my opinion off of one link... this is just one that I used, and I have done more research than this, lol. Some of it was from before, finding out I had so many INFPs around me, and wanting to know them more.)

I love INFPs. I really do. They help ground me sometimes, and remind me to focus on myself. I like that about them. My sister, many friends, and possibly my bf's sister (possibly ISFP though) are INFPs and I love them all. I get along with INFPs so well. :) I am truly glad to know them all.

But. I do not think I am truly INFP. I could be wrong. I could be. And if I am well, that's okay with me. I wouldn't mind being INFP. But it does not feel like "home" to me. I think I really enjoy doing this. I might just do ENFJ next!!! But not so thoroughly lol. I need to fit in some school work!
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I have such a strong desire to be understood, that it often makes people THINK I want validation.

Most INFJ thing that exists

For me, it's very easy to separate INFP from INFJ because INFJs come across as extroverted and kind of messy.
But things get really fucking muddled within the mbti world and also on this forum when people start throwing around INFP as if it were a kind of insult.
That's probably my biggest pet peeve. Because it's already such a subtle difference between the two, and the differences are kind of fluid,
depending on where a person is at mentally or emotionally, they can each come across as the other quite easily.
But the idea of being a harmonizer vs an individualizer is your best bet as far as observing your personal traits, unnoticeable to outsiders, generally speaking.
And also it's why I try to impress the importance of just figuring out if a person is truly an Ni dom or not.
Because then the task becomes much easier. The differences between INFJ and INTJ are much easier to navigate.
Although they can also be tricky, because again an INFJ can sort of venture into INTJ mode.
Lots of people assumed I was INTJ on here for a period of time.
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I really just can't see you not being an Fe user. I think at this point it's not something I can convincingly argue further. I feel like I just 'see' it.

Some philosophers would call it the ostensive take on truth—'the truth shows itself', that kind of thing. ;)
lol ikr, I had a super srs phase.
People I don't know well irl perceive me as super srs until they talk to me for like... ten minutes :laughing:


Yeah, it doesn’t help that INFJs look like INTJs when they’re serious, INTPs when they’re pondering, INFPs when they’re preoccupied, ENFPs when they’re lively and ENFJs when they’re happy.

This lends support to Hos’s thesis that the INFJ type doesn’t exist :D
For me, it's very easy to separate INFP from INFJ because INFJs come across as extroverted and kind of messy.
But things get really fucking muddled within the mbti world and also on this forum when people start throwing around INFP as if it were a kind of insult.
That's probably my biggest pet peeve. Because it's already such a subtle difference between the two, and the differences are kind of fluid,
depending on where a person is at mentally or emotionally, they can each come across as the other quite easily.
But the idea of being a harmonizer vs an individualizer is your best bet as far as observing your personal traits, unnoticeable to outsiders, generally speaking.
And also it's why I try to impress the importance of just figuring out if a person is truly an Ni dom or not.
Because then the task becomes much easier. The differences between INFJ and INTJ are much easier to navigate.
Although they can also be tricky, because again an INFJ can sort of venture into INTJ mode.
Lots of people assumed I was INTJ on here for a period of time.
Thanks for your input Wy. <3

Why do people use INFP as an insult? All the INFPs I know are great. Maybe depressed ones can be whiny and emo, but they need help to dig out of that. They can't help it.

And you're right, cognitive functions are much better with typing.

I really just can't see you not being an Fe user. I think at this point it's not something I can convincingly argue further. I feel like I just 'see' it.

Some philosophers would call it the ostensive take on truth—'the truth shows itself', that kind of thing. ;)
I agree Ren, thanks! You and @Wyote understand at least some of me. That feels so great, you've no idea. I want to bask in the understanding and just... relax. Lol

Cause it is ... hmm. Nourishing?

I still believe I'm INFJ but I still want to learn about the Ne thing, I want more information on how I come across so I can improve myself in the most meaningful ways. I am weird. :(
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I don't really know what this means and I'm too lazy to research. My brain is fried from school lol
@Lady Jolanda @Ren you guys seemed to know a lot in that JP thread lol
I'm gonna chime in (I know I'm late). But, @April, I believe you're INFJ e2.

I think your online vibe seems INFP at times though.
Hehehe popular opinion that I happen to agree with. :)