"I've been obsessed with the perfect shade of taupe for probably about ten years"

Wow, me too! That would be 20 years for me actually. I discovered makeup (or more so the power of manipulation) when I was about 13. With the perfect shade of taupe, I would have been able to manipulate almost any facial feature. Back then, makeup was about 'enhancing features' and adding color - not about lying. Still to this day, I would swap a thousand precious makeup products for that one product of the perfect shade of taupe - the color of credible lies. The funny thing is that I hardly ever use makeup, it's like my batman suit in the far back of my closet.
This made me (much involuntarily) wonder if Fe is actually about "sleeping it's way to the top" - by that I mean tricking people into carrying you to the top while you yourself is sleeping.