Typing: Philosophy

Ok! So there is Pin, Free, acd, infinite dreams, sandie33, and Reason to philotype. Very good. I am busy at the moment so it will have to be later, but I commit to providing each of you with an interpretation of what philosopher/philosophy I see you as being closest to. ;)

This, of course, is not meant to reduce your essence in any way. But hopefully it will be fun.
Ok! So there is Pin, Free, acd, infinite dreams, sandie33, and Reason to philotype. Very good. I am busy at the moment so it will have to be later, but I commit to providing each of you with an interpretation of what philosopher/philosophy I see you as being closest to. ;)

This, of course, is not meant to reduce your essence in any way. But hopefully it will be fun.
Oi, don't forget me!
@Ren is there any way I could help you?

First I would need to draft the ToR for your research assistant position ;)

+ Ginny and hush

@hush I think I can come up with something! only I must resist @Icedream's pressure and take the time that's needed, hehe!

Regarding my actual credentials, there aren't any formally speaking but @Wyote seemed happy enough with getting Plotinus. I also have a decent knowledge of the history of philosophy, I suppose.
Philotype of @Pin

What is immediately striking about Mister Pin is the tension between his pragmatic, utility-focused view on life, on the one hand, and his conviction that he is destined by Providence to become a great man, on the other. The conviction is strong and could not be justified by his accomplishments alone, as of yet ; it comes from an insight. In the realm of ethics, Pin has identified as a virtue ethicist, seeking to work on becoming the best possible person, through the famous theory of the « golden mean ». But he has made no secret of the fact that, as far as the macro level of the socio-political realm is concerned, power must come first, and then people.

Pin is a mix of Nietzsche (great man theory), Aristotle (virtue ethics), Machiavelli (power first then people), and Hegel (the importance of the State in world history). And among these four eminent minds, the one he is closest to is quite clearly Aristotle, because only in Aristotle can we find room for what is propounded by the other three, though not quite as fervently. Aristotle's magnanimous man has features of the great man ; and Aristotle occasionally suggests that such a man may exercise a disproportionate amount of power, given the extent of his virtues, for the good of the community.

Pin is Aristotle.

@Ren, I too am interested. :blush:

My Spotify is packed with The xx :blush:

The first song I heard of theirs was a remix, but I fell in love (and have subsequently listened to this too many times)...


But I suppose that's a discussion for another thread. : )

*continues appreciating Ren's delightful observations*