(New) philotype of
Those who've been following this series may know that Icedream expressed recent dissatisfaction with the type she was attributed at the very beginning in private conversation (and mostly in jest). I thought of Jean-François Lyotard, perhaps the very first postmodernist, for his rapidity of expression and mixing of thinking and pure creativity in his works. But thinking about it, this isn't quite right. Icedream's morals are not pluralist, they are clearly deontic, or Kantian.
Sure, the Kantian connection may look tenuous at first sight. But anyone who knows our friend a little bit knows how she perceives duty in her moral actions, towards her friends for instance. 'I have to help this person,' 'What can I do for that person...' - It's not always easy to perceive under the streak of romantic rebelliousness that animates the blue butterfly, but it is most definitely there. Icedream cares about her self and her emotions, but also about others, and these two forms of care join together in a paradoxical, yet deeply lovable synthesis.
You may have already guessed this, but Icedream is Jean-Jacques Rousseau. No no, not a French philosopher once again... A Genevan philosopher! Romantic, creative, passionate about human rights yet also subject to temper tantrums and rebellious to the core. A lot of people fell in love with him just for these aspects, this never compromised spontaneity. Others, like Voltaire, occasionally fought with him. But if Reason is Voltaire, can't we see another parallel here?
Je t'aime, moi non plus, as the French say...