Typing: Philosophy

Déjà Rêvé maybe? Similar to déjà vu, but feeling like you've dreamt of an experience before. It happens to me all the time.
That one. I get this very often. I guess this is what mostly happens, it is mistaken for déjà vu, isn't it? Or is there a significant difference about its meaning in "the grand scheme of things?"
That one. I get this very often. I guess this is what mostly happens, it is mistaken for déjà vu, isn't it? Or is there a significant difference about its meaning in "the grand scheme of things?"

I feel that too, quite often. I didn't know it was called déjà rêvé, it's funny because déjà vu exists in the French language but not déjà rêvé.

PS. You changed your avi! I am all alone now, clinging to my very first love.... ;)
I feel that too, quite often. I didn't know it was called déjà rêvé, it's funny because déjà vu exists in the French language but not déjà rêvé.

PS. You changed your avi! I am all alone now, clinging to my very first love.... ;)
Not my first change, just the one I had the longest. It was a group effort ;)
don't know, nobody has cared to philotype me yet... :( I asked, but it's possible that people are afraid that I'd start analysing their analysis

Someone who studied ontology.

Sceptism meaning the belief that nothing is true until proven real, even physical reality.
Someone who studied ontology.

Sceptism meaning the belief that nothing is true until proven real, even physical reality.

But how can you prove something to be true if nothing you can use to prove it can be taken as true to begin with? It seems to me that from this standpoint, knowledge itself would be impossible. But let me know what you think, I'm not an expert on scepticism ;)

And thanks for suggesting ontology, I love that discipline!
With so many philosophically minded members active on the forum these days, I think it's time to bring this thread back to life. :p
No. Bad. Host, read what the thread is about first. :p

Ren is supposed to compare you to a philosopher. (Or I suppose you could do it yourself.)

Ren! It's been over a year, I've had time to think and research, and I can now safely say your philotype is Heraclitus. :blush:
Ren! It's been over a year, I've had time to think and research, and I can now safely say your philotype is Heraclitus. :blush:

Oh my god, really? You're not just saying this to make me happy? :m035: This is, wow...

Thanks, LJ! Do you think you could detail your line of reasoning a little bit? I'm super curious :)
No. Bad. Host, read what the thread is about first. :p

Ren is supposed to compare you to a philosopher. (Or I suppose you could do it yourself.)

Hos is such a naughty boy. :P

Yeah, at this point I think we should just open up this thread, really! We could philotype each other for fun. Also typing philosophers might help sustain this thread in the long run, though.
Oh my god, really? You're not just saying this to make me happy? :m035: This is, wow...

Thanks, LJ! Do you think you could detail your line of reasoning a little bit? I'm super curious :)
I love having my integrity questioned first thing in the morning! Always makes my day. ;)

Of course I'm not just saying this to make you happy. I could have done that a year ago. :tearsofjoy:

My reasoning... well, your entire thinking is based around change, that everything is a process, that 'being' is dynamic. I've never heard you talk about rivers, lol, but I think you subscribe to the same core ideas, that everything both is and is becoming. A whole, yet made of parts.
You also like to write your philosophy in poetic riddles, like he does. ;) lol.
I love having my integrity questioned first thing in the morning! Always makes my day. ;)

Of course I'm not just saying this to make you happy. I could have done that a year ago. :tearsofjoy:

My reasoning... well, your entire thinking is based around change, that everything is a process, that 'being' is dynamic. I've never heard you talk about rivers, lol, but I think you subscribe to the same core ideas, that everything both is and is becoming. A whole, yet made of parts.
You also like to write your philosophy in poetic riddles, like he does. ;) lol.

Thanks for insight, Jo! This is great ^^ I'm a fan of Heraclitus, as you know, and I have always felt a kind of kinship with him... Like you said, I think we have quite similar visions (I do in fact refer to rivers from time to time in my writing, even up to quite recently), as well as an affinity for paradox and riddles. There is also this fascination with harmony and the permanence of change. I think you're spot on, Jo! I embrace Heraclitus ♥
