Typing: Philosophy

Habermas is a Ti-dom! :p

Oh no, I remember the Russell typing :) I think he fits too, but there's a deeper emotional dimension to Bergon's work I think, which fits you more perhaps.

I love Russell but god is he über Rational!

Wanting to be T and being T are quite different heh

True. I wish I were T but I ain't no T. :p

Yes, exactly the point :p

I didn't get it, sowwwwie. Habermas seems like a pretty cool thinker... I've been aware of him for a long time but I've only recently become more familiar with his philosophy.

Given that his body of work is largely centered around the importance of communication, I thought he was a good fit for you ;)
Oh! Let me think about it for a little bit :)

Alright! :smile:

I'm super avoidant to other's philosophical ideas. So I stay away from reading philosophy all together. I'm somewhat avoidant to sociology as well. I don't find history particularly interesting in itself, but I appreciate short recaps. I love reading/learning psychology (wouldn't read Jung, Freud etc, but basic/concrete stuff), and I enjoy topics like biology and neurology, evolutionary biology/psychology.
Alright! :smile:

I'm super avoidant to other's philosophical ideas. So I stay away from reading philosophy all together. I'm somewhat avoidant to sociology as well. I don't find history particularly interesting in itself, but I appreciate short recaps. I love reading/learning psychology (wouldn't read Jung, Freud etc, but basic/concrete stuff), and I enjoy topics like biology and neurology, evolutionary biology/psychology.

Great! This makes my job easier. You are officially Charles Darwin. Look no further :D


You are hard to type because you don't really fit any one philosopher's Weltanschauung, but my tentative conclusion is that you are Edmund Hegel.

Alternatively: G.W.F. Husserl. Yes, a somewhat intriguing mix between Hegel and Husserl. More about this when I'm back from the hairdresser's.
You are hard to type because you don't really fit any one philosopher's Weltanschauung, but my tentative conclusion is that you are Edmund Hegel.

Alternatively: G.W.F. Husserl. Yes, a somewhat intriguing mix between Hegel and Husserl. More about this when I'm back from the hairdresser's.

Ok, I have shorter hair now so all went down quite well.

I guess Hegel is a good pick because he sought in a way to systematize the way that history unfolds and was very serious about that. He wasn't too concerned to ground his system in science, though; whereas Husserl was. In fact, he considered phenomenology to be a science, and to ground the sciences. I think the systematic historical vision and the seeking for scientific grounding are both aspects of your work, so there you go.
Ok, I have shorter hair now so all went down quite well.

I guess Hegel is a good pick because he sought in a way to systematize the way that history unfolds and was very serious about that. He wasn't too concerned to ground his system in science, though; whereas Husserl was. In fact, he considered phenomenology to be a science, and to ground the sciences. I think the systematic historical vision and the seeking for scientific grounding are both aspects of your work, so there you go.
Hmm, interesting... its funny, too, because Hegel was responsible for the whole massive crisis in German philosophy that brought about the Neo-Kantians.

Full disclosure, I haven't read any of them. Well I read a bit of Phenomenology of Spirit about 10 years ago, but that's about it. I guess that means we can't be friends anymore :unhappy:

Why would Charles Darwin avoid others philosophical work? :smirk:

Oh, I can tell you... when I'm back from the hairdresser's!

If you like, Darwin's theory of evolution/survival of the fittest is a theory of world history that makes zero metaphysical claim and sees itself as solid because of that. There is no God-designed purpose, no telos, only the struggle for existence. There is no "reality beyond what we see": it's all right there — a rather uncommon view among philosophers, at least before Pragmatism. This is why you are a good Darwin.
Hmm, interesting... its funny, too, because Hegel was responsible for the whole massive crisis in German philosophy that brought about the Neo-Kantians.

Full disclosure, I haven't read any of them. Well I read a bit of Phenomenology of Spirit about 10 years ago, but that's about it. I guess that means we can't be friends anymore :unhappy:

Hehe, I would say that you are more similar to Hegel in philosophical temperament than in the substance of your writings, current and future.

You obviously have a vastly different approach than his, but I see in your framework a certain tendency to seek to locate the "essence of process", the "predictability of change"; to "isolate contingency", which is very Hegelian in spirit I think.

PS. Oh, and I have just magnanimously decided that we can still be friends.
@Deleted member 16771 - This is an interesting chart actually, though I would have placed the INFJ more halfway between essentialism and existentialism.

"Open Monism" tries to formalize this halfway point, in a way.