Typing: Philosophy

That's hilarious - I had Skarekrow the same as you before I read that far ....

Yeah Spinoza - I buy that OK .... and I spend a lot of time messing about with lenses LOL.

No way, really? ^^ That's funny! (about Skare)

Glad you're buying Spinoza. I think he has good credentials.
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Indeed! And with an estimated IQ of 200 something... But don't let your head get too thick, skarechou :kissingheart:
Lol...I would never assume my own to be so low...lmao.
I’m lucky if I can remember how to put my pants on in the morning hahaha.

I dig his stuff...most of it though, is just too Biblical for my own personal taste.
I do like his more metaphysical work and his ideas and visions of the afterlife, though Kant called him a “spook hunter” lol.
That’s fitting for us both I suppose, haha.
Who hasn't been philosophered up? I'll look for people for you.

Also, interested in getting so myself and all that.
welp.. my inner Noam Chomsky doesn't get much screentime in words but hey for a moment I was almost a bit proud of my Ti

Habermas is a Ti-dom! :p

Henri Bergson? I like this. :blush: I guess Bertrand Russell didn't fit after all? ;) (See that very old group conversation we had that Ice made.)

Oh no, I remember the Russell typing :) I think he fits too, but there's a deeper emotional dimension to Bergon's work I think, which fits you more perhaps.

I love Russell but god is he über Rational!

A scary little cabbage.
