I have an example at my work place that may help with Fe and Fi. There is a coworker of mine that is probably an infp, so she has dominant introverted feeling. We are very similar and have a lot in common which makes sense because we are in the same temperament. We are both creative, share similar political views, and will talk about all sorts of topics. What I love about her is that she is unshakable in her views. If she is willing to confide in you and you ask her viewpoint, she will tell it to you, and rarley waivers. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and good and evil. She's an admirerer of compromises, but people should be authentic in their compromises so she knows where they stand. This I believe is so the compromise is genuine and therefore legitimate in her eyes. She also feels very strongly about what her duties are. If you ask her to do something outside her regular duties she may become uncooperative or try to avoid the request and I can just tell she becomes a whirlwind of emotion inside, like she struggling with what to do. She rarely will stay over her shift to help with short staffing issues.
One time I went to work and was extremely ill, I tried to finish my shift, but I couldn't. I pleaded with her to stay for me. Because we are friends I thought she would stay for me, but she would not. She had to go home to attend to her twelve year old son's after school needs. She has a husband at home so she could have stayed and her son would've been fine. I thought she was acting very selfish. But, then a couple of nights later our night shift person called in sick, so I was calling around for people to come in and help cover and she volunteered right away. I believe she was trying to make up for not staying for me; she probably felt bad about it. It was then I realized that her family is her life and she will defend her time with them more than most people I know. She also defends her son in school against injustices quite regularly and its not like how most parents would defend their kids to get into sports or to argue over a progress report, she will argue to make sure her son is getting treated fairly and equally with the other children because he is often not. Her family and her values are first. That takes courage and she shows it everyday. It also goes hand-in-hand with what infps are partly known for; their ability to stand up and fight ceaselessly for those closest to them. So her family came first, even if it seemed illogical to me that day, and then our friendship came next, once she had her family all taken care of. She can appear selfish, but she obviously is not. Now I realize that this is also a motherly trait, but please don't interpret in only this light because I work with many mothers and one has three children and will always go above and beyond for our work, sometimes against the best interest of her family. So in this case, I feel it is a personality thing.
Now I can also be selfish with my family time too, but being at work, not calling in sick, covering for people that can't make it in, doing extra tasks, is very much what I'm about and it will often chip away some of my family time. Even if I'm terribly sick, and my wife has to beg me to call in, I still usually won't. This is because of my extroverted feeling. I can't stomach the thought of letting other people down, not pulling my weight. I will juggle many tasks at once if people ask me to. The problem with this is that I often take on too much work to please others and it usually ends up becoming way too much in the end, but I can't seem to help it. Usually it is because I don't know how I feel about things people ask me to do until much later and then I have some regret when the work starts to stretch me thin. So I can appear selfless, but I am not. I'm selfish for an image of myself around others. I also modify my opinions slightly enough so I can have conversations with people from all walks of life and not cause any conflicts. I tend to be left of center, sometimes evenly solidly left, but when I'm around conservatives I usually find myself sounding more conservative and when around liberals I will sound very much like one of them. So to an introverted feeler, I would come across as totally inauthentic, even though I'm just trying not to alienate people around me so we can get along.
So introverted feelers can appear selfish and extroverted feelers can appear inauthentic, but that is too simple an explanation; it is only how they may sometimes appear to certain personality types.