Ultimate Difference Between INFP and INFJ


When you are working on your art, what is your process like? How does your inspiration come to you? When you find yourself in conflict situations in your relationships, what normally triggers your offense?
Wonkavision comes out of Depp's character in Willie Wonka, I presume. How would you folks define Wonka's character. He's widely typed as a four in enneagram circles. He is able to run a business successfully. He uses his taste to define high-quality chocolate. He laughs when naughty kids get killed in his factory when they don't follow the rules, and makes up songs to tease them for their stupidity. He's a bit of an elitist in that way. Only the elite deserve to live. He also overdresses at least by American standards. His dress is somewhat odd and distinctive. I know of very few Goth businessmen. Would he be an SP 4 in enneagrammatical terms?
Generally speaking it's in bad taste to laugh at a stupid child. Wonka does this. 4 w 3 has bad taste sometimes. It's that elitist edge combined with an interest in competition. Add SP and you have a thrill over who survives.
But nobody dies in Willy Wonka, they just get turned into giant blueberries and things after various bouts with poor decision making and bad or obnoxious behavior... The oompahs rescue them.
I didn't realize that no one dies. I thought it was a kind of connection to one in enneagram terms. But it could also be an eightish streak from a five that leads him to be quite violent and dismissive of his violence. This also sounds like five to me: "Comparisons were drawn between Willy Wonka and musician Michael Jackson. Burton joked, "Here's the deal. There's a big difference: Michael Jackson (d. 2009) likes children, Willy Wonka can't stand them. To me that's a huge difference."[SUP][6][/SUP] Depp explained that the similarities with Jackson never occurred to him. "I say if there was anyone you'd want to compare Wonka to it would be a Howard Hughes, almost. Reclusive, germaphobe, controlling."[SUP][10][/SUP] Burton agreed with the Hughes similarities, and additionally supplied Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane as inspiration. "Somebody who was brilliant but then was traumatized and then retreats into their own world."[SUP][7][/SUP] Depp wanted to sport prosthetic makeup for the part and have a long, elongated nose, but Burton believed it would be too outrageous.[SUP][5][/SUP]"

That's from Wikipedia. Even here I can't help Wonkavision find either his enneagram number or his MBTI. I know MBTI less well. Wonka thought you had to leave your family at first to run the factory because families butt in and destroy creativity, but Charlie will only become the new director if he gets to bring his family in with him. At any rate Michael Jackson is usually typed as a four. He is sometimes typed as a five. Hughes is only ever typed as a five.

the other way to get at the MBTI is through the cognitive functions. I did read Nardi's book on this but I haven't really fully digested it. I would have put Wonka at four with a five wing because of the delight in being unusual. He does invent stuff but it has to do with taste. He has good taste. Hughes was far more interested in the sort of scientific creativity for which fives are better known and affiliated. I would say that whereas Michael Jackson and Wonka had a lot of feeling, that Hughes had very little feeling, and was more T. I think we should type Wonkavision using Wonka because we have a more full access to Wonka and almost everyone has seen that film. Gene Wilder plays Wonka as more of a seven. More of an E, too.
Wonkavision comes out of Depp's character in Willie Wonka, I presume.....

I like the way you think, Problemz. :)

You're very perceptive, and willing to try unique approaches.

I'm not sure why I chose the name "Wonkavision" or why it feels so completely right, but I think analyzing it might lead to clues about my type.

When you are working on your art, what is your process like? How does your inspiration come to you?

It's like there are vague inspirations and ideas floating around in my semi-consciousness all the time--some big, some small, some more developed than others--and every so often one of them really catches my attention and I zero in on it.
Then I grab hold of it and pull it into my consciousness.

Then I get a little obsessed about it for a time, looking it over from lots of angles and dissecting it in my mind, until I'm ready to do something with it.
Then it finds its way into some kind of artistic expression.

It's all very similar to how David Lynch describes his process. He wrote a book about it and he talks about it in a lot of interviews. I'll post some links when I get a chance.

When you find yourself in conflict situations in your relationships, what normally triggers your offense?

When I perceive/feel that someone is:

1. Underestimating my intelligence
2. Attributing bad motives to my genuine attempts to do good
3. Belittling or dismissing my concern about something
4. Holding me to impossible standards of perfection
5. Rushing me when I'm trying to be careful and not make mistakes
6. Guilt-tripping me
7. Not respecting my need for privacy and/or solitude
8. Pressuring me to join a group or take sides in a conflict.

I could probably go on and on, but those are the main ones.
Are you bat shit?

What I like about this question is that without further inquiry I could be talking about either type.

Yeah. Unfortunately, I have that tendency.

And you're right. It doesn't really clear up the "INFJ or INFP" mystery. ;)
Do you suppress any functions that you know of?

That's usually the relationship with the inferior, though at your stage in life, you'd be reconciling the tertiary and inferior.
When I perceive/feel that someone is:

1. Underestimating my intelligence
2. Attributing bad motives to my genuine attempts to do good
3. Belittling or dismissing my concern about something
4. Holding me to impossible standards of perfection
5. Rushing me when I'm trying to be careful and not make mistakes
6. Guilt-tripping me
7. Not respecting my need for privacy and/or solitude
8. Pressuring me to join a group or take sides in a conflict.

I could probably go on and on, but those are the main ones.

Not sure how it connects with type, but this sounds very Fi, and pretty much how I think and I'm INFP.
When I perceive/feel that someone is:

1. Underestimating my intelligence
2. Attributing bad motives to my genuine attempts to do good
3. Belittling or dismissing my concern about something
4. Holding me to impossible standards of perfection
5. Rushing me when I'm trying to be careful and not make mistakes
6. Guilt-tripping me
7. Not respecting my need for privacy and/or solitude
8. Pressuring me to join a group or take sides in a conflict.

I could probably go on and on, but those are the main ones.

To me, it sounds like Fi angry at Te.
[MENTION=6017]wonkavision[/MENTION] In all sincerity, I think you might be a Sensing type, just based on the style of some of your posts that I have read. I think it's doubtful you're an Ni, because you look outside yourself too much for answers/resolution. This does not seem to be an Ni thing, from what I understand of typology.

Another explanation may be that you are an Intuitive type but don't trust your intuition, hence this entire thread.

Hey, you could be right.

But I think you're confusing my natural (and relentless) curiosity with looking outside myself "too much for answers/resolution."

Unless, of course, you're referring to my being a Christian. In that case, I have no problem whatsoever confessing my absolute dependence on the revelation of God in the Bible as my source of Truth, strength, inspiration, etc. and my absolute trust and submission to God's authority.

I'm totally anti-authoritarian by nature (lest you assume I'm some kind of SJ)but, by grace, I've been changed. My God commands me to submit to him and he's worthy, so I do so willingly and joyfully. I'm not as fond of submitting to earthly authority, but I'm commanded to do that as well, inasmuch as it doesn't interfere with my loyalty to God.
I'm not as fond of submitting to earthly authority,

This is a very P quality, not wanting to be restricted or cornered. Question, do you like telling others how to do things or what to do?
Do you suppress any functions that you know of?

That's usually the relationship with the inferior, though at your stage in life, you'd be reconciling the tertiary and inferior.

That's a good question, but I'm really not sure.

I'd have to say Sensing and Thinking, but not totally sure about the attitudes.
This is a very P quality, not wanting to be restricted or cornered. Question, do you like telling others how to do things or what to do?

No, I don't like being in authority at all.

I have kids, so I've had to develop the ability as much as possible, but I really struggle with it.

Also, I've been offered positions of authority many times and turned them down because I really hate to lead. I'd rather influence behind the scenes.

I often dream of a world where no one ever has to tell anyone what to do.
I can't say for certain because I'm no expert but your responses to those questions so far give me a little more INFP than INFJ vibe. Particularly the first one.

It's entirely possible that my vibe on that is a little biased though because I've had INFP on the mind a lot lately. I finally zeroed in on my type as INFP just from reading through INFP message boards and watching videos. There isn't a doubt in my mind anymore. It was like watching my inner self on screen, it was really bizarre but also sort of liberating.
I find it interesting that no one's asked me what I've tested as, or about the Johari/Nohari Window, or what my friends and family and people on typology forums have said.

I'm holding off on revealing all that because I want some unbiased input. But I think I might reveal it pretty soon.

It certainly would help you guys to understand why I'm so confused.
Also, as soon as I get a chance, I'm gonna make a "type me" video and post it here.

I think that would help, although I'm probably gonna seem more extraverted than I really am.