

Well-known member
9w8 sx/sp
what do they mean to you?
can you influence your own? others?
how do they relate to the world? karma? afterlife?
any random tidbits of information about vibrations you'd like to add?
Vibrations are a type of regular physical movement.

By analogy, spiritual things are said to vibrate - spiritual things have regular movements - I call this the active effect of habituation.

Insofar as our character (good or bad) effects others - I say that our regular way of living/deciding/behaving/speaking/thinking affects others - much as physical vibrations affect surrounding matter.
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what do they mean to you?
can you influence your own? others?
how do they relate to the world? karma? afterlife?
any random tidbits of information about vibrations you'd like to add?
echoes and ripples. :| Of fate, I supposes.

Well, in that perspective, we all did.

ripples in one's life, entire life. Not sure about karma and afterlife.

And, no, I'm afraid.
what do they mean to you?
can you influence your own? others?
how do they relate to the world? karma? afterlife?
any random tidbits of information about vibrations you'd like to add?

I have been thinking about these questions and I cannot honestly answer any one of them. I just don't know the answers. What I do know, though, is that I've physically felt vibrations coming off of someone else's body without touching them although the individual was lying still. This has only happened to me on a handful of occasions, but it is amazing each time.
Vibrations...I can literally FEEL tension in the air, or hostility. Anything negative is easily detectable. Certain people give off really WEIRD vibes. I get pissed off around them and I can't explain why. I usually end up finding out that they are either: manipulative, annoying, or just the wrong person to hang out with.

LOL, the name of the thread came up a couple of times and I didn't think it was from the Philosophy department. So guess what I was thinking about :m027: So, khm.

I think the planet earth is the acoustic resonator, or an absorber and amplifier of the acoustic vibrations.. That's from the movie.

No, but seriously, I think everything vibrates in all kind of senses: movement of light, molecules, electrons, and an infinity of other particles create mega-interactions of magnetic, gravitational fields. Like a spider web but cooler. If a droplet falls on any part the vibrations travel to the all corners.

Now let's talk about Pantheism and the interconnectedness of all the living matter through... vibrations?