VIVID Dreams...

Damn, sometimes I wake up completely exhausted. All that subconscious sweat is worth it for dream analysis epiphanies though.
Damn, sometimes I wake up completely exhausted. All that subconscious sweat is worth it for dream analysis epiphanies though.

I hear ya...I am mentally and physically exhausted my dreams are going OVERBOARD right now...Great personal conflict always leads to massive internal conflict...
Damn, sometimes I wake up completely exhausted. All that subconscious sweat is worth it for dream analysis epiphanies though.
I wake up from those completly glazed, and I just want to return to the here and now honestly, I don't really care for going THAT deep.
When I was a kid I used to lucid dream alot, I didn't understand it and it frightned me. I was honestly scared of falling asleep and being trapped in another world.

Yeah, I had no control over my mind back then.
I've had all kinds of vivid dream type experiences... well ok, I've had a few recurring dreams and a few experiences where I have dreamed about somebody and then they died the next day or I found out about them dying soon after the dream.

I have had this recurring dream where I am in this huge tower. The top of the tower is above the clouds and it is this circular room with glass windows all around so I can see out in every direction. The atmosphere is red like Mars in Total Recall. So I'm just stuck in this room and I don't know how to get out but then I find a hatch in the center of the room but as I am opening it there is this man there climbling up a latter and he wants to kill me. He comes up and pulls me down through the hatch and I fall down to my doom and wake up.

This other dream I am in a dark room in front of a council of people that I can't distinctly see. I hear them murmering but I don't know what they are saying and suddenly they are quiet and one of them pushes a large red button and this causes me to become unable to breathe. I suffocate slowly and wake up after I can't take it anymore.

When my grandfather had cancer and had basically run out of options as far as treatment goes, I went to sleep one night and I had a dream that he was there right next to me telling me he loved me and not to miss him too much when he was gone and I told him I would always remember how great he was. When I woke up the next morning my mom came in my room and told me he had passed away.
Holy coyote Wyote ! I knew you had that intangible, intrinsic ability.

My dreams are not nearly as lucid as all of you darlings here. Did have one where I was out of body, floating through a brick wall that had grafitti on it, which shed my skin, blood behind me and I proceeded to float up to the bright blue sky and just stopped, floating in limbo as this fantastically large enthroned white cloud-type image of God-type figure with incredibly long beard sat. I just watched him thinking I wouldn't DARE approach him, I have kids, gotta get back. That was years ago.

The other not too long ago was me in space, again just an invisible form floating around looking back towards earth that was so far, far away and it was really, really cold up there and I felt lost and alone.
I just about got in a lucid dream the other night. I've been wanting a lucid dream but there's a part of me that has fear of it all.
But the other night with no warning there I was in a lucid dream. Space was vast and compelling me to come forward. It looked so peaceful and safe and I knew it would be exciting. But part of me said no, that I had to keep one foot completely grounded in this reality. I was stuck between two dreams in a push/pull situation so I just woke up.
I guess my deep fear is that if I go I won't want to or not be able to come back.
Don't worry about it, I have the same problem, and it is frightning, you have no way of knowing if you will comeback in that state. It's like taking a boat into the ocean without a map, and going way to far out from land, I would never do it. :kiss:
Yes. VERY vivid dreams. And many of them have a recurring theme. And some were so bad in my 20's that I would go days without sleeping for fear of having them.

I still have very vivid dreams, very often, but don't wake up screaming more than once a year ;)

Interestingly, both of my children have always had very vivid, frequently recurring or thematic dreams. Long discussions with my family doctor on the subject made us both think it was possible that there might be a genetic component to our similar dreaming.
My son and i have had a lot of nightmares simultaneously about armageddon and such...I once had one and just woke up waiting for him and sure enough seconds later he came running into my room with the "Mommy, I just had a bad dream..."
I've been having the scariest dreams lately. They're some of the most vivid and realistic dreams. It's some of my greatest fears and they've been keeping me up. I've barely been getting any sleep.

-One is about me failing at everything and my intelligence loses its worth.
-Another one is all my friends ditch me because they're happy and don't need me anymore.
-That I'm alone for my entire life.
-No one understands me and I become discarded from society basically ostracized.
Could be worse SgtBlankee. That sounds like a typical waking day for me.

I had a dream where I had to fight a giant mech, and I defeated it by dropping an elevated highway on it. Shit was SO cash.
I had a dream where I had to fight a giant mech, and I defeated it by dropping an elevated highway on it. Shit was SO cash.

What the!? OH SHIIIIII-
Heh. That was cute :)
I have VERY vivid dreams....

I have always had nightmares (some lucid) about Nazis. This has happened ever since I was a young child and they are terrifying. Often I am shot in the back in the dreams and I actually die. It is always heart breaking to leave behind my loved ones but as I move into the light I am trying to tell them I am fine and it is peaceful there but I can see they cannot hear me anymore. Usually, I wake up from those ones crying.....

A few years ago, I had almost exactly the same dream as my sister, on the same night....Maybe it happens more often but that we don't know...That day we happened to talk of our dreams and so discovered we had the same dream the night before....

In the dream, I walked into a room and found that my niece was lying with her head against the fire....Nobody had noticed her and I had to run over a save her.....I lifted her away from the fire and she had striped burns on her face. My sister had the exact same dream but with her other daughter. It was very strange!!

One dream that I have had two times in my life is quite a surprise......

I dream that I am in a house that is all glass. One of my sisters is there and we are looking out over the bay where we grew up. I notice a bright oval shaped light down by the shore and I see a figure coming from the light....I then notice the figure is walking on water and I am in shock to realize that it is Jesus. I shout....."Its Jesus!! It's Jesus!!" and my sister is equally as shocked.......He then floats towards the house, through the glass and through me..........(I am not at all religious....I'm not atheist either. I am open minded to all possibilities but this dream always takes me by surprise.)

I love dreams and I hope to have some more lucid ones some day!!