Volunteer experience?


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9w8 sp/sx
Does anyone have volunteer experience? Local/community or overseas? If so, care to share?
I volunteer in a local hospital pharmacy, and have been for several years. I like it, because I naturally enjoy helping people, but I have4 to admit, its not that spectacular. It can get boring at times (pharmacies can either be very busy or very dull, rarely in between). Yeah, I don' think there's that much more to say for me.
several mission trips. tutoring middle schoolers from time to time. also, i run food from local grocery stores to the salvation army.
I guess QSA count's as voulterring. Other then that I generally don't voultneer for stuff. I have too much on my plate already.
I am a martyr to society.

No, j/k, but I have been in 4H since I was in like third grade, and girl scouts before that (though I ended that in the 5th grade). Combined, we volunteered locally more than I could count.

Anymore, I don't volunteer as much because the obligations make it difficult for me to do some of the personal stuff I want to. However, I do volunteer at the Art Museum on campus, giving tours and whatnot.
I am a martyr to society.

No, j/k, but I have been in 4H since I was in like third grade, and girl scouts before that (though I ended that in the 5th grade). Combined, we volunteered locally more than I could count.

Anymore, I don't volunteer as much because the obligations make it difficult for me to do some of the personal stuff I want to. However, I do volunteer at the Art Museum on campus, giving tours and whatnot.

I hear ya. Volunteer work was required at this Catholic school I went to. Between girl scouts and Catholic school, I've racked up quite a few volunteer jobs over the years.

It sucked for me because my mom was the girl scout troop leader. I had to do the most work because she was my mom! Thus, in the state, I had the most volunteer, sales, events, etc. than any other girl scout for the four years I was involved in girl scouts. *sigh*
I volunteer as an on-call rape response advocate. I've been doing that for about 6 months now. I don't have any experiences to share because in my area, we don't get many calls and I've never had to go.

I'm thinking about doing overseas volunteer work--looking into it now. So many options and organizations! Has anyone ever been overseas to volunteer? Any experiences etc?
I hear ya. Volunteer work was required at this Catholic school I went to. Between girl scouts and Catholic school, I've racked up quite a few volunteer jobs over the years.

It sucked for me because my mom was the girl scout troop leader. I had to do the most work because she was my mom! Thus, in the state, I had the most volunteer, sales, events, etc. than any other girl scout for the four years I was involved in girl scouts. *sigh*

Yeah, my mom was the leader for our 4H group for quite a while, and even after she stopped she was still very into it. Eventually I just became the president of the club because we were doing most of the work anyways
...don't drink the water...
...don't drink the water...
Did you go overseas or cross continent! Is that what you mean? If so, can you tell me more? I am looking into going overseas..
This is how giddy I am: :llama:
What show? To me, that is just a cute creature that looks like a horse (or maybe a deer) kicking it's legs gleefully.
I am pop-culturally retarded.
the show called Don't Drink the Water its a comedy (yeah, that about sums it up)

and it looks like an alpaca to me
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Really; don't drink the water in a lot of places. I love ambiguity.
I was looking into teaching art in New Zealand (which is more like a vacation!) Or repairing roads in Iceland.. I also was looking into caring for the elderly in the Appalacians.. OR teaching English in China..
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Hey guys haven't been back in a while...there are a few new people around!

Well I volunteer with St Vincent de Paul and Edmund Rice Camps. I'm part of the Vinnies "Youth Crew" where the major thing we do is organise and attend "Buddies Days". On Buddies Days we take out a group of disadvantaged kids and do a variety of activities. It's lots of fun. I'm a "Big Buddy" that gets paired with a "Little Buddy" usually between the ages of 7-12. Many of the kids tend to be neglected so individual attention for each child is important to us. All in all, they're really fun days. The only bad part is when kids get sad that they have to go home. We're also organising weekends for kids who are over 12. We recently had a "Girls Weekend" with a group of year 8 and 9 girls which was great. Many members also do other volunteering within Vinnies, especially tutoring of refugee children. I did that for a while last year and it was really good.

And with Edmund Rice Camps, it's pretty much the same concept, although we go away for a whole week. I got the "spirit award" last camp, we had an awesome time.

Woooow that was way longer than anticipated.

merrytrees I think it's great you're looking into overseas stuff, that would be terrific. It's annoying though, that often to volunteer overseas, it actually costs money. haha. eh that's life I guess. what kind of volunteering were you interested in?
Hey guys haven't been back in a while...there are a few new people around!

Well I volunteer with St Vincent de Paul and Edmund Rice Camps. I'm part of the Vinnies "Youth Crew" where the major thing we do is organise and attend "Buddies Days". On Buddies Days we take out a group of disadvantaged kids and do a variety of activities. It's lots of fun. I'm a "Big Buddy" that gets paired with a "Little Buddy" usually between the ages of 7-12. Many of the kids tend to be neglected so individual attention for each child is important to us. All in all, they're really fun days. The only bad part is when kids get sad that they have to go home. We're also organising weekends for kids who are over 12. We recently had a "Girls Weekend" with a group of year 8 and 9 girls which was great. Many members also do other volunteering within Vinnies, especially tutoring of refugee children. I did that for a while last year and it was really good.

And with Edmund Rice Camps, it's pretty much the same concept, although we go away for a whole week. I got the "spirit award" last camp, we had an awesome time.

Woooow that was way longer than anticipated.

merrytrees I think it's great you're looking into overseas stuff, that would be terrific. It's annoying though, that often to volunteer overseas, it actually costs money. haha. eh that's life I guess. what kind of volunteering were you interested in?

That sounds amazing!
Yeah, I know it costs money to go overseas, not that the organization makes any money off of it cuz it all goes to room and board and food and transportation costs.

Right now, I'm interested in teaching overseas. I'm still looking into other things that I would like to do and am eligible for.