Weird cognitive functions results

ENFP, ENTP are NE dominants. My gut is placing you here (ENFP actually). I'm an internet stranger that does not know you personally. I really only like to type people in real life that I know well. I need to spend at least a few months getting to know a person pretty well to confidently say "you are this and here is why"

INFP, INTP are NE auxiliary. It's possible you are here.
It would just be hard for me to accept being an ENFP because I hold such negative opinions on ENFPs I've known and how they don't follow through with things, hate schedules, are very risk oriented and at times super reckless. I don't view myself that way.

Also the ENFPs that I have known have been very sensitive to what other people think of them and their reputation, compromising themselves for group harmony which I don't agree with.

I can see some of it. Even though I don't feel outgoing or bubbly I'm regularly told that I am. I do have a lot of projects going on that I never finish. I enjoy spending time with people. Hmm.
It would just be hard for me to accept being an ENFP because I hold such negative opinions on ENFPs I've known and how they don't follow through with things, hate schedules, are very risk oriented and at times super reckless. I don't view myself that way.

Also the ENFPs that I have known have been very sensitive to what other people think of them and their reputation, compromising themselves for group harmony which I don't agree with.

I can see some of it. Even though I don't feel outgoing or bubbly I'm regularly told that I am. I do have a lot of projects going on that I never finish. I enjoy spending time with people. Hmm.
@sassafras usually types herself ENFP and yet doesn't identify with a lot of the stereotypes, just like you.

Here the functions are a better guide, and in your case Ne and Fi are quite prominent. Sass has more Te than you seem to exhibit as far as I can tell, but I could easily believe that you are both ENFPs - there are only 16 types in MBTI and the system must account for significant variation even within single types.

Heck, if you identify with me or my thought process at all, that might be a shared Te-Fi resonance.

There are stupid ENFP stereotypes just as there are stupid INTJ stereotypes. Don't use these as any guide at all.
there are only 16 types in MBTI and the system must account for significant variation even within single types.

This is important to accept. The function analysis has been a deep rabbit hole for me. I personally like Objective Personality channel on YouTube.... But it's using its own model that is adding to MBTI. It'll sound weird with the terminology they use.
I guess because I have built my identity on being reliable, structured, enjoying alone time and a sense of order. like pretty much the compete opposite of what an enfp is and the traits of an enfp I have largely viewed as negative. So to accept that I embody exactly everything that annoys me the most is world flipping. I had never even considered it before. Have I been deceiving myself? Have I build a wall of lies to protect a fragile ego? And if I don't like those traits, and they are inherently who I am, then it means I have to grow to love and accept those traits, which I feel a lot of internal resistance to. I don't want to have to give up everything I believe and reorganize. That sounds like a lot of work.
I guess because I have built my identity on being reliable, structured, enjoying alone time and a sense of order. like pretty much the compete opposite of what an enfp is and the traits of an enfp I have largely viewed as negative. So to accept that I embody exactly everything that annoys me the most is world flipping. I had never even considered it before. Have I been deceiving myself? Have I build a wall of lies to protect a fragile ego? And if I don't like those traits, and they are inherently who I am, then it means I have to grow to love and accept those traits, which I feel a lot of internal resistance to. I don't want to have to give up everything I believe and reorganize. That sounds like a lot of work.
You don't have to change at all.

Pick the label which suits and don't attempt to conform to it; that is pure folly.

Personally, though, I don't see how those qualities you mentioned aren't consistent with ENFP.
then don't do it. . why rearrainge your life because of an on-line test. you know who and what you are. .
Well it would just imply cognitive dissonance. It wouldn't be changing myself because of a test it would be stopping repressing parts of myself and stopping a train of denial- because how could I get these results, answer these questions this way, if I didn't believe them to be fundamentally true about myself? And if I did believe them to be fundamentally true about myself and I dont like the result that points to some major psychological problems.
Well it would just imply cognitive dissonance. It wouldn't be changing myself because of a test it would be stopping repressing parts of myself and stopping a train of denial- because how could I get these results, answer these questions this way, if I didn't believe them to be fundamentally true about myself? And if I did believe them to be fundamentally true about myself and I dont like the result that points to some major psychological problems.
You know I used to think I was INFJ, and had to be dragged kicking and screaming into INTJ.

Follow the truth - beautiful or ugly, what's so is so.
It's just sad. To think that I've been an enfp this whole time and lived the majority of my life in social isolation. .. To think in your head you prefer it that way, then you haven't lost anything. To realize you wanted people but couldn't have them turns it into inadequacy.
I guess because I have built my identity on being reliable, structured, enjoying alone time and a sense of order. like pretty much the compete opposite of what an enfp is and the traits of an enfp I have largely viewed as negative. So to accept that I embody exactly everything that annoys me the most is world flipping. I had never even considered it before. Have I been deceiving myself? Have I build a wall of lies to protect a fragile ego? And if I don't like those traits, and they are inherently who I am, then it means I have to grow to love and accept those traits, which I feel a lot of internal resistance to. I don't want to have to give up everything I believe and reorganize. That sounds like a lot of work.
Don't try and force fit yourself to a type. By all means try out the fit but do it gently - and remember, we are not a type. I am not an 'INFJ' except as a convenient turn of phrase - it's more accurate to say that INFJ describes me the best of the 16 MBTI types.

I must say I find the idea of describing you as ENFP rather discordant. Just looking through a few pages of your blog, In The Deep Night, you don't seem to be establishing your identity through a wide circle of friends that you rely on to ground you, particularly when you are distressed, and you seem to be more than content in a routine job. On the other hand, you seem to enjoy a lot of alone time, and you seem to gain energy and comfort from it - I would have thought that sort of alone time would be pretty uncomfortable for a people-oriented extravert type. If your blog is typical of you, then you spend a lot of time focused on just one or two other people, whose image you bring inside your inner world and then spend a lot of effort chewing over how you and they might relate. I suspect that there are times when you put more effort into these relationships and friendships inside your head than with the actual people concerned. Now it might be that these observations are just a feature of your blog, and you act differently otherwise - but on this evidence, I'd say you are a very definite introvert.
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