Weird cognitive functions results

I must say I find the idea of describing you as ENFP rather discordant. Just looking through a few pages of your blog, In The Deep Night, you don't seem to be establishing your identity through a wide circle of friends that you rely on to ground you, particularly when you are distressed, and you seem to be more than content in a routine job. On the other hand, you seem to enjoy a lot of alone time, and you seem to gain energy and comfort from it - I would have thought that sort of alone time would be pretty uncomfortable for a people-oriented extravert type. If your blog is typical of you, then you spend a lot of time focused on just one or two other people, whose image you bring inside your inner world and then spend a lot of effort chewing over how you and they might relate. I suspect that there are times when you put more effort into these relationships and friendships inside your head than with the actual people concerned. Now it might be that these observations are just a feature of your blog, and you act differently otherwise - but on this evidence, I'd say you are a very definite introvert.

Maybe @slant is an INFP Ne-subtype.

I'm almost certain she is xNFP. The Fi and Ne are quite strong. Not so much Fe in my opinion. Could be ENTP but I don't really see the Ti-auxiliary.

I'm also usually pretty consistent with my routine. I go to bed at about the same time every day, shower the same time, drive the same way to work. I enjoy routine and my job is basically just repetitive nonsense doing the same thing over and over again but I like it because I'm not comfortable with something unless I fully understand it, and that takes me a while. I'm not quickly adaptable but once I adapt I'm very good at what I do

I think that suggests Si somewhere in the stack. Again, INFP or ENFP.

Some ENFPs can seem like introverts, let's not forget.
Regarding what @John K and @Ren said,

Infp seems more likely to me. I am very outgoing and extroverted when I feel comfortable in a group and have strong, deep relationships with people in the group. I don't like socializing with strangers but will do so if I'm already in my "safe" zone with people I know. Like this forum is very "safe" for me, I'm established, so I feel comfortable taking risks. But if I don't feel part of a community having deeper individual relationships with members of the group I'll tend to put myself on the sidelines.

I don't like being alone, but I would rather be alone than in shitty company. I feel like me not wanting to be alone is about me worrying I'll slip back into old habits of escapism like Netflix and videogames. I LOVE those activities but they aren't healthy for me and in a way I'm using people as a distraction.

But like I got invited to a poetry slam yesterday, and I did a big awards show thing at an open mike Sunday and that had me beat. So I stayed home and colored. Someone invited me to a new years party this morning but I declined because I want to video chat people on the forum tonight. So I guess that's trading one socializing event for another. The point is I like to socialize A LOT with the people I'm close to. I'm way more social than my intj best friend, even my mother who is an infp she's basically a hermit.

It's an interesting thing to think about, though. How extroverted am I?

As long as I enjoy the company I'm in, and there's not more than maybe 3 other people in the group, I could probably do that for a while. I would break off from the group to do my own thing and I'm not always engaged in the conversation but I enjoy having people around. But I hate having to socialize with people if I don't know if they're worth the effort. So I usually hang back and observe people's behavior and if they interest me I'll approach them. Otherwise I'll just stick to myself.

I also wonder how much of my tendency to stick to myself is just a result of being a HSP and being overwhelmed by lots of noise and stimulus. I think that's why I can only handle a few people at once maximum because I can no longer tell what emotions are coming from who and it's too much info to keep up with. So maybe my ability to process information keeps me inclined to behave more introverted.
Regarding what @John K and @Ren said,

Infp seems more likely to me. I am very outgoing and extroverted when I feel comfortable in a group and have strong, deep relationships with people in the group. I don't like socializing with strangers but will do so if I'm already in my "safe" zone with people I know. Like this forum is very "safe" for me, I'm established, so I feel comfortable taking risks. But if I don't feel part of a community having deeper individual relationships with members of the group I'll tend to put myself on the sidelines.

I don't like being alone, but I would rather be alone than in shitty company. I feel like me not wanting to be alone is about me worrying I'll slip back into old habits of escapism like Netflix and videogames. I LOVE those activities but they aren't healthy for me and in a way I'm using people as a distraction.

But like I got invited to a poetry slam yesterday, and I did a big awards show thing at an open mike Sunday and that had me beat. So I stayed home and colored. Someone invited me to a new years party this morning but I declined because I want to video chat people on the forum tonight. So I guess that's trading one socializing event for another. The point is I like to socialize A LOT with the people I'm close to. I'm way more social than my intj best friend, even my mother who is an infp she's basically a hermit.

It's an interesting thing to think about, though. How extroverted am I?

As long as I enjoy the company I'm in, and there's not more than maybe 3 other people in the group, I could probably do that for a while. I would break off from the group to do my own thing and I'm not always engaged in the conversation but I enjoy having people around. But I hate having to socialize with people if I don't know if they're worth the effort. So I usually hang back and observe people's behavior and if they interest me I'll approach them. Otherwise I'll just stick to myself.

I also wonder how much of my tendency to stick to myself is just a result of being a HSP and being overwhelmed by lots of noise and stimulus. I think that's why I can only handle a few people at once maximum because I can no longer tell what emotions are coming from who and it's too much info to keep up with. So maybe my ability to process information keeps me inclined to behave more introverted.


slant said:
Hey... So I'm not very versed in cognitive functions and I was wondering if some people here could help my interpret what's going on here? My cognitive functions don't seem to make any sense... I'm leading ni which is INFJ function, but then my second is Fe which is INFP function. I don't get it. What does this mean.

I think it should be noted that the models of functions are very up for philosophical debate. There's nothing like a consensus on them, beyond the fact that some models are favored in some circles.

I don't think it is possible to take a test and get a result that automatically conforms to a certain model, thus. I think when you work with the models that most people work with, you can't really measure the functions separately -- you have to study patterns like 'Te-Fi' and 'Ni-Se'

Keep in mind that the idea that your Se result should be higher than your Si result for Ni-dom is highly suspect -- Se is supposed to be highly unconscious for Ni-doms. It's a lot more like you can define Ni as the complement of Se and thus implicitly, Se-themes figure into an Ni-dom, than that a Ni-dom in some more traditional sense actively favors the Se-perspective over the Si-one. Unconscious complementary influences are not the types of things that a functions test that asks you things like 'what do you prefer' and 'how much of this do you do' would pick up.

I think purely as an introvert, it's not that uncommon for a Ni-dom to relate more to some of the Ti, Si, etc things. The sense in which you could say "but really, it's Se" might be phrased something like this: since introversion is in service of intuition in the Ni-dom's psyche, even if Si appears as a process, it is 'impure' and in a sense filtered through the Ni perspective. Whereas Se remains most out of the grip of ego-consciousness, and thus is able to function somewhat more independently in the psyche. One could define this as 'the person has Se, not Si,' but in practice a lot of their habits might fit the Si descriptions better as presented on a functions test.
The sense in which an unconscious influence emerges was often pursued in Jungian practice through dreams and subtle such phenomena, not necessarily more directly.
I think it should be noted that the models of functions are very up for philosophical debate. There's nothing like a consensus on them, beyond the fact that some models are favored in some circles.

I don't think it is possible to take a test and get a result that automatically conforms to a certain model, thus. I think when you work with the models that most people work with, you can't really measure the functions separately -- you have to study patterns like 'Te-Fi' and 'Ni-Se'

Keep in mind that the idea that your Se result should be higher than your Si result for Ni-dom is highly suspect -- Se is supposed to be highly unconscious for Ni-doms. It's a lot more like you can define Ni as the complement of Se and thus implicitly, Se-themes figure into an Ni-dom, than that a Ni-dom in some more traditional sense actively favors the Se-perspective over the Si-one. Unconscious complementary influences are not the types of things that a functions test that asks you things like 'what do you prefer' and 'how much of this do you do' would pick up.

I think purely as an introvert, it's not that uncommon for a Ni-dom to relate more to some of the Ti, Si, etc things. The sense in which you could say "but really, it's Se" might be phrased something like this: since introversion is in service of intuition in the Ni-dom's psyche, even if Si appears as a process, it is 'impure' and in a sense filtered through the Ni perspective. Whereas Se remains most out of the grip of ego-consciousness, and thus is able to function somewhat more independently in the psyche. One could define this as 'the person has Se, not Si,' but in practice a lot of their habits might fit the Si descriptions better as presented on a functions test.
The sense in which an unconscious influence emerges was often pursued in Jungian practice through dreams and subtle such phenomena, not necessarily more directly.

It's just weird because I resonate with Fe so much. Ne feels really familiar too.

Like I used to, when I was young, really identify with wanting to have a theory of life and wanting to unify everything into this bigger picture but I don't know I just kinda realized that isn't possible. So once I realized that I gave up and decided to be more loose and open, that I was too rigid before, I have to just receive ideas.

I FOR SURE am not an sj... For sure. My coworker is an SJ and I piss him off so much by playing devil's advocate with him. I usually don't do that but sometimes I get cheeky. So "poking the bear" would be what a playful NP trait?
slant said:
It's just weird because I resonate with Fe so much. Ne feels really familiar too.

I like the 8-function models, just because it seems to me everyone uses everything, in some sense of 'use,' but some functions are operating in a 'purer' way than others.
That is, they are not operating subordinate to another's defining principle.
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My closest friends are confirmed INFJ and INTJ. INTJ seems cold to me but we always follow each other's train of thought and don't seem to even speak proper English were skipping around so much. Nobody else can really go those places with her.

INFJ and I are similar, we hop around and bond over our strong values and kind of cast shade on people who don't meet our standards. We have deep deep feelings and feel highly misunderstood and so we relate with each other on that. At times I'm surprised at how strong his view is on certain topics.

INTJ is more flexible and willing to consider other ideas if you can prove it. Impossible to argue with an INFJ because their feelings won't be changed by facts and I don't know how to argue from their own feeling standpoint.

ISTP cousin and I are pretty close. We talk easily and connect on feelings a lot. She's more open minded than I am and when I'm trying to tell her about my personal development she interprets it as a problem to be solved and tries to give me advice... Which ends up making me defensive because I've already decided in my head what I think and her alternate route of action usually is something I didn't even ponder, and the new information kinda stuns me. I learn a lot from those convos but then there are blind spots where if I touch a spot with her she gets really emotional and defensive and I have to find a way to walk out of it. It's weird we get along but we also are really unable to handle each other's feelings and are always overly communicative in an attempt to prevent misunderstandings which continue to happen anyway.

INFP mother and I generally get along well but she often cuts me off or seems uninterested in the conversation and won't communicate that to me. Very frustrating. When we get along it's well, but if we're disagreeing it's extremely heated. She wants me to get in her feelings with her during a debate and I won't I go to this logical headspace asking what it is she expects me to do, going to solution mode, her need to chew her emotions like a cow with it's cud is beyond me.

INTJ and I have never fought. Friends for 5 years and not a single fight. We communicate our needs openly to each other and respond. I tolerate a lot from her and she tolerates a lot for me, its mutually understood that we will modify each other's behavior if it's not working right so I feel very comfortable.

INFJ and I haven't fought either but it's only been 2 months. Worst thing with him is that he's not good at communicating and I'll ask direct questions about future plans that he won't answer. But we have a mutual understanding that if something is up we'll speak up and deal with it.

I appreciate the NJ tendency to tackle things. NP seem to dance around issues and I never feel something is resolved.

Maybe I'm answering the tests as what I want to be. I feel like some sort of NJ that is being heavily influenced by NPs, who loves NPs, who wants to learn from them and so I'm kinda letting go of much of my NJ tendencies to explore that even though it makes me uncomfortable.

I like certainty. I like order.

But I'm realizing that those things don't let you grow- you have to be flexible and open. Better things have been happening now that I've gone that path.
At times I'm surprised at how strong his view is on certain topics.

This makes me laugh.
INFJ: Sure live your life, do whatever, just be chill it's all cool
Keep in mind that the idea that your Se result should be higher than your Si result for Ni-dom is highly suspect -- Se is supposed to be highly unconscious for Ni-doms.
I’m very much on this page. Our inferior is supposed to be the least conscious of all the functions - the one furthest away from our conscious control. The others, the ones not mentioned in our stack, are not as far away as the inferior. Jung warned that attempts to develop conscious control of the inferior can cause psychological harm, based on his experience with his patients. Personally, I used my very obvious inferior Se to help confirm my own primary Ni at a time when I wasn’t quite sure from the literature what it should actually feel like within. E.g. The evidence of the bruises on my shins is quite tangible lol.