Seeker at heart
- Enneagram
- 146
I must say I find the idea of describing you as ENFP rather discordant. Just looking through a few pages of your blog, In The Deep Night, you don't seem to be establishing your identity through a wide circle of friends that you rely on to ground you, particularly when you are distressed, and you seem to be more than content in a routine job. On the other hand, you seem to enjoy a lot of alone time, and you seem to gain energy and comfort from it - I would have thought that sort of alone time would be pretty uncomfortable for a people-oriented extravert type. If your blog is typical of you, then you spend a lot of time focused on just one or two other people, whose image you bring inside your inner world and then spend a lot of effort chewing over how you and they might relate. I suspect that there are times when you put more effort into these relationships and friendships inside your head than with the actual people concerned. Now it might be that these observations are just a feature of your blog, and you act differently otherwise - but on this evidence, I'd say you are a very definite introvert.
Maybe @slant is an INFP Ne-subtype.
I'm almost certain she is xNFP. The Fi and Ne are quite strong. Not so much Fe in my opinion. Could be ENTP but I don't really see the Ti-auxiliary.
I'm also usually pretty consistent with my routine. I go to bed at about the same time every day, shower the same time, drive the same way to work. I enjoy routine and my job is basically just repetitive nonsense doing the same thing over and over again but I like it because I'm not comfortable with something unless I fully understand it, and that takes me a while. I'm not quickly adaptable but once I adapt I'm very good at what I do
I think that suggests Si somewhere in the stack. Again, INFP or ENFP.
Some ENFPs can seem like introverts, let's not forget.