[INFJ] Welcome to the 4w5 self doubt episode...

It’s entirely possible to be an E4 INFJ, and if you are down with wing theory, and think it applies, INFJs who are E4 tend toward E4w5, as opposed to E4w3, from what I have seen.

You’re no closer to INFP or INTJ because of E4w5...unless your cognitive function balance tells a deeper story.

Being familiar with the cognitive functions is much more informative than wading through preferences.

When you're happy, functioning well, and feeling benign towards the world or others ask yourself: what would I like to achieve to make things better for others? If you gravitate towards goals like harmony, peace, and happiness for others, that's Fe. If you gravitate towards goals like freeing people from unnecessary or unpleasant time wasting obstacles, and making it easier for everyone to do what they want (in terms of work, commuting, transactions, and recreation), that's Te. The former fits with INFJs, the latter with INTJs.

Familiarise yourself with the functions, then it's easy to determine your type.

...123: "Am I INFJ or some weird mix of INFP and INTJ?"

Some kind of frankenpersonality anyway...
Hey @Annaria, how are you?
I'm a Type 4w5; and I disagree that it's a mix of INFP and INTJ. You are straight-up INFJ. I also don't like a lot of the enneagram descriptions, because they seem to add extra fuel to folks, especially online, interpreting you based on your enneagram. And type 4's have it pretty bad when people use the enneagram to label and alter their behavior towards you based on your type results. I really hate it when people do that. I'll put it this way: the enneagram doesn't speak for me or my life story. What is accurate about it, is, I believe, it can help a person understand the patterns that make up their core-self. It is meant as a personal tool for self-discovery and improvement. I can't speak for you, but for me being a type 4 means my need to get in touch with my core values, creative work, and personal motivations is very important for my self-respect and respect for those around me. Also the 5-wing is great, because I have the proclivity to work with tools, systems of measurement, investigation, and language to achieve these very intra/inter-personal motivations. It ultimately results in being a person who can edify lots of people while edifying themselves by doing their self-work - not a bad gig. eh?

Well, best wishes to you @Annaria, and thanks for your thread.
To add to what @Jexocuha said, consider that Enneagram descriptions can vary wildly depending on one’s level of well-being, or functionality.

Type Four
Healthy Type 4: The Revolutionary​
edgy, breaks new ground, pushes the envelope, creative/artistic, intuitive
Average Type 4: The Unconventionalist​
different, idiosyncratic, experimental, unique, open
Unhealthy Type 4: The Stranger
cut off from reality, delusional, bizarre/schizotypal/schizophrenic, irrational, masochistic
Am I INFJ or some weird mix of INFP and INTJ
If anything, an INFJ could be more accurately described as on a spectrum somewhere between INTJ and ISFJ. They got the NI self/world conception comparable to INTJs, but they have the Fe approach/expression/way of relating/dealing with the world comparable to ISFJs.
If anything, an INFJ could be more accurately described as on a spectrum somewhere between INTJ and ISFJ. They got the NI self/world conception comparable to INTJs, but they have the Fe approach/expression/way of relating/dealing with the world comparable to ISFJs.

I just saw a video on this!