Were you difficult as a teen?

Yes, but as it turns out, it was due largely in part to mental illness. We don't really talk about those years...heh.
I suppose in some ways I was.

My sense is that I must have provided some stimulus to my parent(s) that escalated the violence to a more serious level. I mean, I had never experienced a concussion at their hand in my pre-teen years.

I think part of that stimulus may have been me beginning to stand up for myself after years of various abuses.

That didn't last long though. The shame of going to school severely bruised was enough to bring me under control. As is my tendency, I withdrew into myself, and chose the path of least resistance - compliance and non-self-expression.

I directed my anger and my difficulty inward. I self-sabotaged, ruining their possession and their plans.

By the time I was engaging in sex, drug use, and self-injury, I was doing those things discreetly, not wishing to make trouble for anyone.

And well, I never became a father, got sober, don't have any visible scars, and eventually learned to love and accept myself, so I guess it all turned out OK. :wink:

Outwardly I was fine. I was a bit rebellious though in a quiet sort of way; smart-ass when writing papers, drawing cartoons when I should have been doing homework and playing video games when I should have been doing yard work.

Never got into serious trouble, went to parties or did drugs though. Now... in my 20's... a different story.
Of course I was. I just recently stopped being difficult.
I wasnt very troublesome, I lived too far away from anyone to get into any real trouble. I only got into silly trouble. Somewhat long sideburns, long hair, and "grunge" clothes was as far as it went really.

For instance I showed someone where my parents hid there porn. So my mom was about to drive him home and he had to go get his guitar. So he got it and sneaked a video into it. Then he hid it in his dirty laundry so his mom found it. He had to walk up to my door and return it to my mom. Naturally I got in trouble for that.

Another for instance was I was grounded for 2 years for bad grades. I had one D on every report card. So since I lived far away from everyone I never even considered going anyplace that wasnt a cousins house. They mentioned once that I never went anywhere and I replied, 'Ive been grounded the past two years.' Reality kind of went over thier faces as they must have thought 'Maybe we are doing something wrong'.

I would always get a talking to because I wasnt in sports but my school didnt have football or wrestling AND they werent willing to pick me up afterwards. I didnt want to walk for an hour to get home down dark rural roads. So again I was the bad guy.

Its just things like that that would get me in trouble. I never got caught the times I actually snuck out or was drinking. You know the things that I probably deserved to get in trouble for.