Were you difficult as a teen?

I wasn't difficult in a way that I asked for a lot of attention, caused conflict or did crazy stuff. I was more of the exact opposite, but I think my family would describe me as a difficult teenager because of that. I kept very much to myself most of the time. And I'd say that for the most part my behaviour resulted from their complete lack of understanding of how to interact with me during what was a very difficult period in my life. The result was that I finally shut myself off completely and stopped communication with them, very much to my parents frustration. But at the time, it was the only way I could behave around them without making things worse for myself, and them.

I do not consider myself difficult, in fact I try to remain calm and positive. I control my temper, don't drink, don't do drugs, don't smoke. I am not even currently in any sort of relationship nor have I ever have. I am very interested in my studies, and try to have intellectual discussions with my parents. They however, always find an excuse to make me look difficult or horrible.

They say I am the worst example for today's youth(which includes my sister) due to my sexual orientation and my lack of interest in God. One thing I can't stand is when others force their believes upon me, and later use different sorts of black mail if you don't go a long with their wants and needs. At some point, I am getting tired of this and I am starting to state my opinions in a calmly yet revolutionary way which they consider to be rebellious.

It truly is ridiculous.
No. I think I was much less trouble then the average teen, but far less trouble then my sister was.
I wasn't interested in partying, drugs, alcohol, sex or relationships so there was no worry about me getting into trouble in that regard. My siblings and I did fight a bit and we were selfish bastards, so it wasn't entirely smooth sailing either.
They say I am the worst example for today's youth(which includes my sister) due to my sexual orientation and my lack of interest in God.

you capitalized God =P force of habit, or a sign of respect? or just something random and unconnected to your beliefs about deities?

to OP: nope, not a difficult teen, though i recall my teen years with a great deal of trepidation ;(
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My parents have had a handful with me. Mostly because they couldn't possibly understand that someone could cut classes only to sit in the park, drink coffee and read a book, so they naturally thought that I lied to them, or that I could hang around a bunch of addicts and not become one. I've been in serious trouble several times, but they don't even know about it. Today after all that and seeing how some of their friends went with their kids they'd probably say that I wasn't too much of a problem but at that time and especially since they are blissfully unaware of some things, yeah, I was a difficult teen. I talked back, made scenes when needed, I mostly hated those parts, but I was the older child and I had to fight for every stupid thing that I wanted, whether that be coming home late, going out, going for a vacation with my friends or just having my own opinion.
As I see my little brother turning into a full-size teen, I can't help but notice how much I hate teenagers. Now tell me, were you a difficult person when you were at that age?

Oh god yes I was difficult. Temperamental, illogical, selfishly selfless, head strong, and passive aggressive child I was.
oh no, not at all! ^^ It's just now (as a college student) that I feel a bit tense with my relationship with them. I'm mature enough, though, to control myself. Ah, I'm such a good daughter...
My parents have had a handful with me. Mostly because they couldn't possibly understand that someone could cut classes only to sit in the park, drink coffee and read a book, so they naturally thought that I lied to them, or that I could hang around a bunch of addicts and not become one. I've been in serious trouble several times, but they don't even know about it. Today after all that and seeing how some of their friends went with their kids they'd probably say that I wasn't too much of a problem but at that time and especially since they are blissfully unaware of some things, yeah, I was a difficult teen. I talked back, made scenes when needed, I mostly hated those parts, but I was the older child and I had to fight for every stupid thing that I wanted, whether that be coming home late, going out, going for a vacation with my friends or just having my own opinion.

Tell us stories!!
I kept to myself as much as I could. I didn't party or date, but I refused to clean my room. If my parents yelled at me, I yelled back. If dad hit me, I hit back. I never got in trouble at school.
Now that I think about it, I SHOULD have been in trouble at school but I never was. Like, I didn't do any of my classwork and just sat during all of my classes and daydreamed the whole time. I was failing everything. The only time I was in the principal's office was actually because I was called down because my sister kept getting in fights with girls and I had to go in there and make her reasonable for the administration. I was also in the office one other time because I was walking down the hall sniffling and then a teacher came by and asked why and I told them this terrible shit that these girls did to me (basically the kept punching at me and messing up my locker) and then the teacher forced me and these girls to go down to the office and essentially nothing was resolved so I never told anyone what happened to me ever again.

On this other occasion I was called into peer to peer counseling to try to resolve issues with some classmates that hated me...that never fixed anything.

And I told my English teacher one time that I had no friends when he asked me afterclass one day and after that he always tried to give me grades on assignments I didn't even do. Oh, and I also pretended to my history teacher that there was 'something', I never specified what, going on at my house at night that kept me up and I could never get any sleep so he let me sleep through all of his classes and gave me participation points even though I never did anything.

So...I guess I was a terrible teenager.

I also threatened to kill my sister and mother and threw a chair and kitchen table at my mother one time when I was really tired and hungry and she was trying to convince me to clean my room.

I also didn't do any house chores or particularly care about anything, so there was no way to motivate me to do anything other than hitting me or screaming at me...and if I was yelled at I'd just cry for a couple of hours. One thing I remember doing during the only time my dad yelled at me for three hours about not sweeping the driveway off at 10:00pm when it was dark was, basically, I cried so hard that I had to bite myself to stop sobbing and then I finally fell asleep.

Also, there was one point, my 9th grade year where I just wasn't home at all and kept house hopping and lived with one of my friends for a week during the school year until my mom made me come home. And during the summers I was never home, I was always at a friends house even if I hated them just because I didn't want to be home.
I am/have been... Both difficult and not difficult in different areas. Excellent student, boast-able talents for a parent to talk of, never gotten drunk, don't do drugs, capable and self-motivated... And thoroughly more of a handful than my siblings. I don't take incredibly well to restrictions, and have little patience for authority figures (parents) placing restrictions without any communicable reason (ie, "because it seems like I shouldn't let you")
I was an easy teenager, and both of my parents have told me this directly several times. I did what I was supposed to do, I never got in trouble for doing something wrong (sans my ESTJ fathers outburts), I never snuck around, or did anything illegal. I was a good teenager.

As a child though... oh man was I handful.
Considering the environment my dad may have thought of me in my later teens as I gained autonomy from his bs and I would call him out on it. Besides that I was pretty laid back.
Nope. It was when I got out of my parent's house that I started to get in to trouble. I've never intentionally hurt my family, and outside of my parents, I hardly ever do anything that disappoints the people I'm closest to.
I was an INTJ asshole, attempting to take Ayn Rand's Objectivism to its logical conclusion
I'm...considered a good kid, I suppose, never do anything bad; no drugs, smoking, even going to clubs and partying, unless for my...quirks, which few people have agreed to. (and few people outside the internet have seen it)

they don't say anything because it doesn't hurt, and instead blamed it on personality flaws instead. For which... >_____>;;;;;;
The only problem I had when I was a teen was that my parents kept telling me that I should get out more and make more friends, of course, I later learned the famous "nod". I nodded at them for everything, eventually, my parents got the point lol
Oh lord yes. Just with my mom though. I can be a hothead and she gets my temper boiling sometimes. God bless mothers who have children like me and my brothe
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I wasn't difficult, no. My parents did a superb job of guilting every potentially iconoclastic impulse out of my system.