What are bad reasons for ending a marriage?

imo, there are no real "bad reasons" to end a marriage/friendship. Just reasons and people who deem those reasons good or bad.

This is what the thread is asking = what reasons do people think are good or bad.
If you're bored with a loyal friendship that you've had for a long time, you seriously need to examine who you are as a person, especially if you're considering ending that friendship purely because you're board.

Friends, true friends, are highly valuable.

The way I see it, there are more bad reasons for ending friendships/marriages than good. Most problems that friends/partners have are actually fixable if you're willing to take the time and put in the effort to do it.
The relationship would most likely not have lasted very long if the other person was boring, and if it did, it is a good reason IMO. What's the point of having a relationship if it bores you to death? Even if it's a true friend who understands you and stuff, if you're not having any fun, it's just well...boring. :/
It's just so open ended that I don't see how any meaningful conclusions can come out of it. If it was limited to certain scenarios then a pretty good debate could get going but as it is the responses could easily become absurd. The topic is interesting but too broad to be useful IMO. Maybe I'm missing something? I certainly am not trying to be unduly negative. Perhaps it's better I just watch this one from the shadows.
I think what it boils down to is whether or not you feel justified in your actions. Clearly you don't regret your decision, and you had your own reasons.
This is what the thread is asking = what reasons do people think are good or bad.

This probably highlights a difference between intps and other types...
I was thinking the op wanted "objective" bad reasons to end a relationships. That is, reasons that in all circumstances could be deemed "bad" regardless of other factors involved...or reasons in which you couldn't think of a single scenario in which you could deem it "not bad". IMO, this will never happen (although I would love to be proven wrong)..

If the op was asking for my opinion as to what a "bad reason" is...then I should never have posted in the thread in the first place because my opinion on the issue ultimately doesn't even matter. I guess I take the saying "Opinions are like assholes..everyone has one and they all stink (including, and one could even argue especially, my own)" very seriously. It seems to me (if that was indeed the purpose of this thread) to be a purposeless exercise. All it boils down to is people saying "I don't know, and I have no real evidence that even suggests this is true, so I'm just taking a guess knowing I could be wrong (and when you think about it, I probably am wrong) that XYZ is the case...to which my response would be "Why even talk about it then?"...

But don't let me stop a thread that others may get value from...

In fact, in an effort to not be a damper on things, I'll offer my own (very subjective and ultimately useless to anyone but me (and sometimes it still proves to be useless to me too) ) opinion..

1) If in a marriage your partner's personality/beliefs/lifestyle/physical appearance changes. To me love is unconditional and I would only ever get married if I loved the person so..ending a marriage because my partner changed (and we all change constantly) isn't very nice. I hope someday I find someone who has that same attitude.

I honestly can't think of another reason I would consider bad..