What are signs that an INFJ girl wants to be more than friends?

Well, as you've said before, the INFJ chick probably isn't into me as much as I am into her, so, if you're right, it'd be no problem for her to show up with her man.

Also, the date in this hypothesis wouldn't know why we're there, or maybe she would. I'd definitely tell her that it's a meeting between old friends, which it is. Also, despite the outcome, I'll have closure. I'd have tied up loose ends. Whether or not it turned out Miss INFJ liked me all along, or if she realises that she likes me once I'm with someone else, won't change how I am with the girlfriend I take to the date. As I said before, it'll be a girl I genuinely like and can see myself having a future with.

Or, I could get that ENFP chick to come with me instead. We're both good friends already, we've established that we're platonic, and she'd understand, because I help her with guy stuff and she helps me with girl stuff.
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Ooh, you really know how to get to the heart of an INTJ. I'm flattered, seriously. :)
I'm an infp, that's what I do, spread cheer and compliments (well, usually.. when I'm not being irrationally moody.)
I hope she feels the same about you! :)

I would definitely not hold hands with a guy or a lesbian girl I didn't have romantic feelings for unless our friendship was so very established to the both of us that we knew, without question, that holding hands was a gesture of our deep, platonic closeness. Both because I would need that level of comfort, and because I would want it to be something we both understood mutually. I wouldn't want him/her to think I am implying romantic feelings or cause any confusion/hurt between us.

Do you think she'd be nervous to tell you that they broke up? In case she does have feelings for you and worried you don't for her?

Good luck :)!
And as some people already commented, that friendship piece is essential to an INFJ relationship. Sounds promising!
Well it's always possible that she's nervous about telling me, but if she was telling me that he was doing other girls at his university and stuff then wouldn't she feel that it'd only be natural to tell me that/if they'd broken up?

Also, I could've been making something out of nothing, but when she was telling me about the relationship problems I couldn't help but feel she was hinting at leaving Kdjhgr for me.

But, thank you, I need all the luck I can get. I do hope you're right.

Also, I'm definite she's an NF, and a little bit certain that she's an I, but she could also be a P. She likes spontaneity...
When will you tell us how it turns out?
Whenever he gets to it.
The whole double date thing, man don't do that. I'm just 'T' enough to have thought that was a good idea in the past. It's not, especially if you're dealing with an 'F'.

You could either be blunt and honest with her (which might be good for an NF, we never usually can tell who's into us) or you could try probing for information, subtly. If you start making a move on a girl with a boyfriend, the "boyfriend" defense will come up. Basically, if they use the words "my boyfriend" and it's not in direct reference to you, they are not into you. But I doubt that her reference to him before was that, she might have been trying to make you "jealous" (that never works on INTJ's). I get where you are about not moving in on another guy's girl, I try not to do that too, but if she's not married or engaged to him, it's up to her to decide who she wants to go out with (or would that be whom?)

Also, check my post, burried on page 3 by now one love-shyness, some of your story sounds like that. Especially INTJ, which some have said is one of the main personality types of LS. I'll bump it for you though.

And the friendzone, I took over as mayor of the friendzone from Joey. Hand holding makes me think that you are not in there. Also, she does not talk about her bf. If you were in the friendzone, she would call you every time she had a fight with him. You would be her "emotional tampon" as the LS forum likes to put it.
When will you tell us how it turns out?

Silently Honest got it right. Of course I'll let you all know what happens. :)

The whole double date thing, man don't do that. I'm just 'T' enough to have thought that was a good idea in the past. It's not, especially if you're dealing with an 'F'.

You could either be blunt and honest with her (which might be good for an NF, we never usually can tell who's into us) or you could try probing for information, subtly. If you start making a move on a girl with a boyfriend, the "boyfriend" defense will come up. Basically, if they use the words "my boyfriend" and it's not in direct reference to you, they are not into you. But I doubt that her reference to him before was that, she might have been trying to make you "jealous" (that never works on INTJ's). I get where you are about not moving in on another guy's girl, I try not to do that too, but if she's not married or engaged to him, it's up to her to decide who she wants to go out with (or would that be whom?)

Also, check my post, burried on page 3 by now one love-shyness, some of your story sounds like that. Especially INTJ, which some have said is one of the main personality types of LS. I'll bump it for you though.

And the friendzone, I took over as mayor of the friendzone from Joey. Hand holding makes me think that you are not in there. Also, she does not talk about her bf. If you were in the friendzone, she would call you every time she had a fight with him. You would be her "emotional tampon" as the LS forum likes to put it.

I've read about love-shyness before, there was a site that had the entire book online, but I don't think that's where I'm at. I did the test a while ago, and got like 70-something, so I'll have to do it again. I have no problem asking a girl out on a date, but only in the early stages of the two of us getting to know each other, and if I know they're single. It was only once we were, well, "friends" (one week into it, after we traded numbers) that I started to fall for her. Just when I thought everything was gonna be great, she told me she had a BF.

How would the double date thing backfire if she was an F?

Another thing, I like a lot of movies and music that don't fit the love-shy's taste. :)
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How would the double date thing backfire if she was an F?

Another thing, I like a lot of movies and music that don't fit the love-shy's taste. :)

If you play games with NFs it is never a good thing. You plan on asking her to double date with you and another girl right? As in, you intend to take another girl out and have her bring her BF. Well, if she does have a BF still and doesn't like you, no loss. If she does like you and does not have a BF anymore, then you've just shown her (in her eyes) that you have no feelings for her, so she'll just make up an excuse and be hurt. "Women never forget and rarely forgive." - Alex Trebek

And agian, the music and movie thing is almost never correct.
If you play games with NFs it is never a good thing. You plan on asking her to double date with you and another girl right? As in, you intend to take another girl out and have her bring her BF. Well, if she does have a BF still and doesn't like you, no loss. If she does like you and does not have a BF anymore, then you've just shown her (in her eyes) that you have no feelings for her, so she'll just make up an excuse and be hurt. "Women never forget and rarely forgive." - Alex Trebek

And agian, the music and movie thing is almost never correct.

Insightful. I feel like I knew this but could not express it into words. Bravo.
I think holding hands is a good sign. I'm strangely picky about who I hold hands with because my hands are always really cold for some reason

If you put butterflies in a jar with fireflies, would they fight or hurt each other? It would sort of negate the sentiment, but it might be pretty.

How about a t shirt instead?

Ok, Maybe I'm the only one who wants this shirt. But I have too many shirts that say stuff on them.
oh my god my hands get really cold all the time too...a few people have said that they are esp my family lol
Alex Trebek is not a credible source on the minds and hearts of women.

That quote makes me wonder what nefarious shenanigans Alex has engaged in to feel the full wrath of some woman's scorn. I can just about imagine with that jaunty little mustache of his. Oh Alex....