@Wyote understating things once again.Damn this video is fire
MPR Tiny Desk Concert: Sweeney Todd
I didn’t either, but I thought “I’m not a theatre nerd and ADHD and celebrity-unaware” so whatever, but then I found out many theatre nerds and Groban-fans didn’t recognize it was him either, so I lowered the L and beat a hasty retreat through the stage side door.I didn't realize that was Josh Groban at first lol
Shadow Gallery - The Archer of Ben Salem
Definitely has that kind of feel. That entire Room V album is a kind of musical storytelling and the entire album is probably worth listening to from start to end. Shadow Gallery had a wide variety of really great tracks spanning several albums. I think Carved in Stone was probably my favorite, but in prog spaces they always tended to be overlooked by bigger names. Two decades later and they're one of my favorites.100% FF battle music, but also just an awesome song