What are your CORE beliefs?


Permanent Fixture
This is a SHARE thread. Ask questions of each other to clarify, but please do not use this thread to argue or belittle. Please word your beliefs in a way that expresses what you believe without bashing what someone else might believe.

By CORE beliefs, I mean, when the chips are down, and you are besieged by doubts, what beliefs still stand for you? All of us tend to accept SETS of beliefs as package deals, which is fine. But when push comes to shove, there are probably many things in the package that we have our doubts about. Share only those things that you consistantly believe, even when in a time of doubt.
I'll start.

1. I believe in a Creator, a Designer of the Universe. That doesn't say a lot. In fact, it asks more questions than it answers. Is this creator still involved with creation? Or is he/she/it more like the watchmaker of the Deists, who created and then just sits back and watches the universe tick?

2. I believe in the uniqueness of the Jewish people. Not that we are better. No that we are more moral. Not that we are more loved or anything. Just that we must have some kind of special calling or something. Why? Because given how many empires have tried to destroy us, we should have gone the way of the dodo bird long ago, but we are still here.

3. Put #1 and #2 together, and I conclude that our Creator cares about how we treat each other, because he/she/it has intervened in history to teach us a better way, a more just way, a kinder way. Why does he/she/it care? I have no idea, and the why doesn't matter.

That's it. Everything else gets doubted by me at times. These three are my pillars.

How about you?
the things i am absolutely sure of in my life:

there is a god(dess) higher power (choose your terminology as you please - i don't use one usually) that i can tap into whenever i need it
i am stronger than i can ever imagine
i am here to love, learn and teach - in that order

these are the only things i can be certain of if the chips are truly down. (whatever that entails!)
I was going to post until I saw the first reply. As a thread where one is not meant to belittle - it already failed. If we're not to argue - I refrain from further comments
I was going to post until I saw the first reply. As a thread where one is not meant to belittle - it already failed. If we're not to argue - I refrain from further comments

Is this some kind of passive aggression?


My core beliefs:

Things always work out.
If they dont work out and I die, I wont care cause I'll be dead.
If things go wrong, at least I'll have something interesting to talk about.
1. there is no god or cosmic justice, we are alone.
2. when all systems fail, might makes right.
3. I would sacrifice myself for my loved ones.
4. Survival is the name of the game, and my survival and my family's survival is more important than anyone elses.
5. equilibrium is ideal, but not always possible.
6. It is better to be a winner as opposed to a loser.
7. Civility is an illusion.
1. there is no god or cosmic justice, we are alone.
2. when all systems fail, might makes right.
3. I would sacrifice myself for my loved ones.
4. Survival is the name of the game, and my survival and my family's survival is more important than anyone elses.
5. equilibrium is ideal, but not always possible.
6. It is better to be a winner as opposed to a loser.
7. Civility is an illusion.
i want to be in billy's camp if shit hits the fan
what you put in is what you get out
thriving is the goal
blood is thicker than water and we all bleed
one day you will have to account for your deeds
Time goes; no matter what happens, all will gradually be reduced to dust and reborn.
Everything else about my character is an extrapolation from this line.

I had turned 15 when this thought struck me, staring out the window of my father's truck as we went...somewhere. My eyes saw a dusky sky wreathed in vibrant twilight flames, a visual explosion of purple, red, and orange hues. Behind the display, literally and figuratively, I could see the rising tide of night. The time when everything becomes paradoxically simpler and mind-boggling, when details fade and the universe is opened up; if we dare, we can read it and stare into the great expanse of mortality. I know some who have looked and seen a horrifying hell, others, a frontier waiting to be explored. I am glad to be among the latter.

It was almost a year to the date that I found Nietzsche, and it was like reading my own mind transported back in time. I felt serene then, comforted in knowing I am not alone. Now I look back and laugh at myself for having ever thought I was - humanity is so vast to be contained on our small planet. Yet, I've wept for those who struggle with the beast, and even more for those who have fallen to it. Perhaps this is why I wish to become a counselor? But I digress!
My Core beliefs would be:

1. That There is only one Supreme Being who is infinite in Being, loving, wise and the creator of all.
2. That this creator loves all of us.
3. That Jesus is the long awaited Messiah who fulfills God's promise to Abraham ("through your seed, all the nations of the earth will be blessed"), to David ("a king will sit on your throne forever") and is the fulfillment of all the Torah (law) and the prophets. He also fulfilled God's promise to Adam & Eve that the seed of a woman would "bruise (crush) the serpent's head")
4. That love is the most important thing
5. That love is the rarest thing in this world
6. Materialism is bankrupt and absurd
7. If good people do nothing, evil will flourish
I believe people hardly ever reach their potential.

I believe each of us has a different realty.

I am sure there is no such thing as religion that is true. I believe people are delusional because they are scared and resist growing or thinking originally.

I am convinced there is more to this existence than what people are capable of understanding.

I believe respect is of the most important things.

I believe it's us better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.
I believe I am amazingly lucky and will get crushed beyond what I can find word to describe.

I believe things happen for a reason.
Although I can't explain why, but am sure of it.
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Do you know why Buddhists bow down on their knees, touch their head to the ground and lift their hands, palm up, slightly over their head? That act represents my core values.

Answer - to symbolize lowering themselves in the world and "lifting" the rest of the world above them.
I believe in love.

Everything else is just make-believe.

(Although I am pretty sure the sun is going to rise in a few minutes, I believe that...)

And... I believe the world is absolutely fn amazing, and the fact we exist at all is an unbelieveable miracle, and the smartest people in the world have not even begun to figure out 95% of the universe, certainly I haven't. But I'd like to; I wish I could!

I don't believe most of what people tell me, but I believe they believe it. Which makes me believe a lot of people may be crazy, probably they think the same of me. Sometimes I don't believe they believe it and I wonder why they tell it to themselves and to me, UNbelievable.

I believe helping others has medicinal effects on humans.
I believe that love is worth the trouble and it will always go where it is needed (even when you're too stupid or screwed up to see it).

I believe we're all part of the universe--all just energy and such--and that there is something amazing and frightening about that. Terribly wonderful. (And I believe that that energy is directly related to the notion of love and what other people often interpret as God and such.) -- That's part of where my pacifist beliefs come from, I'd be willing to wager.

And all three of UBERROGO's beliefs pretty much sum up the rest as far as living life goes.

There are other life lesson type things, but they don't require the kind of faith that those things do.
Do you know why Buddhists bow down on their knees, touch their head to the ground and lift their hands, palm up, slightly over their head? That act represents my core values.

Answer - to symbolize lowering themselves in the world and "lifting" the rest of the world above them.

Didn't know. Thank you
My current perception is that all human behaviours are forms of expression; some forms of expression seem to make people feel good whilst others make people feel bad

When people express themselves through the pursuit of power they tend to then impose their will on others and this then stifles those peoples ability to express themselves

So from this i guess i could derive two pillars:

Do what you want to do as long as you are not hurting others


Whenever there is centralised power there is corruption and exploitation

I think that when people express themselves through the belief that they are god's chosen people then they will then pursue power as they will see themselves as more exalted then other people and therefore more deserving of power. This will then in turn lead to them imposing their will on other people and in the process stifling those people's ability to express themselves

When someone is brutalised they may then express their hurt by brutalising others which purpetuates negative forms of expression
1. I believe there's life beyond planet Earth.
2. I believe in Jesus as a person who once existed, an activist or a revolutionist of some kind. I don't believe he was a god or God's son.
3. My life isn't as important to me as the lives of my loved ones.
4. The apocalypse will come one day as an event of "cleansing".
5. I believe everyone can be driven to insanity under enough pressure when the right button is being pushed.
6. One must continue to learn an entire life.
7. There might be more than one Universe.
8. To go on and not to give up.
9. I believe in a bug-out bag.
10. I believe in freedom of choice what to do about own body.
Myself. First, and for most. A lot stuff falls into place after that.....it's a vague idea so
I'm afraid it only spark empty thought.......belief system are complicated, and likely structure
Many of Our common habits, affect our common sense, and require boring maintainence......
So to belittle it.....would be to summarise it in a paragraph or two........nonsense obviously.

Are u addressing linear beliefs or hyperbolic ones? Maybe u can illustrate wat u mean
With 'core' beliefs.......
1. The universe is perfect-- it does not need to be explained or understood.
2. All attempts to explain or understand the universe on human terms are either futile or unnecessary.
3. The human experience can be explained and understood, but it is not particularly significant in cosmic terms.
4. The idea of one's morality/behavior having any bearing on their 'position' in the universe is absurd, however it does have a bearing on their position in human societies.