Balance. Especially positive affirmation to combat my negative ones. :/ I wish I didn't need that... but, I do.... and sincerity, of course. I don't desire lip-service, thank you. I need to feel uniquely his, and special. I don't want to feel like I'm in a [plug my name in here] situation. I want the words to represent feelings, not pick up lines.
I need to be a priority, not an afterthought. I need to be spoken softly to, with kindness, and sensitivity. I need compassion and at least a valid attempt to understand why my negative attributes exist. I need patience. A LOT of patience!

I need fun, playful banter, sarcastic wit, intelligence, interest, complexity, nobility. I need copious amounts of passion & physical touch. I need to hear how much he wants me.
I need him to respect me as an equal, and a feminist, but not to let me win. I need him to trust me. I need him to take me over... and over. I need him to confide in me, and lean on me. I need to know his desires, and his dreams. I need to be intertwined, interlocked, interconnected.
I need it to be the real thing. I need him to believe we can achieve LOVE. Agape love. I need to be the one. The only one... for him. I need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he will not break away when the going gets tough. That it's more than merely a crush. I need him to be as far in, and committed to a positive outcome as I am.
I need communication. I need him to draw me out of my head, and my silence. I need him to be unwavering in his faith in me, because I lose it in myself, but most of all... I just need him to be himself... as beautiful as he is... and I will give my all, every day, in wonderment of him.