What Are Your Needs in a Relationship?

MBTI Addict

4w5 sp/se
I see people talking about "needs getting met," all the time in the context of relationships.

Can we get concrete for a second? What exactly are these specific needs?
"To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow - this is a human offering that can border on miraculous."
- Elizabeth Gilbert
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A couple months ago, I'd probably have said a whole slew of things including understanding. But now that I'm in a relationship, I'd say the most important needs are to just feel comfortable with the person I'm with, to have someone who listens and respects what I feel or think even if they disagree, and who lets me be awkward without feeling flawed. Someone who makes sure we spend quality time together without letting other things interfere too often. And someone who lets you know how they feel so you don't have to guess - mixed signals gets tiring. And I like directness and honesty. I like to know who or what I'm dealing with.
No strong requirements.

Just to be as equally serious about the relationship as I am.
Sex, Passion, Her having a separate life than me that is her own and allowing me the same.
Jewelry...wait...uh what was the question? Lawn work and heavy lifting....um...wait...nevermind....let me start over....

I'm good with: We work at making stuff work for Us
Edit: and don't forget the jewelry
Being the generous INFJ that I am, I'll let you go first [MENTION=3096]Sonya[/MENTION].
And since most men (and some women) don't understand this "Mind Altering Sex" effect, allow me to explain in scientific terms. When a woman has an orgasm, her brain also releases a hormone called oxytocin, in proportion to the degree of the orgasm. Oxytocin is in fact a mind altering substance which creates a pair bond effect with the person who caused the orgasm. Oxytocin effects last approximately 2 weeks, and are generally flushed during menstruation. Therefore, if you want to keep your woman enthralled, fuck her brains out at least once every two weeks and immediately after her period. Do this, and she will be yours for all time, or until someone else resets her oxytocin behind your back - at which point you need to reset it to yourself.

If your woman isn't interested in sex at the moment? Then get your testosterone going, and get near her, then put her in a position where she will produce her own as a reaction to yours - some manner of fight or flight response. Put her on the back of a motorcycle. Intimidate her. Wrestle with her. Hell, even start a good argument if you can stay focused on the goal. Whatever. Testosterone is the universal "horny" hormone, and its effects are literally ten times more powerful to women (as they have very little resistance to it). Simply being in the close presence of a man who is exuding a lot of it will often be enough to cause them to get horny, but it is always best to get them to produce their own. (This is one of the reasons why so many women are attracted to piece of crap guys... aka men who produce too much testosterone to be a benefit to society)

Once you have them horny, let the Mind Altering Sex begin, and you will OWN her ass.
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I will require references, a resume plus notarized confirmation/proof you are capable of said "mind altering sex"
Man, I think I... um... was going to do something or other.... then got sidetracked by reading about mind-altering sex. And then I was... um... something about sex. But I really wanted to... sex... something or other. Then there were like needs that need to be... sex and to form a good... sex... with my partner.

(I seem to be preoccupied by someting... excuse me for a while.)
Mind altering sex. Hmmmm. Before you male persons get all insecure, just remember it takes TWO to tango. :)
I'm still waiting for further clarification...praytell, please continue....testosterone....
I'm still waiting for further....
Sometimes it's hell finding a notary when you need one.

[MENTION=708]VH[/MENTION] You may be tangentizing again. MBTI Addict might be more interested in what would elicit this response,

Man, I think I... um... was going to do something or other.... then got sidetracked by reading about mind-altering sex. And then I was... um... something about sex. But I really wanted to... sex... something or other. Then there were like needs that need to be... sex and to form a good... sex... with my partner.

(I seem to be preoccupied by someting... excuse me for a while.)
I know I am. I've always thought that oxytocin was also released in the male brain as well.