Thank you
@neko and
@Milktoast Bandit <3
It was a long time ago.
Me? If you mean me it was because I was trying to stay professional and didn't want to cry when speaking with a person I had no more than a professional relationship with. It wasn't appropriate to become emotional with her.
The kitchen I worked in knew.
And back to eyes:
A lot of beliefs about 'eye behavior' have been disproven, such as which direction people look in when they are lying. Even if one were to believe those theories, many of the "directions of the eyes" change direction if the person is left or right handed. So, you'd have to ask if the person was right or left handed (or pay close attention to see which hand they used) to decipher eye behavior.
I do think one can read emotion in the eyes, and that eyes and overall body language give away certain clues about people's thoughts and potential actions. I can read the essence of a person, but I don't think it is via their eyes alone.