Into the White
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Who the hell is more badass than Darth motherf'in Vader!?
This guy

Who the hell is more badass than Darth motherf'in Vader!?
When I was a really young I really wanted to become Batman.
What is funny though, is that afterwords another kid would tell me that, he would become Batman instead of me.
I'm going to become Batman instead of you.
So suck it.
This guy
I could take him.
indigestion... I just need some tums. =)Yeah, you could take him, double-bladed saber and all -- in the stomach!
as a child i wanted to be a plastic surgeon because an authoritative adult suggested to me that it would be a good career choice. then i wanted to be a journalist because i liked watching Lois & Clark with Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain. when i was 12 after i had read LOTR and Ursula Le Guin and masses of YA fiction i wanted to be a writer. after that i decided being a writer was a ridiculous thing to want to be and so i decided to be a psychologist. but i hated psychology at university and i quit. after that i planned to work in hospitality and started a hospitality management apprenticeship but i hated it too. and then i went back to university to study literature with the aim of becoming a writer. i did a BA with a literature major. right now im studying something practical postgrad to pay the bills but i still want to be a writer. and will hopefully do some more postgrad literature also.
When I was 5, I wanted to be a newspaper editor or author. When I was 12, I wanted to be a criminal defense attorney.
In 10 years, I want to be a tenured Professor in Art History. For now I'm enjoying building my own company, although there are no fiduciary guarantees. I never wanted to be Batman, but I think I did date a few men with superhero complexes.
I am glad that as a writer, you care little for punctuation and structure in your posts. I mean that. I too am considering writing books but have always imagined that most true writers would be English language Nazis etc... Dont take this as a put down at all. I just dont take any real time with my posts and generally type haphazardly. I take far more time and focus when actually writing.
Good luck! Have you written anything you are will to share yet?