What did you want to be when you where younger?

I wanted to draw, i wasn't really that good, but i had a lot of imagination and i was (i am still) into comics and trading cards (like Magic The Gathering sort of thing), mostly because of the drawings, and how cool they were. I used to do my own comics too, but all of them got lost.
Then at 14 i wanted to be a musician, and i busked and played in some bands through my teens, bass, guitar, and sometimes vocals.
I've tried to study something in college unrelated with both of my interests (English Major sort of thing) but as much as i like to read, i couldn't stand it, i felt that i was wasting my time, i have nothing against college anyway, i was in a pretty difficult stage by that time (like a year ago ), so i've made a couple of bad choices.
I still play constantly with friends, in small gigs, and alone in streets when i feel that i'm capable, and i've improved a lot in drawing/painting through the last couple of years.
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A rock star. The obvious choice for the ignored kid that hated adults and himself.
A rock star. The obvious choice for the ignored kid that hated adults and himself.

I still envision myself as a lead singer often lol.

I also wanted to be a cartoonist but was put off the idea and never really developed my skills.
umm, let's see, I wanted to be a scientist, and I'm not sure why. Maybe because I like the research aspect. That went away when I learned how much I sucked at science. :D Next, there was linguist. I loved languages especially European languages, and thought I was natural at it. I even minored French in college, but never did anything with it. In high school, I was very much into being a missionary when I grew up. I read christian romance novels and novels about missionaries. I was obsessed. That went away as I got older. I think I thought the idea of serving on the mission field was romantic. I was a very idealistic child, as many kids are I guess. In college, I remember wanting to be a chamber music major despite not being able to play any instruments required by chamber music. lol. I have minimal artistic talent, but I love criticism and critique. It would have be great to become an art or media critic.
An art history professor would be a really cool job.

Focusing on the beautiful things in life has a much more positive effect on one's psyche than becoming a hardened cynic when only working with the worst of humanity.
I always wanted to be a musician. I've been thinking about it a lot lately, as a matter of fact, because of the work I'm doing with the theater group at the school I teach at. I was offered a spot in a bad when I was 19. I had my own band, and the band that wanted me is now touring Europe. Some days I really kick myself for not saying yes.
When I was real young... author, artist, hallmark card designer.
When I got older... businesswoman, dentist, architect.
I am now studying the broad field of occupational therapy... and, still don't which area to specialise.
In my earliest days I wanted to be a scientist. A strong affinity for space turned that into astronaught around 1~2 grade. -mission scientist, of course. Then I dropped the astronaught and went pure astrophysics by high school. I left high school as an astrophysics major.
I told my teachers I wanted to be a marine biologist. I was really drawn to sea life from a young age, particularly dolphins and orca. I remember seeing Keiko in the Oregon Coast Aquarium when they had him and feeling so sad for him. Man, places like Sea World piss me off.

I always drew, painted, and sculpted well and had a knack for most things which required an imagination, but never imagine making it a career. It was my fun time, so I didn't associate it maybe.

Sometimes when I was alone I imagined I was a singer or musician. Sometimes I still do.
I wanted to be a writer and a veterinarian.
The world should be a place where people live their dreams. Just saying.
As a child, I wanted to be an islander.

My parents used to take us to Fiji, a Pacific island, on our holidays. I always wanted to stay and live in a village, learning how to build huts and canoes.
I wanted to be many things.. Archeologist, fashion designer, flight attendant. :)
Helicopter pilot... possibly jet fighter pilot. I constantly drew helicopters and jet fighters. I found them cool and powerful (maybe I wanted to be those two things).

What have I become instead? A counsellor? While training as a counsellor I did the MB test and discovered that I am an INFJ and that it is often described as the 'counsellor'. I couldn't believe it. I did the test many times and using different test templates but the answer was always the same.

Guess I am glad I didn't become a pilot, counsellor is indeed the profession that suits perfectly my personality.