What do INFJ's look like?

Both of them look more like IxFPs to me, especially Tori Amos, she looks too pure to be INFJs, lol.

Tori to me looks just exactly mischievous enough to be an INFJ. She's got this twinkle in her eyes like she knows just a bit more than she lets on.

A lot of musicians are tough to type but she seems a no-brainer.

Peter is ISFP.

I've heard ENTP. :tearsofjoy: I don't think anyone really knows.
I think Peter Gabriel is an INFJ. His metaphorically naughty lyrics, attraction to world music sound (similarly to Paul Simon--also INFJ) meticulous process of song writing, etc. His concert is almost like a religious worship, lol. Although ISFP is possible. I don't see him as extrovert though.
I'd be flattered to have Yoda as INFJ, but idrlabs typed him as ISTP. What do you think about that? :wink:

I don't think so. :) Without diving into the functions, Yoda's combination of playfulness, wisdom and concern for the greater good seem stock INFJ to me. ISTPs tend to be highly practical, impersonal and hands-off. Yoda was none of these things.
He sure looks like an INFJ, but a bit more contained emotionally. Enneagram 5, Sx probably?