What do INFJ's look like?

Behavioral appearance: INFJs are always looking around to check everyone's facial/postural responses.

How can you tell if an INFJ wants to say something important?
Their glances at everyone around them start to speed up, their eyes skipping around other's faces frantically trying to assess how their words might go down.
I've met several INFJs in person. They all had very different appearances, but they all had a reserved demeanor but with a warmth in their eyes, and they were all well put together in an understated way.

If I try to think of a celebrity that has that same general appearance I would say that Emma Watson looks like an INFJ.
Defenseless smiles and Salvador Dalí eyes?!!?

I think the reference he was making to the "freaky Salvador Dali" paintings was in relation to the INFJ mind and not the eyes.
I think the reference he was making to the "freaky Salvador Dali" paintings was in relation to the INFJ mind and not the eyes.

I thought he meant we look dreamy and imaginative.
Either way, the description made me giggle.
Faces and body types actually say a lot about a person. The chinese read peoples facial features to give themself a clue about the individuals character. It is interesting how our facial muscles tense up and relax depending on our moods and thoghts. Its not for nothing that in movies they focus the camera on faces so much. It really does give us some clues about what the character is expereincing. INFJs come across as people who are elegant and care a lot about thier physical appearance, yet at the same time not too dramatic because they dont like to hide their natural authentic self.INFJs for the majority are warm and emotional people, so the eyes will most likely have a lot of depth and warmth in them. There is also a look of vulnerability on their faces when they are a child, because they often havent yet developed a strong sense of self identity till about mid 20's. Once they move into their phase of gaining more deeply rooted sense of self, they will have a look of deep rooted yet humble confidence to them.
in look it will be whatever, it could be a business man in a suit or a hipster look will be different. BUT i will say that if you know someone that is capable of changing thier look, over time and years and they pull it off this is strong indication they are an INFJ. i mean to the point where you would miss them even if you walked right by them,

in mannerisms, i would say INFJs rarely smile showing teeth. unless they are truly happy, most of time the INFJ is smiling for others and its a simple smile no teeth and not ear to ear.

eyes, they tend to stare, but only when they think no one is looking they will look at someone even in the eyes deeply and than break it quickly its like they will go in a trance and intense stare and then break it like nothing at all.

they will be quite and brooding in many ways, and they will be very tough to read. in most cases. but despite all this outter coldness most people will want to be around them because despite the types souls know when they near someone with a Warm and deep natured soul. thats what the infj looks like.

they could also be intense and sometimes angry. but not often.