What do you go for?

Randomish stuff moved here

Have a nice on-topic day :smile:
If we're going by types, then I like ESTPs for sure, and ESFPs are fun to hang out with too~
Although I think there are more types that I like that I'm not really aware of
Yep. That's one of the reasons. There's too much risk involved; a lot of people don't think about it, but there is.
I have too much at stake to risk having a kid, and I don't really need all the messy relationship issues right now :/

Clever, clever. I'm afraid I'm led through life loins first and make all manner of mistakes. I don't like one-night stands but after a few pints I'm anybody's! Well maybe not anybody's. But I'll pick the best looking guy in the room and get him into bed and regret it afterwards. There is a constant battle between my hormones and my principles everyday..."sigh"...my friends think I'm closer to a man than a woman in these respects. So true. It sickens me. I'm not going to do it again (I said that last time...) Man I sound like a slut. Not true. Have had mostly deep long-lasting relationships. I'm just an idiot when I'm single.

As for the what type do you go for thing.I have gone against all of my criteria having met a guy a last week who is a lovely person (and so not my type :-) ) Here's hoping that's a good thing!!!
I think it is fine to want someone who talks care of herself. We tend to be attracted to people who maintain the same standards.

My list is: smart, kind but tough when needed, fair, reasonable sense of humor, physically fit, good hygeine, ambition for something he cares about (but not making tons and tons of money - a real cause (e.g., art, science, teaching), considerate towards others
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It really it comes down to three things for me;

Wit — I need someone who’s going to keep up with me, keep me on my toes and give as good as he receives. I need a playful challenge, I love banter and play fighting so a witty sense of humour is absolutely needed.

Intellect — Not IQ, for me IQ and book smarts are not as important as basic logic and street smarts. Someone who’s lazy intellectually will not be a good conversation partner.

Loving — They must be capable of giving themselves 100%, not straight away, pleeeeese not straight away, blurting everything out straight up is not attractive for me but they must be capable of letting thier guards down.

Everything else fits in ‘desirable’ not required.
her main interest is not shopping or watching soaps
maximum b cup.
keeps the makeup to a minimum
confident in bed and in social life
enjoys eating breakfast in the bed after morning sex on the weekends.
sarcastic, rude and not easily offended
passionate and inspiring
likes watching Mad Men and Weeds.
a little bit smarter than me
They have to have a brain. The one thing I can't stand is spending time with a moron.

I'm attracted to introverted girls. Something about being shy turns me on a LOT. This is a double-edged sword, though, especially if they're really unsure of themselves.

They have to have a sense of humor. A girl I was talking to awhile ago thought I was conceited and arrogant... I thought I was just trying to be funny. Turns out she was just a crazy bitch.

They have to be cute. I don't consider myself a shallow person; I generally don't like "hot" girls, although I guess my last girlfriend would qualify... she doesn't really count, though. I don't really care if they're skinny or not, as long they're not massively overweight. I actually kind of prefer girls with a bit of meat on their bones.

I don't think I ask for much, yet they're so hard to find.

*bites you*

In all seriousness if I were to get involved with an extravert ENTP is prolly the one I'd go for, that said I prolly wouldn't get involved with an extravert, you guys is scary :smile:

I'm attracted to introverted girls. Something about being shy turns me on a LOT. This is a double-edged sword, though, especially if they're really unsure of themselves.

Hell yeahs! It's damn sexeh if I can make him blush :nod:

Problem is I'm pretty shy myself so it can be a bit of a head trip getting anything started when we're both so coy :doh:
Getting all up in our faces yo.
I demand commitment; the rest can fall into place. Those who fall in love fall out. Those who learn to love never forget. Anyone with the wherewithal to be mine for all their life deserves my love. Flings and divorce sicken me to no end. They're sins of avarice.

So, what I'm getting at is that I don't go for traits. There is no particular person either out there for me, or that I prefer. There are only those deserving, and those undeserving. Why do these declarations cause people to soil themselves? Beats me. Maybe it's too much truth to chew. Truth is certainly frightening to some, but I'd prefer that not be the case for every of my prospects.
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Commitment actually does a lot for me too. If someone seems as if they're interested in the long term, especially if they've been around for a while already, and they're open and willing to compromise....well, that's almost a done deal already
DISCLAMER!: I is gay :)

As far as apperance goes, my ideal person would not exsist, but thats fine. I actually have come to realise the people I find the most attractive sexually, are the ones who I wish I looked like, and thus the descriptions below also apply to this. I have yet to figure out why this is so.

+Toned to obscenely muscular, either works for me. the latter being better.
+Sharp strong facial features. I.E. strong jawline, chin, brow, ect.
+Dark hair
+Very big hands/feet (I will never understand why this is such a strong turn on)
+I have a thing for medetaranian and middle eastern guys.

As far as persoanlity:

+Physical and tough
+Soft hearted nature
+Extroverted but not embaressing
+Knows what personal space and alone time is (this is a big one)
+Likes learning and thinking
I haven't really responded in this thread, but the words came to me today.

I definitely have a physical "type" I go for. Tall, lean, broad shoulders. I intensely dislike big, bulky, artificially engineered looking bodies. A man should have a neck; just sayin'. I like long limbs, narrow hips, messy hair, and "imperfections", moles and beautymarks, slightly crooked teeth, cowlicks, scars, etc. Puppydog eyes slay me, so do fierce eyebrows. I stopped dating Americans altogether when I was about 27; accents are aphrodisiac to me. I like confidence but not arrogance, soft spoken rather than loud, laconic rather than hyper. Reflective rather than intense. I prefer creative intelligence to pure intellectualism. I am attracted to men who truly like women; many don't. At the first sign of dominance or objectifying (and there was a lot of that) my bile rises and I'm flooded with contempt. Sense of humor is critical, as is tenderness. I like to feel a sense of deliberately reigned-in power. I like to feel that if I or my children were threatened he could and would protect me with ferocity but I would never ever ever accept that same ferocity turned toward me or my children.

The guy I've historically gone for has generally turned out to be the worst type for me. I used to love a puzzle. I'd love seeing glimpses of something noble and sensitive and kind and philosophical through the window of a extremely masculine, tough, indifferent, even smug facade. Problem is, those glimpses usually stayed glimpses. I spent six years with one guy I - to this day - think was an incredibly beautiful, unique person - but a hopeless or willing prisoner to the facade he'd created for himself. Six years is a long time; my average relationship duration was two years (about the time it took to crack the nut and decide that what fell out was disappointing).

My husband Tom (ESFP) has been the exception to the rule. He's an extrovert, which balances my introversion, and at parties and other social events where I'd normally corner-cower, he's encouraged me to shine. His E has balanced out my I very well over time. He's an alpha male (which attracts me) but of the quietest most confident sort, expressing it with vibe rather than with fanfare. I'm an alpha female of the same type, so we've mainly been equals, though I confess he out-alphas me from time to time and I develop periods of "oh whatever." and let him have his way. He's quirky, charming, confident, eccentric and desperately sexy. He's got some sort of vibe that attracts both females and males, and people hang on his words. Pheromones Deluxe, I guess. He's got all the physical traits I'm drawn to. Sometimes the "differentness" of him drives me up the freaking wall but I expect it's that same "differentness" that keeps my adoration of him intact. He's loyal, devoted and even worshipful while still being admiring of other women. He adores and respects women, big women, small women, pregnant woman, women of all races... and yet has never for a moment expressed it in any way that made me worry about infidelity.

We're coming up on 13 years of marriage now and I understand something very distinctly: What I go for is Tom. There won't ever be anyone else.