I'm pretty flexible, but my "perfect" girl would be:
-A philosopher/psychologist/metaphysician/MBTI-nut like myself

(or at least, has a big interest for those topics).
-Unafraid to show her heart & everything in it to me (and wants to).
-An Introvert.
-Likes being "different".
-Preferably shorter than I am. Anywhere from 5 foot to 5'8".
-Is a geek at heart (lol).
-REQUIRED-Is on a similar diet that I'm on (health reasons). No gluten/wheat, dairy, MSG, red dye, etc etc. We wouldn't be able to kiss

As for physical attributes...*shrug*. Anything goes basically lol. I'd even be just fine with a small-chested girl =/.
And for the icing on the cake...
-Is bisexual (I'm bi too).
-Sees nothing wrong with polyfidelity/group-marriage/:grouphug:, and would be willing to do it (given that there's a truly compatible 3rd-4th person, and that all relationships are based upon love).
-Moderately/very clingly

-Very open about nudity, sexuality, and the body in general. And by nudity, I mean both romantic/sexual, platonic, and pseudo-sexual. The biggest turn on in that area that I can think of is a girl that doesn't think about sexuality/nudity as dirty. Of course, that doesn't mean a naked girlfriend (or boyfriend, for that matter) isn't sexy :jaw: lol.
Age doesn't really matter a whole lot to me. I would like a girl who's about a year younger than I am, but meh. Hell, if it weren't for the legal constraints I'd probably date a girl who's 20.
After reading all of this, you may be wondering if I'm secetrely a die-hard romantic/neo-pseudo-hippie. Simply put, yes. Yes I am :mD:.
But as far as the whole group-marriage thing goes, that's no more than wishful thinking for me. But for a girl to be
open to it, that's a major turn-on.