What do you like to do in the real world?

Mind numbing detail? Wouldn't dream of it.

Well to answer your question, once upon a time.... Okay I see i'm gonna have to phrase my posts as a hollywood movie pitch.

I don't mind it if it's something I'm interested in. In fact my chosen field forces me to be social. It's a people job I suppose. I just simply don't have that many people in my life who I'm comfortable around. And they're not interested in going out with me anyway and if I get drunk I'll end up in a brawl.

ok but what about alternate activities? as in sport clubs for training i.e karate?

haha violent under it all? wouldnt of that of you
ok you interact via one person! well if you want it to!

Im more talking out of house socialising! you know in the real world!!

man its so funny!

Are you saying my house isnt the real world! ;) lol

Ok I have one friend...that's it one...I love her to peices. I go to her house and we drink...If were feeling adventurous we have been known to frequent the clubs. I socialize through her. She is ENFJ. I will take my daughter to the park, but I dont socialze with anyone there. I used to be a part of a local group, but I got used and thown aside when i got sick so im kindof in a protective social cacoon right now.
is training what we in the states would call working out?

If so, I have never understood why some people would want to socialize while doing that. Pilates, Yoga and some dance classes, okay, those are kind of social. But sitting there working out and having people talk to me is just annoying. Also, rather dangerous as I usually wind up dropping something or hitting my head on the bars. Ouch. I hate it when that happens.

Yeah that's what I mean. But it'ss a club where we doing wrestling, grappling, boxing and all that. I know what you mean, it's not like pumping iron while I talk about my day! I went to the gym with my friend once (complete waste of time), turns out he only goes for the swimming pool!
ok but what about alternate activities? as in sport clubs for training i.e karate?

haha violent under it all? wouldnt of that of you

Yeah that's what I mean, it's a 5 day a week self protection club.
ok without going into mind numbing detail (please restrain yourself) why do social events/clubs give you guys the jitters

Why? That's a good question. They just do.

Hm. The rowdy social events/clubs usually involve unpleasant, loud people who hit on you and then vomit, or pour a beer on your feet. Or hair.

The more refined social events involve various forms of posing and snobbery. They're loud, you usually can't hear much, and whatever people say is often not worth hearing anyway. Or the conversation involves cruel gossip about one of their so-called "friends" whom they choose to belittle, then when said "friend" reappears they're all nice again. Why would anyone want to be around people like that?

More than anything, though, social events force you to talk to or listen to People You Don't Know. Then when you want to get away from them, there is an awkward pause where you just sit there and smile like an idiot and try to think of a polite way to say "I'm leaving now."

Seriously, my stomach is hurting a bit just thinking about it.
Are you saying my house isnt the real world! ;) lol

Ok I have one friend...that's it one...I love her to peices. I go to her house and we drink...If were feeling adventurous we have been known to frequent the clubs. I socialize through her. She is ENFJ. I will take my daughter to the park, but I dont socialze with anyone there. I used to be a part of a local group, but I got used and thown aside when i got sick so im kindof in a protective social cacoon right now.

ah yes used! been there!

Ive sort of started this thread, I like IN's but Its hard to find them, I dunno if you get on with EN's where easy to find.

Think its mad the way people seem so comfortable posting online instead of socialising with people.

If it wasnt for my voluntaring society and the friends i made from there, i would be insane right now!

I use to play soccer, but I dont fit into their culture even though all my friends growing up were S's, I wierd them out a little
Why? That's a good question. They just do.

Hm. The rowdy social events/clubs usually involve unpleasant, loud people who hit on you and then vomit, or pour a beer on your feet. Or hair.

The more refined social events involve various forms of posing and snobbery. They're loud, you usually can't hear much, and whatever people say is often not worth hearing anyway. Or the conversation involves cruel gossip about one of their so-called "friends" whom they choose to belittle, then when said "friend" reappears they're all nice again. Why would anyone want to be around people like that?

More than anything, though, social events force you to talk to or listen to People You Don't Know. Then when you want to get away from them, there is an awkward pause where you just sit there and smile like an idiot and try to think of a polite way to say "I'm leaving now."

Seriously, my stomach is hurting a bit just thinking about it.

ok can I say Im with you on that, the whole alcohol culture!

Also I go to clubs and I feel like I can hold a good quality of conversation, you cant really judge everyone just because of a few conversations gone bad, every once and a while admittedly I have a great conversation with a complete randomer, but alas its rare

Im talking about joining things that arent alcohol based! like social hobbies?

none has given me one yet!
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yea...as for the jitters...there's people there...lots of people. And lots of people means lots of chances for interaction, which can lead to ridicule. I also dont like being looked at, but thats my own personal hell. (I have super green eyes, and where ever I go people stare...)
yea...as for the jitters...there's people there...lots of people. And lots of people means lots of chances for interaction, which can lead to ridicule. I also dont like being looked at, but thats my own personal hell. (I have super green eyes, and where ever I go people stare...)

ah ok! well not everyone is out to get you! I unfortunately sometimes think that,but then i reason with myself!
You like INs? Smiffy, If I plonk you in front of this ENFP I like, can you convince her that I'm awesome?
INFJ and socialising are two mutually exclusive words that cannot co-exist in the same sentence, lest the universe implode in on itself due to its inability to comprehend such a profound and unfathomable occurrence..

Me? I enjoy reading, psychology, writing, and video games.

Video games is about the only thing on that list that you really could call a "social" hobby, and even then it depends entirely on the type of games that you play.
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Im talking about joining things that arent alcohol based! like social hobbies?

I will happily talk to people in the garden club. However, they are usually plant nerds such as myself, typically not intoxicated or snobbish. I like them! I also rather enjoy socializing with other mommies of young children, on a limited basis and as long as they are not snarky gossiping mommy-nazis.
I am one of the rare INFJs who likes dancing.

Me too!

The reason that I get jittery in (new) social situations is because I don't feel like I have a whole lot in common with most people. I don't want to bore them or act the wrong way. And I dislike awkward silences. Don't we all?
Yeah that's what I mean. But it'ss a club where we doing wrestling, grappling, boxing and all that. I know what you mean, it's not like pumping iron while I talk about my day! I went to the gym with my friend once (complete waste of time), turns out he only goes for the swimming pool!

ah my gym buddy INFP is very competetive we lift similar weights and are oberly competitive so its funny! neither one of us can walk they day after we go to the gym!

ok so far only 1 activity outside of infj self

thats you yield! and your gym (which isnt the most social of places)
ah ok! well not everyone is out to get you! I unfortunately sometimes think that,but then i reason with myself!

I dont think anyone is out to get me...I just know Im strange, most people cant handle strange...but they are always interested in talking because well they like my eyes, im not being vain here, I dont think im attractive. I hate being approached for conversation based soley on the fact that my eyes are exotic looking. And thats the first thing people say. That and that I still look like im 18 so 18 year old try to hit on me...(Im almost thirty) Gosh now I sound like im making excuses....
INFJ and socialising are two mutually exclusive words that cannot co-exist in the same sentence, lest the universe implode in on itself due to its inability to comprehend such a profound and unfathomable occurrence..

Me? I enjoy reading, psychology, writing, and video games. Video games are about the only one in that list one could call a "social" hobby, and even then it depends entirely on the games that you play.

hey I like video games! but i usually like playing with someone and not once again 'online friends'

hmm i give up on yas! I like INFJ's but they so fucking hard to find I iwsh I was an 'S'

there I said it!
Me too!

The reason that I get jittery in (new) social situations is because I don't feel like I have a whole lot in common with most people. I don't want to bore them or act the wrong way. And I dislike awkward silences. Don't we all?

im sure theres someone you bump into that ull have something in common with?
Okay I've painted a pretty bad picture of myself. I DO like socializing. I DO go out and I DO like meeting new people. In September I WILL meet new people and it'll be awesome. There.
I dont think anyone is out to get me...I just know Im strange, most people cant handle strange...but they are always interested in talking because well they like my eyes, im not being vain here, I dont think im attractive. I hate being approached for conversation based soley on the fact that my eyes are exotic looking. And thats the first thing people say. That and that I still look like im 18 so 18 year old try to hit on me...(Im almost thirty) Gosh now I sound like im making excuses....

haha do you know how many girls in the world would like to be hit on every once in a while?

when someone is going to chat you up, you have to fancy the person physically, otherwise why would you chat to someone you dont find attractive then after a great conversation go, see ya later
hey I like video games! but i usually like playing with someone and not once again 'online friends'
I'm not talking about online games.

I'm talking about the regular sessions I have with my friends have in my place with Rock Band and Guitar Hero, or the many Xbox Live Arcade titles we enjoy playing together, or experiencing a new RPG in each other's company, or setting up a LAN session and blowing zombies up in Left 4 Dead.

That sort of thing.

That's extremely social.

smiffy said:
haha do you know how many girls in the world would like to be hit on every once in a while?
So... what local pubs do you like to hang out in?

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