What do you think of S-types?

I won't talk you out of it. I'll talk you into it.

ESFJs are VERY good matches for INTPs. You have all the same cognitive functions, just in different orders. You'll compliment each other very well, but also see where the other is coming from. Your strengths are at once shared and balancing. You're probably going to marry this girl.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. =P

The tragic hours of wasted conversation...wait, monologue from her, not conversation...about makeup, what her friend's dog did, etc should be enough of a deterrent.
That's actually what's making me doubt the whole thing.
I couldn't give a fuck less about the things around me. I've thought about just depriving myself and running away to spend time living on nothing. She's so materialistic, it baffles me. Her family is well-off and all that fun stuff.

I s'pose when I come to that crossroads, I'll make a decision. I know for a fact that to pursue what I'm going for, there's a good chance that I'm going to have to go it alone. Being with someone like that means forsaking my own quest.

'Specially if the girl won't let me drop acid. That'll be a deal-breaker right there.
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Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. =P

You have no idea how intense the attraction this girl is going to be for you, nor how perfectly designed her mind is to making you fall head over heels in love with her, without trying. If she's interested, and as an ESFJ she likely will be interested in an INTP, you are hers for the taking. ESFJs know what they want, and they get it.
You have no idea how intense the attraction this girl is going to be for you, nor how perfectly designed her mind is to making you fall head over heels in love with her, without trying. If she's interested, and as an ESFJ she likely will be interested in an INTP, you are hers for the taking. ESFJs know what they want, and they get it.
Actually, I have an idea. It isn't often that I'm that strongly attracted to someone's personality(Don't get me wrong, I love people). Usually, it's much more of a physical thing with women but I'm so enamored by how she acted, took control, was totally organized and her demeanor. Seriously. The girl carried toothpaste/a toothbrush in her bag and wore Stillettos. If that doesn't scream ESFJ, then I need to study Jung a bit deeper.

Another problem is that my best friend(ESTP) and brother(ENTP or ESTP, haven't gotten him to test yet) both fuckin' hate her.
Now that I think about it more. I think I really just have a problem with ESTJ's most of all. My dad is a bad one, so I think that is a major factor. I have had a few problems with others I have met as well. They always tell me how to do things (a MAJOR no-no with me), and won't hesitate to invalidate me in anyway, mostly when I am using Ni. I also have little care for social norms, which they hold up so highly, and it grates me that they just "go with it" because it has always been there. The other issue is the whole "why change?" thing. I also tend to do things to the point where I say "meh, good enough", and they usually work from there more often then that. Yet ESTJs will fight me tooth and nail until I do it their way, of course that never happens. I sooner walk away.
Actually, I have an idea. It isn't often that I'm that strongly attracted to someone's personality(Don't get me wrong, I love people). Usually, it's much more of a physical thing with women but I'm so enamored by how she acted, took control, was totally organized and her demeanor. Seriously. The girl carried toothpaste/a toothbrush in her bag and wore Stillettos. If that doesn't scream ESFJ, then I need to study Jung a bit deeper.

Another problem is that my best friend(ESTP) and brother(ENTP or ESTP, haven't gotten him to test yet) both fuckin' hate her.

And the idea is?

Also, your friend and brother are going to have to get over it. ESFJs are a force of nature. They are who they are. If she makes you happy, they'll understand... eventually.
And the idea is?
That my attraction to her was immediate and forceful.

Also, your friend and brother are going to have to get over it. ESFJs are a force of nature. They are who they are. If she makes you happy, they'll understand... eventually.
I s'pose you're right but we'll see where things end up. I don't want to count me chickens before they hatch.
That my attraction to her was immediate and forceful.

Forgive me for not understanding, but all the ESFJs have an immediate and forceful repulsion to me...THEY'RE SO BORING AND WON'T SHUT UP.

Maybe this girl is different...idk.
Thanks everyone, very interesting so far.

If she's interested, and as an ESFJ she likely will be interested in an INTP, you are hers for the taking. ESFJs know what they want, and they get it.

You know how us INFJs like to count our chickens before the eggs are laid. ;-)

Hahaha! there is some gold in this thread! :)

Suspicious. It takes my S type friends a long time to trust my intuition as implicitly as I do. They seem to have a strong need to protect their paradigm from the possibility of things they cannot percieve imperically. Even the ones who do trust my intuition don't seem to like doing so, and view it with an odd degree of suspicion that appears to be affable but waiting for it to fail so they can point it out and reclaim their paradigm.

Of course they're suspicious, to them intuition looks like guessing and hunches, it is the only thing we can compare it to.

For lack of a more respectful term, I feel like I have to dumb down to interact with most S types, or else they will assume that I'm stupid and check out of the conversation. Ironic, really.

That is ironic! Completely different perspectives on what's dumb/stupid.

In general (I wish I had a nicer way to put it) S types seem to be people who haven't figured out how to fully think, and because of this cannot grasp the fact that there could be more to thinking. It is as if they are missing a sense, and because they can't see, they refuse to accept the fact that others can. Yet, somehow S types often manage to be surprisingly sharp, unexpectedly smart, and remarkably on task despite these things.

I think you're being unfair here, you're unnessesarily putting your way of thinking on a pedestal. They may not "fully think" in the same way that you do but that does not mean they're limited. From their perspective it probably seems that you don't know how to "fully think" and that you're missing most of your senses. You're operating in different worlds, once things go too far into N land an S will become uninterested because it all seems so irrelevant, and vice versa.

Now that I think about it more. I think I really just have a problem with ESTJ's most of all. My dad is a bad one, so I think that is a major factor. I have had a few problems with others I have met as well. They always tell me how to do things (a MAJOR no-no with me), and won't hesitate to invalidate me in anyway, mostly when I am using Ni. I also have little care for social norms, which they hold up so highly, and it grates me that they just "go with it" because it has always been there. The other issue is the whole "why change?" thing. I also tend to do things to the point where I say "meh, good enough", and they usually work from there more often then that. Yet ESTJs will fight me tooth and nail until I do it their way, of course that never happens. I sooner walk away.

My Grandad was an ESTJ, he was a pretty good guy but I always remember that he constantly commented on how quiet we were (introversion obviously), he made jokes about it but deep down I think it bothered him and he saw it as sort of an insult. He could never understand why we weren't just like him, and why we couldn't appreciate the same things that he did. I can't imagine how much of an enigma an N would be to them.
My Grandad was an ESTJ, he was a pretty good guy but I always remember that he constantly commented on how quiet we were (introversion obviously), he made jokes about it but deep down I think it bothered him and he saw it as sort of an insult. He could never understand why we weren't just like him, and why we couldn't appreciate the same things that he did. I can't imagine how much of an enigma an N would be to them.

I've noticed that more then any other type, ESTJs really don't understand the differences from them to others. I've been around quite a few, and they just don't understand introverts, intuitives, feelers or perceivers. Further, they really don't understand other thinkers if those thinkers are not Si oriented thinkers (compare past experience to this experience and make a decision based on that). Not to be prejudiced, but from my personal observations, ESTJs can easily be the most prejudiced type.
Where is the superior 'N' bathroom only, please?
I just find some of these responses really arrogant.
I haven't really interacted with any S types much.

The types I am surrounded with are ENFPs, which are very annoying to me. F types are really annoying. I annoy myself sometimes!

The only S I've ever encounter who I tested was an ESFJ who isn't that bad to hang out with. I like him because he doesn't make assumptions and bases everything on what he sees. What I don't like about him is his selection in partners and how the only thing he really cares about is what he can see and feel physically on a woman, and that a potential mate has the same favorite color as him. However, this could be due to the fact that he is sixteen.
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Where is the superior 'N' bathroom only, please?
I just find some of these responses really arrogant.

I think S types have stars on their bellies and N have none on thars...

Bellies With Stars

by Dr. Suess

Now the Star-bellied Sneetches had bellies with stars.
The Plain-bellied Sneetches had none upon thars.
The stars weren't so big; they were really quite small.
You would think such a thing wouldn't matter at all.
But because they had stars, all the Star-bellied Sneetches
would brag, "We're the best kind of Sneetch on the beaches."

With their snoots in the air, they would sniff and they'd snort, "
We'll have nothing to do with the plain-bellied sort."
And whenever they met some, when they were out walking,
they'd hike right on past them without even talking.

When the Star-bellied children went out to play ball,
could the Plain-bellies join in their game? Not at all!
You could only play ball if your bellies had stars,
and the Plain-bellied children had none upon thars.

When the Star-bellied Sneetches had frankfurter roasts,
or picnics or parties or marshmallow toasts,
they never invited the Plain-bellied Sneetches.
Left them out cold in the dark of the beaches.
Kept them away; never let them come near,
and that's how they treated them year after year.

Then one day, it seems, while the Plain-bellied Sneetches
were moping, just moping alone on the beaches,
sitting there, wishing their bellies had stars,
up zipped a stranger in the strangest of cars.

"My friends, " he announced in a voice clear and keen,
"My name is Sylvester McMonkey McBean.
I've heard of your troubles; I've heard you're unhappy.
But I can fix that; I'm the fix-it-up chappie.
I've come here to help you; I have what you need.
My prices are low, and I work with great speed,
and my work is one hundred per cent guaranteed."

Then quickly, Sylvester McMonkey McBean
put together a very peculiar machine.
Then he said, "You want stars like a Star-bellied Sneetch?
My friends, you can have them . . . . for three dollars each.
Just hand me your money and climb on aboard."

They clambered inside and the big machine roared.
It bonked. It clonked. It jerked. It berked.
It bopped them around, but the thing really worked.
When the Plain-bellied Sneetches popped out, they had stars!
They actually did, they had stars upon thars!

Then they yelled at the ones who had stars from the start,
"We're exactly like you; you can't tell us apart.
We're all just the same now, you snooty old smarties.
Now we can come to your frankfurter parties!"

"Good grief!" groaned the one who had stars from the first.
"We're still the best Sneetches, and they are the worst.
But how in the world will we know," they all frowned,
"if which kind is what or the other way 'round?"

Then up stepped McBean with a very sly wink, and he said,
"Things are not quite as bad as you think.
You don't know who's who, that is perfectly true.
But come with me, friends, do you know what I'll do?
I'll make you again the best Sneetches on beaches,
and all it will cost you is ten dollars eaches.

Belly stars are no longer in style, " said McBean.
"What you need is a trip through my stars-off machine.
This wondrous contraption will take off your stars,
so you won't look like Sneetches who have them on thars."

That handy machine, working very precisely,
removed all the stars from their bellies quite nicely.
Then, with snoots in the air, they paraded about.
They opened their beaks and proceeded to shout,
"We now know who's who, and there isn't a doubt,
the best kind of Sneetches are Sneetches without."

Then, of course those with stars all got frightfully mad.
To be wearing a star now was frightfully bad.
Then, of course old Sylvester McMonkey McBean
invited them into his stars-off machine.
Then, of course from then on, you can probably guess,
things really got into a horrible mess.

All the rest of the day on those wild screaming beaches,
the Fix-it-up-Chappie was fixing up Sneetches.
Off again, on again, in again, out again,
through the machine and back round about again,
still paying money, still running through,
changing their stars every minute or two,
until neither the Plain- nor the Star-bellies knew
whether this one was that one or that one was this one
or which one was what one or what one was who!

Then, when every last cent of their money was spent,
the Fix-It-Up-Chappie packed up and he went.
And he laughed as he drove in his car up the beach,
"They never will learn; no, you can't teach a Sneetch!"

But McBean was quite wrong, I'm quite happy to say,
the Sneetches got quite a bit smarter that day.
That day, they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches,
and no kind of Sneetch is the BEST on the beaches.
That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars,
and whether they had one or not upon thars.

ps The N bathroom has had some issues since the S's were banned,
and the rest of us were too busy daydreaming to fix it.
Anyways, as long as no one is looking we can always go outside...
Where is the superior 'N' bathroom only, please?
I just find some of these responses really arrogant.

You'll find this a lot on type forums.
Chances of being removed from reality drop dramatically.
Am engaged to an ISTj.
He is the rock holding my kite string to the ground-(got THAT expression off this or that forum.)
He always has the right tool for the job, where I will improvise.
He plans for everything. Likes his routine and schedule.

Thinking about it, though, all the men I have been in LTR
seem to have been ST. I seem to be a magnet for this type.