What do you think of S-types?

And by the way, if the ISFP is an "artist," then why aren't they Intuitive? Wouldn't you be a better artist if you had a dominant imagination?

Tertiary processes are often used in creativity and the ISFPs tertiary process is....... tada! Ni.

And I'll add that imagination is not the only important part of the artistic process. ISFPs tend to be good artists because they can appreciate art (with Se) as well as conjure it up (with Ni). It's great to be able to create art, but it's important to know whether it's any good (at least somewhat obectively, not just because your ego would like to believe that it is). This is something that Si is not good at, so SJ types tend not to be good artists, but better at math, logic and handling data.
Hmm that would explain then why I am good at ceramics, and 3D art, but not painting and such. Seeing as Ti is my teritary process. My teacher in highschool always told me that I have a very distince, and "technical" style and apperance to my work. :tongue1:
S's are boring, unimaginative and conservative. Their purpose in life is doing monotonous, manual or precision-defined labour in order to free up time for Intuitive types to think and dream.
Generalizations are boring and unimaginative, not to mention monotonous and based entirely on an "inside the box" mode of thinking..

::Yanks N card away::
Juuuuust kiddin'
(or am I??)
Oh, but I have. :)

And by the way, if the ISFP is an "artist," then why aren't they Intuitive? Wouldn't you be a better artist if you had a dominant imagination?

I am guessing that sensors would be better artists than intuits in certain styles.

I suspect that realism is the product of mostly sensor types.

Australian landscape
Yeah I reckon realism would get more thumbs up from Sensors than the more abstract styles, too abstract can just frustrate me.
ISs are awesome. ESs are okay in small amounts, but I really don't talk to them more than I have to.
I like them actually, they fascinate me, ST's specially. But, sometimes it is hard to speak with them. Everything is good as long as I speak about something practical, for example, job, plans for meeting, cooking, problem that they can solve. But, if I say something about what I feel (sadness, love ...)and it is not so common, they usually disappear or they say something like: "Oh, I see...".

Is it just me:m200: or ...?
my sister is esfj,we get on great most of the time.her emotions show on her face so shes like an open book the whole time.she can tune out whenever she wants which is both brilliant(when you just need to escape the brain melt)and awful(when she pretends if she doesnt face a problem it will just go away).She worries a lot less than i do,is popular and friendly yet still cares deeply about those she loves.She is anything but fake which is a fantastic quality.
her bf is esfp and dead on.sound,funny,generous,unapplied lazy but helpful.

my most intimate relationship with an s type was with my ex,also an esfp, stand up comedian,born performer!hugely extraverted and popular yet caring and loving out of the spot light.suffered from ocd and was over dependent on needing the love and approval of everyone,to the point it had a huge detrimental effect on our relationship.never made a plan,happy go lucky.seriously intelligent,creative and talented.intoxicating and exciting.impulsive.complete nutter.infuriating and self centered.So much FUN to be around.

so drive me nuts but i love them anyway :D
S types are ok with me; I like them. And I agree I think they can make really good artist particularly the SF's because their probably more patient with the finer details and may notice them more in their object (or person) that their drawing. I get really impatient with it I just want an outline and to be done with it. I think it's really great that sensors are able to appreaciate the beauty of the design that's around them rather then having to turn it into something metaphorical or abstract which is what I do constantly. It's a challange for me to just sit back and take in everything. Generally though I find I have a hard time connecting with them on a deeper level so as it turns out most of my closer friends are N's. I stay on good terms with them though. It's not that I haven't tried to form deep relationships in the past. It just that it always feels like their living in another world, (probably "reality" where ever that strange place is) I guess I'll do anything to avoid conflict; which in someways it's good ,but has also been a detriment to me from learning from someone who can see things in a light different then what I'm usually comfortable with.
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it's not that i don't understand where SJs and SPs are coming from because in the end i do respect them for their qualities that are less dominant in myself, however the reason i have a hard time with them is because i take them to be intuitives without realizing then feel let down when i don't see what i want to find. for instance, in the past i i've constantly probed my ISFP friend for abstract poetry filled with extractions derived from emotions/experiences wherein i was instead left to find writing that enveloped concrete beauty and imagination expanded on real pleasures. it was only after i found mbti that i began to see that she was an ISFP and understand her perspective a little better.
i guess it all boils down to a shift in perspective through less used functions to understand and communicate with S types. it's hard and most times it feels out of my comfort zone when doing so, especially when i'm the only one compensating; when the S type doesn't try to understand my N.
Generalizations are boring and unimaginative, not to mention monotonous and based entirely on an "inside the box" mode of thinking..

::Yanks N card away::
Juuuuust kiddin'
(or am I??)
That was pretty funny and sometimes that I wonder about that. When people get dogmatic about type and form hard boundaries and proceed without much analysis or nuance, it does seem like they are doing the exact thing they accuse Sensors of doing. I'm not trying to focus in on the post you responded to because it is something that occurs on a much larger scale. When people do that I often wonder if they really are iNtuitives, but then I realize that means I am placing a negative judgment on Sensors for making that assumption. There are exceptions to this, but i think there is some kind of distinction between people who simply want to reject dogmatism and tradition, and people who are more extreme cases of iNtuitives who are abstract to a more noticeable extreme. There is a difference between rejecting the negative stereotypes of one category and possessing the attributes of another.

I find it difficult to connect with most anyone on a deep level. I try to adapt to whomever I'm with, so I mostly just see Sensors as more people. When involved in a creative project with Sensors, I am quite grateful for their attention to detail and amazing proof reading skills and ability to zero in on every conceivable impracticality that can result from an application of a design. It fills in for my weaker areas and so I find it useful and important.

The folks I struggle with the most are the highly image conscious which identify as either S or N. My main problem is that they tend to judge me harshly. I think the problem is that they naturally divide the actual self with the presented self and I try to make the two cohesive, so the misunderstandings are significant.
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