Im not sure you are. This is a pretty common sentiment of yours.
I've been thinking about this, and you are right.
I have had to endure a whole lot of hostility toward me for no other reason than I am who I am from STJs and a fair amount of SFJs over the course of my life, from childhood until now. While not all SJs are hostile toward people who are different from themselves, an unfortunate number of them are, and use the fact that most other people think like them as justification. They often call it being "normal", and have insisted therefore that there is no reason I shouldn't be like them. I've been chastised, ostracized, rejected, shunned, ridiculed, and emotionally (and even physically) attacked by SJs growing up, and I've been treated similarly as an adult - fired from jobs because of "personality conflicts" with SJs. (And yes, many of these people are still in my life as they are family or such, and have typed themselves as SJs - but I am
assuming that others who shared their perspective, personalities, and other rather obvious traits were also SJs.)
One can only encounter enough negative experiences from a similar source before they begin to consider anything else that is similar to that source as potentially hostile. This is not a fair bias on my part, and I should get over my prejudices, which are more than likely an aggressive defense mechanism. Unfortunately, I have a lot of resentment built up and it has frequently, and unfairly, been applied to SJs (especially STJs). I'm a bit of an STJ biggot because I am predisposed to think that the sorts of things I have encountered before are likely to happen again, and therefore protect myself by taking a preemptive aggressive stance.
However, my biggest proof of this is the fact that I do have SJs (and even STJs) in my life that I get along with quite well - but I marvel at the fact that they're different from what I would expect. This means that I have an expectation of SJs behaving and treating me in similar fashion to what I've described. Otherwise, it wouldn't surprise me when SJs don't behave in such a way. Therefore, I've been projecting those expectations.
I never really considered it to this point, but then people with these sorts of issues never do because they're reflexive. My bad. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, despite my protests. I wouldn't have acknowledged it otherwise. Now that I'm conscious of it, I can start working on trying to be more tolerant and not projecting onto others.
I'm sorry for being a dick to you because of it. I've probably taken more than a few pot shots in your general direction (by association) without realizing it, or subconsciously as an attempt to "try to show you how it feels" to be surrounded by people who are alike and don't approve of the way you are - to turn the tables on an STJ for all the crap I've had to put up with. That's not fair to you or anyone else. Seriously, my bad.