- Enneagram
- 9w1
Do you guys think there is a minimum age limit on who is defined as a cougar? Is it 40, 45? Or does it depend more on the age difference?
Yes I think it's starts around 45 - 50. There is also a certain amount of wrinkles/age that should be present. To me, to be a real cougar the woman should be on the verge of being "too old" for young men to find desirable; the woman should be trying (or at least appear to be) to have her last hurrah before menopause sets in and constant hot and cold flashes become too prevalent to even want to have some hot sweaty man breathing his hot air on top of her brittle bones.
related: I feel like to be a proper MILF, the woman needs to be desired by teenagers (preferably her children's friends) and not just the over 18 crowd. 35-45 in age too, not just some teenager or 20-something who got knocked up and has a baby. On the other hand a cougar doesn't want to risk prison time, she just wants that young cock.