How do you feel when you're alone, when you're with a couple close friends, when you meet people for the first time, etc? How do you react in social situations, outwardly and inwardly?
I feel happy when I'm alone, I feel that I'm
myself. I don't need to pretend to be more social and talkative, so I feel good and easy. With close friends... Well, I don't have any close friends, only my boyfriend.

But I feel more talkative with people who are very close and meaningful to me, I can open up and tell what's in my mind, so much easier. Of course I don't always tell every single thing from my mind, because I am so introvert and I need my own space, I need to recharge my batteries. When meeting someone for the first time, well... it's awkward, haha. I feel so uncomfortable and nervous! Because I'm so shy and kind of afraid of people sometimes... I know that people won't bite and they are just human beings, but I feel so weird around new people, I don't know what I should say or what I should do, and it feels so hard. Then they keep looking at me with ''umm???'' face. In social situations, I am
always thinking, my mind is more social than my mouth, lol. I am mostly quiet and shy... And only saying something if someone is talking to me. I need to open a little bit more... No wonder I have no close friends. Too high walls around me.
How does introversion manifest itself in the rest of your personality?
I need my own space and I like to do things much more slowly. Too much people, too much noise and too much of this and that... And I will feel so tired mentally and physically. I like to do things alone, especially photographing!
How do you know you're an introvert, and how much more introverted do you think you seem to be compared to most people you know?
I use my mind more than my mouth, or how I should put it... I am much more introverted than my family for example. I am always the most quiet in many situations. I am happy to have a job where I don't need to meet too many people in the day. Feels nice! I don't talk a lot but if it's a very close person to me, I can talk hours! So it depends... but that rarely happens.
How do you feel around talkative people, and how do you feel around quiet people? What responses do these people elicit in you?
It depends on the person really and the chemistry between me and the person. I have known some very friendly and kind talkative people, where I have felt very comfortable but also quiet people where I have felt not so comfortable. I don't know, I think it's ''chemistry'' thing?