What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

Lightening and storms amaze me. I love pictures of storms. It is very humbling.
see her eyes
Run for cover.
A quiet forest.
Snow falling.
Warm winter breeze.
Reflecting with my pet wolf.

See what's she's watching.
Play Assassin's Creed II.
It was always a dream of mine to visit The Redwoods. Not sure where this pic was actually taken but that is what I think when I see your Avatar [MENTION=12050]TooShyToSay[/MENTION].

I adore trees x
Boldly go where....um, watch tv.
look for ancient copper
Find out if she could do that on the moon.
Not vacuum anymore. You make me wanna edit that '90s Nintendo game graphics dog.
Watch Halloween-themed anime o.O