Hi an 'ENTP' type here. I wasn't able to go through all the pages (it's late here and I can't be bothered). I wanted to see if anyone else had a entp-infj sibling relationship. So I'm here to share my entp-infj relationship.
I have two brothers, the elder one an infj and the other, a third child, an estp (high chance). Growing up with these guys was fun and adventurous. I would be nagging them to play with me or I just drop in and just join them in whatever. We loved playing video games when young. My elder brother was the brightest in solving problems, followed by me, then my little brother. It was difficult for my little brother to catch on fast. We done acting, like some drama game. We do sports. We do a lot of activities together, is what I'm saying. However, this is was when were a wee baby. School began and we became more of our own individual self. Heck, even our parents fought. But to my infj-entp sibling relationship.
During our time apart, I discovered my big brother was always in his own world. While I continued messing around and enjoying myself, he went and look for deeper meaning in stuff. People, usually. We have drifted apart and I thought of him once as any other people until we came to talking once in a while. He was the child who talked to his parent when something's troubling him I thought it was unnecessary at one stage, but maybe because I don't value my parents as he did. He had a bully of sorts and couldn't stand and watch them. Our parents weren't the greatest advisor and our school weren't that great at handling baddies. One day, he stood up against some random bully that was hurting some other child and tried to teach him a lesson... literally. Tried to demonstrate his way was wrong. I thought about how'd I handle it but I think I would be rather insulting and making fun of the bully. I think his way was called 'trying to change a person'. He had this written concept on the world and willingness to decipher other fundamental statement or symbol. My little brother and I never wanted to watch a movie in the same room with my infj brother. When he gets excited or agitated by a scene he goes and gives us a speech on how or why that happened what's the further meaning behind that (GAWD). Basically he was our Ted Moseby (from How I Met Your Mother).
As an entp sister he found out I do not really act like a girl nor am I obsess with worldly possession. He thought that was rather inconvenient.

I inconsiderate in my part, most of the time. I've thought back in my time, my big brother was very caring in his own little way. You don't notice it. But it's there. When there was an odd particular moment he had this weird habit (I won't mention it's too weird (WEIRD (Did I say weird?))) I was so irritated about it. It got on the family's nerve soon and I was surrounded by Sensory mom and Sensory Dad and Sensory little brother they just demanded he stopped. I went and investigate like a real person should. And what I found was beyond this world reasoning, like some complex thing. I discovered this guy was a Feeler. At most of my frustrated times I was bothered to ask why he does this or that. I didn't believe it at first because he wasn't the type of common people you past everyday. It was like an unknown yet I live with this guy. Hey, my laptop's battery running low I'll come back another time.