This is a strange philosophical discussion but strange is what makes philosophy so beautiful.
I reserve the right to correct my next statements after I have completely read the thread.
The first thoughts that came to mind was what we see is beautiful and that corresponds to the phrase, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder," but then I recognized that some people can't see and they still understand the concept of beauty. Lucifer was consider the most beautiful but that wasn't the case for his actions which means something can be beautiful and ugly simultaneously.
I've found myself twisting down the rabbit hole of my mind and recognize this philosophical discussion may not really be about beauty but instead about each persons perception or attraction to things of the world. That a color may be perceived one way by one person and completely different by another. The same can be said for all of the senses.
This led me to change my way of thinking and approach to something I've been pondering more recently. Now this may be a bit controversial but I'll say it regardless. I believe that the difference in people can be traced back to a vibrational frequency. The human species has a fairly broad range when it comes to frequency but the best way to identify it is in the output of the individual. For example, some people think and talk fast, sing in a high pitch, have a faster metabolism, and can hear and taste some things outside the range of others. Gender now starts to come to mind. Woman tend to have higher voices, and their brains can usually multitask better so this leads me to believe these are higher frequencies. Men have lower voices, think about one thing at a time, and that correlates with lower frequencies. Women also tend to appreciate brighter colors while men generally lean toward the darker which is a lower frequency on the color spectrum. I'm not suggesting that all men or women are the same but that the frequency for each is spread along a spectrum where one is shifted to a higher range than the other. That both of these spectrum's overlap and that there are outliers that could venture far into distribution of the opposite sex.
Now, lets look at range. Some people may experience a much broader range of sensory experience. Some people can taste, hear, smell, see and feel things across a wider spectrum which allows their experience of life to be more full than other people - at least from a sensory standpoint. Savants and the autistic come to mind when I think of both range and intensity.
The same can be said for other animals. Whales are large, move slow, and speak at a very low frequency in the sound spectrum compared to people so their experience is likely much different than that of a human. On the other end of the spectrum we have a humming bird that is moving fast, thinking fast, and usually has brighter colors.
Getting to the point! Perhaps each individuals idea of beauty is correlated with their frequency, range, and amplitude by which they operate or function. There's no doubt that people and animals tend to flock toward those with similar characteristics which implies that they identify beauty with a specific frequency.
Now comes the fly in the ointment. If frequency is in fact correlated with the sensory and in large part that defines beauty, then how do we account for intuition (the flip side of Jung's dichotomy) and the beauty that lies within us. Well, my first thought is that compatibility increases the range and intensity which in turn creates mystery and value to those that don't possess those qualities. I have found that the intuitive generally lacks in sensory function yet I still recognize that some people can be both highly sensory and intuitive simultaneously. In this case a person that is more sensory and less intuitive might see beauty in the compatibility of those the choose to partner (friend, partner, etc.). Adding to that thought, I think / fell that intuition requires a higher level of mental work or energy than sensory functions and though I struggle to nail down a frequency associated with intuition I suspect that it is there in some capacity in a similar manner to touch. As a high level intuitive I have recognized that my sense of touch outpaces all of my other senses in terms of how I feel.
Okay, I'm going to leave it at that for now and will try to loop back to this when I get an opportunity to read the entire thread.
Have a wonderful day and take in as much beauty as you can before reaching sensory overload.