- Enneagram
- 954 so/sx
Yes, he's the prime beneficiary of the market capitalization of his businesses. Whoopty doo.
My point is
My point is, he's rich no matter what happens to his current ventures, so he's already succeeded
Yes, he's the prime beneficiary of the market capitalization of his businesses. Whoopty doo.
My point is
My point is, he's rich no matter what happens to his current ventures, so he's already succeeded
My original point wasn't about his financial wealth, it was about his ideas. If his Mars missions and self-driving electric everything etc. end up bombing and flaming out and he loses his financial backing, that will suck because they are intriguing ideas with enormous possibilities.
That would personally be a bummer for Musk too, irrespective of everything his wealth has provided him. This guy lives and breathes his vision. He doesn't seem particularly driven by money to me.
but eventually people are going to get tired of investing in possibilities
I've seen Iron Man from the comics typed as an ENTJ or ESTP, but most people agree that in the Tony Stark portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. in Marvel's Cinematic Universe is an ENTP.
The Tesla cars that aren't floating through space are pretty sweet, though!
He has a huge team of people running the show. He had his ideas and money. He's entrepreneurial and hires people to "get it done".
...but other stuff he does (that stupid car in space, flamethrowers) seem to have an indulgent, "This is fun and I can do it, so weeeeee!" approach. So, we need to get to the route of why he is really making this stuff and doing this stuff. If he's just dancing around in his imagination and throwing money at people who can make it happen, that isn't an INTJ way of doing things. That's more the stereotype of an IXFP.
- It's unfair to sensors to assume that they don't have big ideas, aren't deep, aren't creative, etc. ISFPs are "the artists" of MBTI, after all. (I do not think Musk is an ISFP, but he has some XSXP stereotypical behaviors.)
He is an entrepreneur, not an inventor. INTJs are more "behind the scenes, inventing the things" types and are most successful when they have another person promoting what they do. INTJ like to do the things, and they're hands-on perfectionists about doing the things. They're not usually at the head of the company running the show (without doing) or talking about the things.
I'm biased. My INTJ-dar isn't going off. I just don't dig him as a person at all. I know this counts for nothing, and personal experience has zip to do with typing, but if the man told me in person that he was an INTJ I would not believe him.
Couldn't it also be the inferior Se of an Ni-dom with a huge amount of resources at his disposal? Seems possible.
Couldn't it also be the inferior Se of an Ni-dom with a huge amount of resources at his disposal? Seems possible.
Prime candidate for INFJ, but I vote ENFJ.He doesn't seem particularly driven by money to me.
Prime candidate for INFJ, but I vote ENFJ.
Prime candidate for INFJ, but I vote ENFJ.
Most nurses are ENFJ.You can be driven by intellectual curiosity outside of money. I think he's more of a thinker than a feeler. For instance he was born in South Africa and doesn't seem to care about the social climate. He does care about transforming mars because he knows earth is reaching carrying capacity. He loves the human race with his mind not his heart. I would say he thinks more about the collective well being not the individual.
Yes ... Ni doms especiallyan awesome sense of humor which is very thinking driven.
Most nurses are ENFJ."the Silent Fixers"
Perhaps because South Africa is so crowded he would like to colonize Mars for the collective good? Too give everyone a little more space so to speak?
Ever hear of an Idea Monkey? They are the type that come up with millions of ideas, yet, they need the assistance of others to get the ideas off the ground...ENFJ.
Wow, that's really fascinating.The video that really made me feel that way was that one:
I dunno, he just seems very INTJ. His Te strikes me as too strong to be INFJ, though again I deeply relate to (what I think is) his Ni.
His stuttering starts AS SOON as he enters NF land. Then disappears the moment he goes back to ST land! ST is the world hes comfortable with. Not NF.
His stuttering and struggling to find words when speaking in the abstract seems to me typical of an Ni user.