What is Elon Musks temperament?

What is Elons temperament?

  • ST

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • SF

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • NT

    Votes: 22 73.3%
  • NF

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Meh, like most online arguments it's a complete waste of time and energy. Not gonna change anyone's mind in this thread (and if so, what would be accomplished)? Just as well head to Facebook and start arguing politics. :sweatsmile:

Man, the Politics threads are way worse. :P But yeah, I get what you mean. There have been a few people changing their minds to INTJ, though. You've done a good job! ^^
ISTJ is the most common type for males in the general population, so it stands to reason that a lot of male engineers are ISTJs. CEOs? I'm very skeptical.

Still, not a single shred of considered evidence or even firm speculation in this thread that Musk is an ISTJ. He displays absolutely none of the hallmarks of an Si-dom.

Well, consider the fact that a lot of the people here who self-identify as INFJs are likely not INFJs ;)

Have fun speculating on the ISTJs' type based on your subjective interpretations of their sentence structure :D Cause that's a really reliable method.
Why believe me, right? It's a very subjective exercise, in general. There is no scientific method. I find a lot of people see what they want to see in others, they self-identify without being objective or don't look for the 'patterns' inherent in how types present in the whole of society...I've been doing this out of self-interest for over 20 years now. I've come to a very deep understanding through objective observation of individuals, and how they appear and function/behave in larger society, and how they couple with other types. That might sound super arrogant to you, or it might explain why believe I am correct.

Also, I find that a lot of people mistake 'humanism', and 'empathy' as 'N' or 'F' qualities, when really, it's just a very well-adjusted and articulate ISTJ ;)

For someone who claims that others make a lot of presumptions, you certainly seem to make a lot of them yourself.
Well, consider the fact that a lot of the people here who self-identify as INFJs are likely not INFJs ;)

Have fun speculating on the ISTJs' type based on your subjective interpretations of their sentence structure :D Cause that's a really reliable method.

It's just as reliable as "I've worked with a lot of engineer/CEO types who I believe are ISTJs, therefore every well-known engineer/CEO type is an ISTJ."
Well, consider the fact that a lot of the people here who self-identify as INFJs are likely not INFJs ;)

You certainly don't seem to be INFJ given that you have, like, zero Fe.
It's just as reliable as "I've worked with a lot of engineer/CEO types who I believe are ISTJs, therefore every well-known engineer/CEO type is an ISTJ."

Again, if you can't take what I say at face value, then why listen to what anyone else here has to say. Until you can take an actually scientific test to determine type, i.e. a brain scan, a genetic test, then this is all moot. I know I'm right, but I can't prove it, so I might as well be wrong, by that logic.
Because other people make reasoned arguments where they attempt to discern cognitive function use, rather than just saying "I've been studying MBTI for 20 years, so that makes me an expert."

'discern cognitive function use' - using the terms Fe, etc etc etc doesn't prove you're right. Sorry. Still utterly subjective. It just sounds like speculative gibberish that has some 'terms' thrown in.
'discern cognitive function use' - using the terms Fe, etc etc etc doesn't prove you're right. Sorry. Still utterly subjective. It just sounds like speculative gibberish that has some 'terms' thrown in.

I do not claim to be proven right in anything, but at least I've made an effort aside from "I'm an expert in this stuff and y'all need to believe me."

I'm done with this nonsense argument. Claim victory if you like. :laughing:
I do not claim to be proven right in anything, but at least I've made an effort aside from "I'm an expert in this stuff and y'all need to believe me."

I'm done with this nonsense argument. Claim victory if you like. :laughing:

Whoa. I never said 'y'all'.
