What is Elon Musks temperament?

What is Elons temperament?

  • ST

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • SF

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • NT

    Votes: 22 73.3%
  • NF

    Votes: 2 6.7%

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Do you examples in mind that would indicate Ti-domness in Elon? He seems very Te to me.
From what he is and what he does really, rather than what he says. As with many larger than life characters I supect his enterprises are an extension of his psyche - PayPal for example. A lot of Ti is non-verbal, such as in the way a tennis player judges how to position themselves in a game as it unfolds (ref eg Leonore Thompson - "Personality Type, An Owner's Manual"). One theory is that it's a right brain introverted function (which it shares with Ni), so from the outside it can sometimes seem quite hidden and without an explicit flow of logic obvious to someone else. One way I experience this aspect of Ti myself is when I'm driving and Se/Ti does a lot of the work - and I don't express that thinking process as a narritive.
But for Elon this is a bit of a speculative reach on my part - I'm agnostic on his type. I'd need to experience how he acts within his businesses, more than what he says, to get a better idea of it. I can't help feeling that in his interviews he's not hitting me with his authentic self, though I don't think that's deliberate - just a feature of being in the public eye a lot with heavy media exposure and may be a not too well developed introvert shield.
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How anyone can read the following and be in doubt about Musk's type is beyond me. I've added a few points of emphasis in bold. The INTJness oozes out of every phrase.


"One more hardcore weekend and we will all be victorious (Ni/Te)," Musk wrote on Friday in an email to employees. Later in the weekend, he added that "we are very close to achieving profitability (Ni/Te) and proving the naysayers wrong (Te/Fi), but to be certain, we must execute really well (Te)" on Sunday.
How anyone can read the following and be in doubt about Musk's type is beyond me. I've added a few points of emphasis in bold. The INTJness oozes out of every phrase.

You're being rude now.

I'm in doubt because my SO of nearly 28 yrs is an INTJ and four of my closest friends, ranging in length of friendship from 20 yrs to 47 years, are INTJs.
You're being rude now.

I'm in doubt because my SO of nearly 28 yrs is an INTJ and four of my closest friends, ranging in length of friendship from 20 yrs to 47 years, are INTJs.

That wasn't aimed at anyone in particular. You're right, it was a poor choice of phrasing.

All I know for certain is that the guy is obsessively future-focused, and emphasizes things like "proving the naysayers wrong."

I don't claim to be an expert in anything, much less INTJs, but my opinion on this is rock solid.
Elon Musk is without a doubt, an ISTJ. Most (male) engineer-CEO types are.

Mark Zuckerberg is the one who is the exception - he's an INTP, which is why he seems so different at first glance. He's the rarity in a sea of ISTJs. Cheryl Sandberg is an ESTJ - she makes up for his lack of 'S' and 'J'.

I think the reason we're seeing a lot of NT votes is because of the personal bias reflected in the fact that most people voting here are 'N's.

And let's not forget, most people are crap at typing others. The whole Myers Briggs 'test' is not empirically scientific and is vulnerable to loads of personal bias and 'projection' and wishful typing.
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Elon Musk is without a doubt, an ISTJ. Most (male) engineer-CEO types are.

ISTJ is the most common type for males in the general population, so it stands to reason that a lot of male engineers are ISTJs. CEOs? I'm very skeptical.

Still, not a single shred of considered evidence or even firm speculation in this thread that Musk is an ISTJ. He displays absolutely none of the hallmarks of an Si-dom.
Elon Musk is without a doubt, an ISTJ. Most (male) engineer-CEO types are.

Mark Zuckerberg is the one who is the exception - he's an INTP, which is why he seems so different at first glance. He's the rarity in a sea of ISTJs. Cheryl Sandberg is an ESTJ - she makes up for the lack of his S and J.

Hello interesting person who has been here since 2010.

What type do you think Bill Gates is?

People seem to think he is an INTP.

Wyote = Dark INFJ

Hello interesting person who has been here since 2010.

What type do you think Bill Gates is?

People seem to think he is an INTP.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, he's also an ISTJ. So is Steve Jobs. So is Bezos. ISTJ is a very common, 'establishment' type. These are (I hate this term) the most alpha of alpha males...but kind of on the same level as male ESTJs (Trump is a prime ESTJ example)

I've worked very closely in an office with these high-net-worth, financial-engineering types as their admin assistant. This sounds snarky and fairly obvious, but they are all clones of each other in suits. ;) So I come from that world and I've seen how it operates first-hand, and who the 'players' are.

Most (male) politicians are ISTJs. I'd say very few have been other than that type...until Trump came along with his ESTJ and screwed it all up, like an 'E' bull in a china shop. Hillary is an ESTJ - most female politicians are ESTJs. They are actually a mating/complement to the ISTJ male. And vice versa, ESTJ male with ISTJ female...I could go on and on, but I'll stop now :)
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ISTJ is the most common type for males in the general population, so it stands to reason that a lot of male engineers are ISTJs. CEOs? I'm very skeptical.

Still, not a single shred of considered evidence or even firm speculation in this thread that Musk is an ISTJ. He displays absolutely none of the hallmarks of an Si-dom.

I think the arguments given in this thread indicate overwhelmingly that Musk is INTJ.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, he's also an ISTJ. So is Steve Jobs. So is Bezos. ISTJ is a very common, 'establishment' type. These are (I hate this term) the most alpha of alpha males...but kind of on the same level as male ESTJs (Trump is a prime ESTJ example)

I've worked very closely in an office with these high-net-worth, financial-engineering types as their admin assistant. This sounds snarky and fairly obvious, but they are all clones of each other in suits. ;) So I come from that world and I've seen how it operates first-hand, and who the 'players' are.

I guess you're the only one of us who isn't "crap at typing others." :tearsofjoy:
I think the arguments given in this thread indicate overwhelmingly that Musk is INTJ.

Believe what you want ;) even if INTJ is an attempt at self-flattery of self-identification with Elon Musk - that's called 'projection' in psychology terms.
Believe what you want ;) even if INTJ is an attempt at self-flattery of self-identification with Elon Musk - that's called 'projection' in psychology terms.

Thank you for the analysis, Professor Jung
I guess you're the only one of us who isn't "crap at typing others." :tearsofjoy:

Why believe me, right? It's a very subjective exercise, in general. There is no scientific method. I find a lot of people see what they want to see in others, they self-identify without being objective or don't look for the 'patterns' inherent in how types present in the whole of society...I've been doing this out of self-interest for over 20 years now. I've come to a very deep understanding through objective observation of individuals, and how they appear and function/behave in larger society, and how they couple with other types. That might sound super arrogant to you, or it might explain why believe I am correct.

Also, I find that a lot of people mistake 'humanism', and 'empathy' as 'N' or 'F' qualities, when really, it's just a very well-adjusted and articulate ISTJ ;)