What is the most overrated virtue?

Are you joking again?

Kidding my friend.

My choice as the most overrated virtue was humble, which I liken to humility.

That is not surprising for a Gnostic Christian who tries to stick to what can be known and shuns what cannot be known.

If you know something, it should mean that you have thought enough about an issue to be confident in the issue being discussed.

Christians that want us to believe that they know what they are talking about when they say god wants this or that, where/are displease when we tell them that they have no way of accessing the supernatural realm and that to believe what is written about a god they say is mysterious and unknowable, just as they are telling us what they know of the unknowable, is silly beyond words.

That is also why all preachers are lying when they say they know anything about god.

Disobedience is ugly.

Are you a Christian?

If so, you would likely see the disobedience of Adam as evil and the fall of man.

Why then do you sing in your Exultet hymn that Adam's sin was a happy fault and necessary to god's plan?

If disobedience is required not to derail god's plan, it is a good idea for all of us to follow suit and disobey. No?

Christians tend to run away instead of answering that, but if not a Christian, you might have some ideas as you have likely thought about your answer without being a moral coward.

The bestowing of unconditional love and having a positive impact on the lives of others.


Unconditional love goes against the notions Jesus set so I will disagree here because my Jesus consciousness agree with his bench mark.

He said he would know his people as those who loved him by their works and deeds.

Unconditional love is more like stalking than love.

Without works and deeds and reciprocity, there is no true love.

Look at your own loving relationships. When you first professed love to your mate, for instance, where you not on pins and needles in waiting for a, --- I love you too,

That is a deed and an unspoken demand of expectation or a reciprocal feeling.

Keep conditions to your love as those are what makes love a true love.

Stalkers love without reciprocity, works or deeds. That is not true love.

I don't think, worded that way, it deserves an answer.
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Never had children or dogs?


Unconditional love goes against the notions Jesus set so I will disagree here because my Jesus consciousness agree with his bench mark.

He said he would know his people as those who loved him by their works and deeds.

Unconditional love is more like stalking than love.

Without works and deeds and reciprocity, there is no true love.

Look at your own loving relationships. When you first professed love to your mate, for instance, where you not on pins and needles in waiting for a, --- I love you too,

That is a deed and an unspoken demand of expectation or a reciprocal feeling.

Keep conditions to your love as those are what makes love a true love.

Stalkers love without reciprocity, works or deeds. That is not true love.



Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

Imagine if none of us bothered to correct and give good council.

We would still be living in caves and trees and just slapping our kids instead of training them.


I'm afraid you did not understand my point.
I'm afraid you did not understand my point.

Thanks for dealing with my misunderstanding.

I'm afraid you did not understand my point.

"I think that if the other virtues are correctly cultivated by people,"

If, indicates that many do not, including children that need loving correcting.

Thanks for dealing with my misunderstanding.

I'm afraid you did not understand my point.

"I think that if the other virtues are correctly cultivated by people,"

If, indicates that many do not, including children that need loving correcting.


I see your point.

Take honesty, good judgement, foresight, kindness and justice. Is good counsel not already implied in the latter five virtues?

What I meant was that good counsel was redundant, not that it was in itself not a virtue.

If you consider that it is not necessarily implied in the five virtues in question, then I agree that it must be considered essential.

Yes, both.

Thanks for showing me how you write an argument when you cannot refute one.


Everyone cannot understand me.

Then the word of the Lord came unto me, go yet: love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adultress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who took to other Gods, and love flagons of wine. skip a verse. And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days: thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man; so shall I also be for thee. For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:
Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days. Hear ye the word of the Lord.

Wrap your mind around that a few weeks: yet, a few years, and tell me I have no understanding of unconditional love. If you love a woman, shall you not want her to love you only?
I see your point.

Take honesty, good judgement, foresight, kindness and justice. Is good counsel not already implied in the latter five virtues?

What I meant was that good counsel was redundant, not that it was in itself not a virtue.

If you consider that it is not necessarily implied in the five virtues in question, then I agree that it must be considered essential.

Those attributes are subjective and valuable, no argument.

They were not at issue. Correcting poor thinking and good council are at issue and the one correcting or giving the good council will have the attributes you name, not the one being corrected, at least not to the same levels as the one doing the correcting.

Yes, both.

Thanks for showing me how you write an argument when you cannot refute one.


Everyone cannot understand me.

Then the word of the Lord came unto me, go yet: love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adultress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who took to other Gods, and love flagons of wine. skip a verse. And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days: thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man; so shall I also be for thee. For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:
Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days. Hear ye the word of the Lord.

Wrap your mind around that a few weeks: yet, a few years, and tell me I have no understanding of unconditional love. If you love a woman, shall you not want her to love you only?[/QUOTE]

Exactly, that is a condition, and if reciprocity is not there, it is not true love is it?

I can see why you are not understood. Try using your own words instead of archaic words that have little to nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Are you understanding me?

If all you know is your bible, god says he is a jealous god. Why? Because love is sought and given for the selfish reason you mentioned.

Nope. Just a moral man who recognizes immoral religions.

Do you?

I recognize the person who enters this place bent on standing on his box with a megaphone "proclaiming the word". Whether it is your personal vision of Christianity or anther's view of Islam, it's basically all the same . . heard this all a thousand times. . it's all proselytizing. I grow tired of being told that one view is right and another is wrong. .that you or someone else "knows the truth" and are simply here to enlighten us poor sinners.
I realize that being under social isolation brings boredom, and that this is a way to relieve some of that. . go to an internet forum and spread the "truth of fill in the blank". . .
moral religions?. . let me guess, yours. . all the other millions around the world are all wrong, I guess we should feel blessed, but I don't
I turned to those words in Hosea 3 after praying about it last night. I prayed for guidance and help. My left thumb was on top of Hosea 3, and that is what I wrote. I cannot make God communicate with my spirit my way: He uses whatever way He wishes. It all made so much sense this morning the first place I looked. You may call that coincidence, but I do not.

We do not ask the love of our life, we may marry, such things. As long as they love us faithfully, we trust them to be faithful to us. In such a relationship, there are certain things understood and accepted. We have unconditional love for each other. If one breaks the trust and destroys the faith, we are torn apart. When it is continued, we usually walk our own ways in a divorce. No more trust. No more faith. I am a jealous husband if so be my wife cheats on me, and would wonder where she were going every time she left the house. No more loyalty?

If we believe we are forgiven our sins, then earnestly return to those sins, we are like a dog returning to his vomit. We can no longer have God's unconditional love, for we have stabbed Him in the back and spit in His face.

Exactly, that is a condition, and if reciprocity is not there, it is not true love is it?
True love trusts all things, believes all things, bears all things, thinks of both or all parties involved instead of just oneself, puts others before themselves, helps others, is kind to those who have problems, does not think evil towards each other or others, acts and lives properly, and so on and so forth. There is no room for conditions, because it is either true love or it is not.

Concerning prophets, 1 Corinthians 14:1 states: Follow after love, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye prophesy. We are called to speak the Word of God in an understanding way. That does not make a man a prophet. A man that speaks the Words he feels are coming from God may not be understood, for God may be speaking to Him things for other reasons than just understanding. A prophet speaks God's words when asked to, and few there ever have been to be able to speak such things without being troubled by mankind. In some instances, people actually seek them to hear what God has to say to help them. They may not like what they hear, because the words do not come from man or they are for his own agenda.
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It is nice, being able to be oneself.