What is the Normal IQ Range of INFJ?

Can you share that link? I'm INFJ (too many tests to note) and my test score is 123. That's much higher than the average you listed. :)

Hahaha. I'm not sure if you're trolling the troll now? But somehow I think almost certainly you're not pulling my leg. I just made that little quote up! :D

Good on you! :D
When your IQ makes you just as rare as your mbti type does

:::::::forever alone:::::::
Yes @Wyote . I fear I am in agreement with you on that. However, having all these "special" qualities provides insights to pass onto those who may not know and open the expanses of their mind...and the aloneness provides contemplation time to sort out the best way to do just that.

Try not to let your "aloneness" cause you to be lonely...the 'right' folks will understand your greater need to Think ;-)
open the expanses of their mind

There are alot of topics/discussions online saying infj and intjs are intelligent (by this i mean IQ). Im just curious at to what extent/range. Being an infj my IQ is 130 but always thought what is IQ if its not useful. im just curious if its common for infjs to have high IQs, or for other Ni type users. And is this sometimes the reason why others dont understand us when we enjoy getting talks about certain topics like theories, the environment, politics, human relations, pyschology, medicine? Just want to know, whats the average IQ range of INFJs?
130 IQ!

what you do for living?
I'm not sure traditional IQ is the best way to approach this. Maybe, it's easier to relate if you use the multiple intelligences theory to address strengths of each type vs. focusing on any distinctions in levels of intelligence between types.

I love this idea. It would be unbiased and interesting seeing multiple intelligence in association to personality.
130 IQ!

what you do for living?

Im a physician. Not because of the IQ & personality (since i just took the tests recently) but because i like puzzles & helping out people. Though being in the job really tests me as an infj.. haha... amazingly how our decisions in life changes our own perspective in life. i do believe in the idea of the multiple types of intelligence. Each person have the potential to become great- first by learning what they have and next, utilizing to help others.
When I was a kid mine was 109.... So I'm probably the low end of the INFJ range.

Not a good idea to make comparisons based on values of higher or lower. It can make you think less of your abilities and talents. Could also make you or someone else underestimate what you can do, because of some belief that having a lower IQ means you're somehow less capable than others, when you may be better at many things that many with higher IQs are not. I've met more than enough high IQers, and they're not nearly as smart as they seem to think. Some are far too arrogant to realize much less acknowledge they don't know everything.
Why are we all so uncomfortable with this question?

I don't think the concern is about having higher IQs. Rather, as a previous poster illustrated, it can cause someone to speak or think less of themselves if they have a supposedly lower IQ for their type.
Not a good idea to make comparisons based on values of higher or lower. It can make you think less of your abilities and talents. Could also make you or someone else underestimate what you can do, because of some belief that having a lower IQ means you're somehow less capable than others, when you may be better at many things that many with higher IQs are not. I've met more than enough high IQers, and they're not nearly as smart as they seem to think. Some are far too arrogant to realize much less acknowledge they don't know everything.

Too right! I was being a little silly.... but I've always felt a bit more clever than most and I'd rather be witty than smart any day. You're totally right about some high IQ people, my brother in law has a "genius IQ" Lets just say, I CAN'T STAND him! The arrogance just pours out. :tongueclosed:
Personally I like all walks of life... Just not the arrogant.... or trolls.....:tearsofjoy: