What is your blood type?

What is your blood type?

  • A

    Votes: 37 30.3%
  • B

    Votes: 19 15.6%
  • AB

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • O

    Votes: 58 47.5%

  • Total voters
I'm a rare type with a rare type.
Last edited:
I'm a rare type with a rare type.

lol at least you can get blood from a variety of people, us O-'s can only get from other O-'s meaning 6% of the total us population so we need to be subscribed to some sort of blood bank in case of emergencies xD

I can not give blood though. There is something in my dads side of the family, that if we give too much blood (over 3 vials for me) we insta-black out. The doctors said I'm just very sensitive to blood pressure changes. Which explains why I faint so damn easily I guess

But yeah, I'm the same way. I can weather almost anything, but as soon as I'm getting my veins pumped, I'm on the floor.

I know I'm an A. I just can't remember if I'm + or -

Probably should find out, neh?

So many people here have O. Such givers. =)

I'm feeling a bit low on blood today, as I lost a fair amount when I crashed my bike yesterday and sustained a laceration just below my chin that was at least 2cm wide and 1cm deep.

I passed out the last time I had blood drawn for a test (like 1/2 oz), so I'm not too keen on giving blood.

I think it was psychological. I have serious anxiety issues regarding deliberate bodily mutilation, regardless of the good of the cause.
I always get stuck a minimum of 6 times. Be Positive!
I'm B positive (oh the irony :lol:).

I enjoy giving blood (although it's more to do with the the thought that I'll be helping someone by doing it), and I'm looking forward to giving blood in 2 days time.

The nurses always think I'm crazy/weird because I can watch my blood being taken out.:crazy:

i'm the same way, only with me it really is more about how it satisfies this sense of curiosity i have. i just watch, see how it all works, what happens if i do this or that. or sometimes its all about how the hell do they find the vein, god knows i dont see it lol. i mean, its not like it hurts, its minor discomfort and then i become too disteacted by questions to realize maybe i should feel unhappy about not having as much blood or something like that... but i don't, i dont even really mind when the nurse has trouble finding my vein and has to dig around... i mean i feel whats going on but the situation distracts me too much to be scared or anything, i'm too in the moment in a way.

anyway i have A+
I'm either type O or type A....which, I haven't the foggiest idea. My dad's o, and my mom is Ao (I think) so I could be anything but type B.
