B+ (as far as I know)
Apparently, in Japan there is a whole personality theory, based on blood types. It's so popular that employers ask about your blood on job interviews.
More info here (scroll down and click on descriptions for details): http://www010.upp.so-net.ne.jp/abofan/index-e.htm
I'm a rare type with a rare type.
I can not give blood though. There is something in my dads side of the family, that if we give too much blood (over 3 vials for me) we insta-black out. The doctors said I'm just very sensitive to blood pressure changes. Which explains why I faint so damn easily I guess
I'm B positive (oh the irony :lol.
I enjoy giving blood (although it's more to do with the the thought that I'll be helping someone by doing it), and I'm looking forward to giving blood in 2 days time.
The nurses always think I'm crazy/weird because I can watch my blood being taken out.:crazy:
O negative. Which means I have to give blood when I turn 18 ;.; .... happy birthday to me.